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Level 3 Female

 43 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 13 2018
Released Sep 13 2018

88 blogs/326 comments
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Apr 7 2023 12:34PM
     Guess who's back! Back again! Whoo!
Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you again from the bottom of my heart! I have had a trying past few months but I am finally well enough to return to you freaks!

I was so worried about everything, and you guys seriously change the outlook on hard times! I am forever grateful to everyones kind words and generosity!

Now let's get back to some fun! And even better now, I will be able to hang on some weekdays and not just some weekends now! So keep an eye out for me cause I am back! And I have am ready to see all my old friends and meet some new ones too!

Thanks Again


Jul 12 2019 07:02PM
     They don't make things like they used to and somethings are better with age.
So upon reading another blog here, I got to thinking about how so many people are always so quick to trade there old stuff in for the newer more attractive efficient model. We do it with everything from People to Cars even how we censor and respond to things so as not to offend people. What are a few things that you regret trading in for the newer version or what do you think we should go back to. I know some people won't agree with this but I honestly wish I could have lived in the 50's before all the tough love and morals were destroyed and replaced with a sense of self entitlement and a need to fill the world with politically correct cry babies. If I would have spoken to my parents the way I see some people talk to there elders I wouldn't have lived to tell about it. And this is the world we live in always a bigger better newer thing we need to keep up with the neighbors.

Anyway food for though if you could change one thing back to how it was what would it be ??

If I could bring back one thing for sure it would be the way cars were built back in the day. I had an old 55 Chevy step-side truck when I was younger before I could truly appreciate it. Well the motor went out in it. But I was young and stupid So instead of replacing the motor with the money that I had I went and bought my first new car. And my dad Told me well when that thing breaks down and it will don't expect me to be able to fix it (he was a mechanic back before everything was computerized) because the cars are made to be disposable and replaced every 5yrs and he was right I've pretty much had to replace my can every 7-10yrs if not sooner since then. I think about how you see the classic cars from 60 almost 70yrs a go still able to be beautifully restored by someone who appreciates the beauty that comes with age and was willing to put in the work. I don't think 50-60 years from now the younger generation will appreciate or even be able to experience that. My guess is Classic cars shows will be replaced with old school non running replicas of the original Prius Because they fell apart before the lease was even up on them. :'(


Jun 11 2019 06:05AM
     That open mouth insert foot moment that makes you look like an ass.
So we have all had them right. When you make incorrect assumptions or ask a question without thinking how it’s going to come off and you end up looking like a grade A douch bag. Let’s hear some of those stories. Something are better left unasked and we all know it it means to assume. What are somethings you should never ask someone or say to someone no matter how curious you are?

Here’s a few

1. “Oh it’s a ok I’m sure it’s bigger once it’s hard”
2. “Oh your already finished? Yeah I totally got off too 🙄
3.”Oh you brought your granddaughter with you? (But she’s your date)


May 10 2019 06:31PM
     Messy messy
Seriously some of the back ground in these pictures make me laugh. Clean your damn house or at the very least the mirror and everything that can be seen behind it. No wonder they say you can turn a ___ into a housewife when they dont even take pride in there own homes.


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