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 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 13 2024 09:44AM
     biden/trump rematch is on donkey kong

expect it to get crazy

don't think biden makes it...barry trying hard to get his wife on the ballet...he really wants 5 terms

trump might not make it either if they snuff him out...they might have to resort to that as the wave is getting pretty frigging big for his return


Mar 6 2024 08:58AM
     pretty sure FAWNY didn't see this thing blowing up like this
she'd probably be lucky to keep her law license

not sure it's only in the judge's hands at this point...GA senate having hearings now


Feb 15 2024 11:30PM
     FANNI was pretty fucking funny on the stand
these fucking people

i loved how she had to do it big for his 50

giving us all these little money lessons and the need for large amounts of cash in the house

wade has a potential IRS issue going on with his clients paying in cash...pretty sure that will NOT get looked at, ever btw

look for the whole CASE to be thrown to a whole new district...this district doing the prosecution is pretty much done


Feb 13 2024 06:14PM
     Senate Passes $95.3 Billion Ukraine, Israel Aid Package
this is the reason they tried to TIE the border bill to this can SEE how important it is to them to get it done

very very simple

ukraine gets 60billion and the rest get their money in the bill

the border gets 32 billion for the wall and the needed technology that goes with the 18 billion that was in the initial funding. total 50 billion for our country's south and north border issues --60billion/UKR and 35billion/Israel and the other issues that are being funded abroad...just make it an even 100 billion. so 50b for us and 100 for them? done??

wouldn't need to worry about putting a section of impeachment in the bill if trump tried to stop it the following year

go ahead, talk about what a waste of money for wall funding


Feb 13 2024 04:49PM
     here we go, just a matter of time :)
Kamala Harris says she's 'ready to serve' as president amid concerns about Biden's age
Updated February 13, 2024 at 3:07 PM


Dec 10 2023 03:24PM
     FOOTBALL in mid december
if rams get healthy...they could be a scary team in the playoffs.

what a game with the ravens today


Oct 26 2023 11:24AM
     speaker - 2 house shit
bidens war funding request could be in play...they clearly want it badly

i am pro bang for the buck. definitely make sure all funding is watched and on the up-and-up

the chubby senator from TEX came out with his LONE Israeli funding bill....seemed reasonable with zero UKR funding in it.

here's a chance for the House to get their border wall and other security measures for northern and southern borders....using this Israeli attack as why this NEEDS to be happening ASAP...worse case, leverage the shit out of it(the need to fund UKR) to AT LEAST get 85 percent of the infrastructure in place for OUR country.


Oct 20 2023 06:31AM
     woulda been best if the savage attacks and wars didn't happen...
But NOW that they have, some positives have out of it

we have discussed the ones from russia being totally inept at this war thing and turning out to be the BEST bang for buck we have ever seen on all levels.

hamas attack on israel?

the big light being shined on the colleges...finally some frigging constructive backlash

University of Pennsylvania grapples with donor crisis after 'Palestine Writes' event causes uproar
Several prominent alumni have called for the resignation of Ivy League school president

"Enclosed is a check for $1 which represents the first installment of a multi-year pledge which we will renew until you find employment elsewhere and the board of trustees grows the backbone to fulfill its mission, which is to govern the university according to the principles upon which it was founded," Jacobson wrote

probably pretty impactful...going from multi-millions to a dollar. they better be buckling up

1 comment

Oct 14 2023 03:05AM
     dodger pitcher's punching bag was frigging good looking
scam of scams though from the beginning

he's an idiot...maybe next time fk her and leave a hundy....ok, maybe two

In the first minute of the see her texts going back and forth with friend to set him up and get choked out

if he's clear to play...come on down to Angel Town

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Oct 12 2023 08:05PM
     De Niro warns democracy
‘won’t survive’ Trump reelection

he must be watching some prelim polls moving in the wrong direction in the SWING state...PA, MI

will have to up their game and find another way to take him out

“I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men,” the “Godfather” actor said in a statement read by former Trump administration official Miles Taylor on Wednesday at The New Republic’s “Stop Trump Summit” in New York.

“I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, the utter banality of their cruelty. Yet there’s something different about Donald Trump,” De Niro said.

“When I look at him, I don’t see a bad man. Truly. I see an evil one.”


Oct 12 2023 02:51PM
     dodger series in a nutshell
this is kinda reminding me of the fucking angels in KC...when over 500m of contracts could not get a hit or mighta got one...the difference was an extra hit or two per game was the difference...not in this series, but woulda helped a bit

4 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 .083 .000Betts
4 0 0 0 0 0 1 .100 .250 .100Freeman
4 0 0 0 0 0 2 .200 .333 .500J.D. Martinez
4 1 1 0 0 0 2 .182 .250 .182
4 1 3 0 0 0 0 .417 .417 .667
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
3 0 1 1 0 0 1 .167 .286 .167
4 0 2 1 0 0 0 .375 .375 .375
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .167 .167 .333
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .167 .000
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .333 .333 .333
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 .250 .000

No team is going to win a series when its starters last a total of 4 ⅔ innings. The Dodgers rotation yielded a 20.25 ERA, allowing a .571 batting average with a 1.808 OPS. It was the fewest innings by a starting rotation in the first three games of a postseason in history.

maybe help trout FEEL better for his LONE shit show performance

The most astonishing stat of the entire series was that Betts and Freddie Freeman, who will each finish in the top four of the MVP balloting, went 1-for-21 in the series. The lone hit was a harmless infield single by Freeman in Game 2 when D-backs pitcher Zac Gallen was late covering first base.
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Oct 9 2023 05:37PM
     this ATTACK will REALLY shine the light obama/biden politics
kinda funny to WATCH the lil rally in NYC cheering the hamas attack...killing/rps/parading their trophies in the streets

same people in 2020 rallying for the criminal black dude that died/killed, for a whole summer

kinda interesting to HEAR a dershawitz condemn it all...condemn obama/biden...even though just said a WEEK ago he would still vote democrat no matter what. so the killing/war is horrible, but i like how it wakes these fuckers up. the funny thing is the dude will KEEP voting DEM... those two, in particular, have been anti israel

still nada from obama on the matter...and also on the gay dude found dead on his property


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