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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 30 2021 09:39PM
     full bodycam vid of laundrie/petito
Brian Laundrie manhunt: Gabby Petito in new bodycam footage details violent fight
The newly released video shows a different side of the Aug. 12 police stop in Moab

hard to watch KNOWING what was going to happen

cute girl

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Sep 30 2021 05:53PM
     3.5t or closer to 5T when scored fireworks are going off
wholeheartedly a sanders/aoc progressive spending bill...watching those two flip out at the talk of it not passing or passing the senate agreed upon infrastructure bill first - a1.2t that has a ton of shit in that also

not only the money involved here

any good parts, shit parts?


Sep 28 2021 04:29PM
     this dude has like 100m followers
Twitter 50.1M Followers, 99m followers instagram

probably mostly black

I think he voted for the DEM side of things...don't think he was a trump guy

I personally think BRON is bad for black people...leading them down the wrong path...whether it's black people getting hunted down by police, voting for hillary or this VAX thing....HE has since just come out and changed his does he get any blame for people dying in the meantime? yes? no?

funny how that little thing works

Published: 18:50 EDT, 7 March 2021 | Updated: 09:31 EDT, 8 March 2021

'I'll keep that a private thing': LeBron James avoids answering if he'll get the COVID-19 vaccine after NBA commissioner said he will NOT make it mandatory

James, 36, avoided answering if he'll get the coronavirus vaccine in a lengthy interview ahead of the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday
His comments come after NBA commissioner Adam Silver announced on Saturday that he would not make the vaccine mandatory
'That's a conversation that my family and I will have and I pretty much I'll keep that to a private thing,' King James said
Silver said during a press conference on Saturday that he was not aware of any player in the league who had been vaccinated yet
LeBron's interview has already started debates online speculating on its effects to the community

By Adam Schrader For Dailymail.Com

Published: 18:50 EDT, 7 March 2021 | Updated: 09:31 EDT, 8 March 2021

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Sep 27 2021 05:56AM
     NY getting ready to FIRE healthworkers
the ones that were on the front lines with no PPE and braved the unknowns to save lives...they did that facing death every single day.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul tells healthcare workers who refused COVID shot they will be FIRED after group of nurses sued her over the mandate

maybe they were a little hasty with booting CUOMO?

this is awesome...lib leadership at its best

in the meantime...teachers unions get a reprieve and THEY got to be at home for most of the time

postal workers get a carve-out from federal mandate...but not seal teams, where losing more than 10 in any given year is not a good thing and there is a 100 plus on the cusp of being out

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Sep 24 2021 09:39AM
     bye bye cnn dick head
have fun joining your bro

though they did protect lemon a few years ago with his gay BAR groping

Social media explodes after CNN’s Chris Cuomo accused of sexual harassment at former job
Shelley Ross outlined an incident where the CNN host squeezed the cheek of her buttock without her permission
Brian Flood


Sep 22 2021 11:45AM
     fucking BUSH - will campaign for cheney
Former President Bush to fundraise for Liz Cheney in his first 2022 event, setting up clash with Trump
Cheney is facing Trump's ire after her reaction to Jan. 6 Capitol riot
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Sep 21 2021 05:11AM
     thls Lil vaccine passport is getting kinda interesting
black people are a little more vocal about being excluded...white people just kinda go with the flow for a while until it hampers them too much...though for some reason...they kinda have been pushing it themselves the last few years to have their BLK only shit VS having to share with the white people

being that minorities are the ones least vaccinated...we about to see some fireworks...shit, now BLM is involved?

if the blacks, according to the DEM party, can't get a voter the hell are they going to get a passport??

Black Lives Matter holds 'cancel Carmine's' protest in New York City
Protesters also rallied against COVID-19 vaccine passports, which they say disproportionately affect Blacks


Sep 19 2021 11:16PM
     sometimes best things about the award shows like emmys
bummer when they leave some people out...maybe on purpose??

I always count on my fingers how many I know/watched over the years...this one was a lot

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Sep 19 2021 09:02AM
     Lancet article calls for objective, open and transparent debate. WHAT?
Now the Lancet U-turns over Covid lab leak theory and publishes 'alternative view' calling for a 'transparent debate' on the origins of the virus

Peter Daszak secretly orchestrated a landmark statement in The Lancet this year
It attacked 'conspiracies suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin'
Now The Lancet agreed to publish alternative theories suggesting a lab origin

The authors criticized a controversial "statement in support of the scientists" article published by The Lancet in February of 2020 that declared, "We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." That letter, signed by 27 experts, warned that the sharing of data on the COVID-19 outbreak was being "threatened by rumors and misinformation" surrounding its origins.

THAT's what NR must have been clinging to

AGAIN, it's very very simple...WHY on earth would you have any faith or confidence in china? what have they done that gives you even 1 percent?

notice HOW a lot of shit seems to be coming out in one direction...which direction is that btw?

the whole follow the science thing is getting kinda funny at this point...NIH director says they will bypass the FDA recommendation for boosters...that can't help people feel comfortable.

not with the admin lying about the drone strike and coming out emphatically beforehand about it...this summer has been great for JOE
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Sep 8 2021 10:36PM
     gorilla mask egg thrower??
looks like a hate crime to me?

anyone in the process of a hate crime needs to be TAKEN out period

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Sep 7 2021 02:19AM
     UK budget increase is kinda funny
those are like LA city type numbers

FTSE falls as Johnson set to unveil £10bn-a-year tax rise

pretty fucking sad that our shit is so out of whack

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Sep 3 2021 11:54AM
     maybe we should follow CHINA more...seems they know the WAY
China bans effeminate men from being on television
This is part of the "national rejuvenation" that Xi Jinping has called for

Broadcasters must "resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal esthetics," the TV regulator said, using an insulting slang term for effeminate men — "niang pao," or literally, "girlie guns."

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