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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Feb 26 2021 02:51AM
     would this happen if trump was president?
probably doesn't matter though...we know most libs are anal inclined anyway and probably liked it...don't lie MF's

China reportedly gave American diplomats anal COVID-19 tests

February 25, 2021

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Feb 20 2021 06:55PM
     this ain't good rudy
i might be thinking it...MAYBE if i had my own podcast i might be saying it...AS that's how i roll in my fucked up lil world of debauchery (three p's of life) - porn, poker and

but not good for these guys

Michelle Wie West condemns objectifying comments by Rudy Giuliani
10:30 AM PT

Michelle Wie West had strong words for Rudy Giuliani via Twitter after the former New York City mayor and attorney for former President Donald Trump discussed having joked with radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh several years ago about being able to see the golfer's underwear when she putted during a golf outing.
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Feb 15 2021 09:57PM
     she just makes me want to throw up
how the fuck?

she was one of about 4 dems that needed career derailing, but somehow she got to the top??

nice push back from axios on her

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Feb 12 2021 11:33AM
     let this be a lesson to the next RICH president
SELL your shit before you become president...especially if you want to go up against china

maybe a lib rich guy would be ok

this dude is going to lose 65 percent of net worth when it's all said and done

there will be some possible major cash flow opportunities that come in differently...I think he will be fine

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Feb 9 2021 10:05AM
     no Afghan combat deaths for the US in 20 years
US goes a year without combat death in Afghanistan for the first time in two decades
2,500 troops remain in Afghanistan


Feb 8 2021 07:06PM
     are all the lefty libs here good with all biden decisions so far?
i know that everything seemed 100 percent anti trump for the 4 years

is everything 100 percent positive now?

press access good? psaki answering questions now?


Feb 5 2021 12:36PM
     apparently dodgers want to win another title this year
Trevor Bauer signing with Los Angeles Dodgers, set to be MLB's top earner in 2021, '22, sources say

Bauer and the Dodgers are in agreement on a three-year, $102 million deal that has opt-outs after Years 1 and 2, sources told ESPN's Jeff Passan. Bauer is set to make $40 million in 2021 and $45 million in 2022, sources said.

1 comment

Feb 3 2021 08:20AM
     30 yrs later - coming to america 2
on prime

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Jan 27 2021 05:15PM
     pelosi and the dems always FORGET their is tape/history
just one of the many many things that divide the country

SHORT MEMORY? Nancy Pelosi slammed as a hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011

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Jan 23 2021 05:41AM
     larry king RIP
a couple of heavy hitters....hank, then larry

great long life...made his mark for sure


Jan 21 2021 12:12PM
     the ultimate poker game
with mcconnell and schumer

probably why he came out last week about trump being culpable and willing to vote for impeachment

he could certainly be willing to sacrifice trump...which would cause a huge upheaval...EITHER way...the FATE of the GOP is done

there is only so much leverage at play here...starting with the cabinet and impeachment...after that? there is none

McConnell, Schumer spar over power-sharing as disagreement over filibuster hamstrings talks
Talks between Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer are stalled over a power-sharing agreement


Jan 19 2021 10:11PM
     more russia declassified 2min clip highlights
why the fuck let the FBI hold on to this shit or it doesn't make it's way into impeachment hearings with fiona hill (star witness)

all the's STILL russia russia russia from HRC, Pelosi, and the media

First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI

Steele told FBI he leaked Russia collusion story to help Clinton and Great Britain and was connected to his primary dossier source by former NSC staffer and impeachment witness Fiona Hill.

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