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 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 7 2020 12:38AM
     The polls are running away
is this going to be a 45state blowout?

trump needs to reset this messaging that got MANGLED...they should have nipped the shit in the bud and probably too late to get it back on track...when the media is 95percent in your's quite the fucking's such the tsunami you guys repeat the shit over and over without the's worth about 10 points in these current polls

VP debate has a's national (everyone is carrying it)

just little things that surprise you...the ball is in the AIR already...will probably need a glorious TIP to complete the hail mary


Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorses Trump -- WTF?? how'd that happen??

almost like buying votes BUT, the reality of's a great deal for the people that need the steady jobs and infrastructure...this will help them become viable and strong...especially if they can bring some of the drug manufacturing back from china...which there's a need for after china threatened to withhold drugs in the future. At one point the drug business was 25 percent of GDP for Puerto Rico...really looks like a WIN for PR, if they can make that happen.


Oct 6 2020 04:38AM
     racist trump racist biden 2
I heard a good description for Biden today...with all his old man folksy black gaff comments.

I think the dude is basically harmless with these comments....can't really call him a racist...just an old man raised with lots of exposure, that is coming out of his mouth...they need to probably stop him for free-wheeling it

from Rob Smith -- an Iraq War veteran the author of "Always a Soldier: Service, Sacrifice, and Coming Out as America's Favorite Black, Gay Republican" He also hosts the podcast “Rob Smith Is Problematic.”

he calls it "the soft bigotry of low expectations"..." where this is the only way he sees or trained to speak to African American voters". this is in regards to Biden talking about a black person stocking groceries and all his other black gaffs like you ain't black...

nice interview as a whole...pretty much nails biden...he should probably watch it.

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Oct 5 2020 10:53PM
     sweden continued
help us understand this a little

again, no one is saying they are the "end all be all" of COVID many different variables everyone is dealing with and Sweden might have some positive traits to make their response possible?

we don't really know yet

at some point in a few years, it will all be hashed out...hopefully before the next one hits.

we got lucky it was not as deadly as it could have been and will be ready for the next one

they(Sweden) DEFINITELY made a brutal "greater good" decision with the old patients...maybe they did the same thing in a couple of states here?

one of those articles was from a week ago...did you read that one from NYT...seems like you got excited and stopped when you saw the research source on the Forbes article from JULY

talking about Sweden on these threads does not cause death BTW...I think it might be good to figure out what the apples and oranges are...don't need to see any idiot attacks or make us feel we are killing people with our lack of knowledge

I do like the "expected death chart" of what we had historically and what the additional numbers on top of that have's a good test for total impact...but there are other deaths that happen because COVID " is" happening...that's an amount some scientist are trying to get a grasp on also...the ones that need to be protected also.

there is so much to all this...the lack of education for the youth could be such a huge problem...we are going to have problems calculating that impact. WE have all the advantages of the best schools and money...even putting them in a school to sit and watch the other school teach via zoom. it's fucking horrible...the lil fuckers are going to be dumbasses that can play video games really well, but not enough to win money


Oct 4 2020 05:15PM
     handicap this race, what's worse?
North Carolina Senate race in 'chaos' after Cunningham sexting scandal, Tillis coronavirus diagnosis
The race was upended by sexually explicit texts and a positive coronavirus diagnosis on Friday


Oct 2 2020 10:40AM
     lets revisit the single biggest reason biden
...says he "entered this race" for...what was it again? something about trump being a racist...I think he said it in the debate again...keeps getting shorter when he says it...the conviction though when he says it is pretty amazing

BUT who truly, has said and done more to harm the minorities in America? let's see all the proof in print and video. it's pretty fucking overwhelming who the real racist is...funny all the black DEMS in office overlook it, but they need their power back

overlooking it is fine, but let's be honest with who has the real issue here

first one...another pandering moment that didn't go over to well

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Oct 1 2020 02:45AM
     proud boys
never heard of them, before one of them got killed in portland

looks like they want to just battle Antifa??

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Sep 29 2020 10:45AM
     debates tonight
trump fucking with biden's head before it starts

wants drug test for both parties

wants ear check for electronic's possible biden team agreed to this earlier??

trump doesn't want any breaks...says he routinely gives speeches for 90min

the debate time is around the time when biden is going to be experiencing sundowners...this could be interesting...there are rumors that his LIDS during the last 3-4 days was for him to be able to change his sleep cycle, minimizing the potential episodes of it...let's see if it works?

I'm sure lots of people are going to tune in to see any potential crashes...just like racing


Sep 29 2020 10:18AM
     3rd nomination
Trump gets third 2020 Nobel Peace Prize nomination
Trump is reducing US involvement in wars, one of his nominators said

he still won't get it


Sep 29 2020 12:58AM
     fake news - 3
are we done LOL ?

just trying to get some understanding on the taxes and debt this dude owes...this shit is crazy


Sep 29 2020 12:38AM
     thanks OMAR
love the liberal left...ALWAYS overplay their hand. with omar, it was just a matter of marriage, paying her new husband huge portions of what she had politically raised

she might be going to jail

funny i just donated to her opponent...thinking he had zero chance in that BLUE district...might have to double it up now so he can get some ads out with this info

NOW THIS - VOTER FRAUD trump probably just jerked is dick in her honor for this gift

trump comes out a few years ago and say OBAMA is spying on him. everyone laughed at him....GUESS WHAT?? the shit is coming out

trump comes out against election fraud, mail in voting, harvesting....everyone laughes at him...GUESS WHAT? the shit is coming out...attached is the undercover video...they say there are a few of them with this sting

TWO things should come from this sting. omar resigning and going to jail and a BAN on ballot harvesting

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Sep 27 2020 08:35AM
     the rock endorses biden/harris
dude looks fucking huge

109m followers..leading them off the bridge

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Sep 26 2020 01:45PM
     scotus nominee coming in 15min
so exciting

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