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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 23 2020 08:00AM
     gale sayers RIP
little before my time watching football...made it to 77 (not bad)

injury-plagued career...not a lot longevity stats...less than 5000 yards on the ground over 7 years and in the HOF (so dominate while played)

cried numerous times watching his movie...brian's song


Sep 22 2020 09:27AM
     bloomberg now paying off debts/fines from florida prisoners
Bloomberg raises $16 million to help ex-felons in Florida vote

raised? that's funny...he says nope

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his political operation have raised more than $16 million from supporters and foundations over the last week to pay the court fines and fees for over 30,000 Black and Latino voters in Florida with felonies, allowing them to vote in the upcoming election.

sure florida is happy to get the money they would never have interested to see exactly how they are getting these people to vote? is there an agreement on fines paid and actually voting?

or just a blanket pay everyone's off and see what happens?


Sep 20 2020 08:33AM
     DEM meeting about RBG strategy
any ideas people?

-we can try impeachment again?? ---- Pelosi doesn't rule out using impeachment as option to stop Trump Supreme Court pick

-have the news and twitter talking about the shit that is going to burn down if they try it...WE will stay silent on it...maybe let another 4-5 billion in damages happen...keep loss of lives to under 5

-if they get it done and our shit ain't working?? we will just pack that fucking court...add another 9 fucking judges...maybe all under they last for 55 years eacg

-aoc (great picture btw, i still want to fuck her)....need to radicalize and even if you don't like for him anyway

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Sep 12 2020 06:18AM
     the libs just can't help themselves
it's possible they picked up a few votes due to the Atlantic article hit job on trump about the military (all anonymous sources)...nevertheless it had some traction

NOW the "same paper - the atlantic", that could have put biden over the top??? goes out and calls for the noble peace prize to just end foreever...a nomination for trump was too much for them to handle (they couldn't wait two months to put out this article or opinion? )

so where that paper could have dealt the winning hand?? they couldn't help dealing off the bottom with meaningless cards and getting caught

those few votes are now thinking this paper is in the less than the likes of a comey, or strzok

it's everything...BLM has huge corporations buying in, over billion in donations...again a chance to put biden over the top? BUT noooo, they have to be on tape ransacking stores, restaurants and running people off.

I have been saying this for quite some time..."the left" can't any sort of potential success


Sep 11 2020 07:57PM
     NFL football starts this week
ratings down 13% from last year...there were lots of people checking in for the first 5min to see what they were going to do

looks like black national anthem being played for the first week...texans stayed in the tunnel for both of it would not appear they were disrespecting on over the other

lil booing in the stands...I am sure that will go on all week

draftkings has a 5dollar entry to their million-dollar first prize for sunday games...only time during the season it's 5bucks...most of the time it's 20. could make watching this weekend fun.

last year had a cool run for a half-game where it said I was winning 60k...then it all went to shit and won 300 bucks...makes it fun

really wanted to see the cowboys and rams at new stadium...bummer about the covid crap

1 comment

Sep 11 2020 02:35AM
     LA county pub health director dr barbara ferrer
in meeting with school nurses, school admin and medical professionals

about the 2min mark of tape....she says won't realistically open schools until after the elections

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Sep 10 2020 09:15AM
     Dame Diana Rigg RIP
Dame Diana Rigg: Avengers, Bond and Game of Thrones actress dies at 82

thought she was great in GOT...nice that she was able to complete some good work till the very end for all to see

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Sep 4 2020 02:16PM
     2min into biden speech - going after the military supporters
you can see that the Atlantic story and the Biden team have put this out together to weaken the military and supporter vote

Bolton who hates Trump and was in the said meeting said it didn't happen

listening to Biden go off...with "IF TRUE" this..."IF TRUE" that

I am sure they were rooting for bad employment numbers

if it works? holy shit...military was gutted with obama/biden


Sep 3 2020 08:13PM
     trump tried to meet with jacob black sr
of course, he wouldn't meet with trump...WHY?? Biden met with hard-hitting questions...just a love fest

Biden says racism is bad...jacob blake sr is "for it"

kinda like Biden meeting with Cardi B(drugged and robbed her client at a strip clu...we can't take that shit serious (matter of fact, his answers to her had to be edited)

Are we are supposed to take anything seriously from this dude?...basically a black supremacist Farrakhan disciple

what JB SR has said in the past on social media-

- I'm with Farrakhan, a hundred percent (last year)

- just before Christmas the year before...posted a pic of Jesus's face in a toilet bowl

- white people are people that support trump? coons

- the same pink toe jews that control the interest rate, control the media. they control minds and money

- wienstein...a cracker jew can do whatever to a white woman for years

.as the big group gathers(march on washington) ...we will hold court right now...all the cops are guilty!!

The coming together is phony shit from biden...he is in over his head


Sep 2 2020 11:24PM
     maybe some telling defectors (6 dem mayors)
...and everyone in these towns

Six Democrat mayors in swing state Minnesota endorse Donald Trump because 'Joe Biden has done nothing to help the working class'

The six mayors signed a letter endorsing Trump that was released Friday
The letter signers were Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson, Virginia Mayor Larry Cuffe and Chisholm Mayor John Champa
Ely Mayor Chuck Novak, Eveleth Mayor Robert Vlaisavljevich of Eveleth and Babbitt Mayor Andrea Zupancich also signed the letter
They claimed they were supporting Trump because Joe Biden didn't help the working class while he was in office
They said that Trump's 2016 election was something 'wonderful' that happened

thought for sure two of the fab 4 or Omar, would have been blown out at the primaries, but each won pretty handily.

lots of comments on bottom of article
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Sep 1 2020 12:34PM
     campaign fund raising
Biden and DNC over 300m in august....double what Hillary did in the same period 4 years ago...maybe only 165m for trump and RNC over the same period

get the investigations started

pretty amazing how they are both doing...texts, emails, and phone calls are frigging brutal. even after you contribute, they hit you again a day later...then all the senators and house candidates hit you


Aug 30 2020 02:41AM
     continued from blm movement
left off at NR picking Biden because trump mishandled COVID

which has its own questions about interpreting data and history to help with decision making

back to trump being a racist...I'm only bringing this up as your processing of deciding factors seem to be congruent

so let's pin shit down in each of the cases if need be

"trump's ambiguous words and actions"....what are they? BTW, if you bring up aren't being a serious person with this shit. I know we tried to hash it out, but like all the other efforts you put into it, you stop short of seeing the full interviews for what he was talking about and the full transcript. people in the left media and politics have clipped it to show their agenda. take the 30minutes to see the full speeches, the transcript(i know you said you did, but apparently it was a crap effort). i also think he was arguing about it later to make sure it was clarified and pointed to the transcripts being cut off. so go find it if need be..cry if you's ok. BTW, when I am confident telling you it's a crap effort? I also open myself up to the same please have at it pretty much with any of us on the opposing side...there is a big reason for that offer? I will let you ponder the confidence

apparently Biden's racist remarks have no bearing or his clarifications every single time

so use something else? maybe focus on his actions with the black population a little more? or is it the immigrant stuff? the cages?

if you think Biden will be be it. we can only fault you for judgment at that point... I know you saw a few of his decisional instincts...even with COVID back in the beginning...whether you think the china ban was helpful or not? doesn't matter, Biden was against it. (i read your said it was helpful, but didn't go far enough, make no mention that Biden was against both china and Europe bans)

HOW do you reconcile these things in your head, when you go and say that Biden would have done things faster and better? I saw the list you made? BUT, we would have been dead? with the inflows of infected people coming in? this doesn't make sense??

his own chief of staff said that (posted on here last week of which you were in that thread)...what their administration did during h1n1 was all luck with 60million people getting could have been "one of the great mass casualty events in American history" "AND nothing to do with us doing anything right"

so Biden has a history of success here we are going on?

Biden was against taking out soleimani...Biden was against taking out bin Ladin ---- where do you stand on those issues? I guess if you are against those that were taken out, you are good. if you are not? then it needs to factor in on joe's decision instincts

Robert Gates Thinks Joe Biden Hasn't Stopped Being Wrong for 40 Years

"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden

again you can vote for whomever you want...just say I like Biden. don't give us reasons, because the reasons made it seem like you are dumb.

i have a few friends that don't like trump...i'm fine with it, until they start saying stupid shit (they admit they don't pay attn to politics and watch the news for 10minutes a day for the weather) they will say shit like he wants to buy Greenland so he can build one of his hotels...or doesn't deal with turkey appropriately because he has hundreds of millions worth of buildings there? so basically they know shit about shit


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