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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 29 2020 11:59AM
     BLM movement
how do big corporations, NBA and the other sports leagues, that are "all in" with them, reconcile some big key facts about the leadership and objectives??

stated to have Marxist training with the founding leadership

have a key person in the organization that was a criminal...slated to be in prison for over 50 years, until Clinton pardoned her...her shit was very very serious and now gets to be part of a group doing some of the same shit to America??

stated objective - disrupt the western-prescribed nuclear family structure (they have their own way to raise a family)

in the meantime, there are incidents where so-called BLM leaders are in there supporting the looting and mayhem...speeches supporting this...even calling the looting a form of reparations.

they are blacks, gays

BUT apparently, only if they are not for the other party...this is one of those guys that was a liberal and has moved over...take a look at this...he was in the walkaway thread with his story of how he changed over. almost got the shit beat out of him, threatened with gay slurs

to see these big organizations go down this road, getting in bed with this group? it's fucking sad.

more people have died in the wake...billions of dollars in property/future production lost...those communities they wanted to march for? might be underwater for the next 3 decades

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Aug 29 2020 06:13AM
     not going to be pretty
bummer that the dnc had more viewers though or maybe that was good??

saw yesterday the betting lines have been moving...86 percent of new bets were on the trump side

the hill-

Poll: Trump approval rises among black, hispanic voters amid convention


President Trump's support among black voters rose 9 percentage points amid the Republican National Convention, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Twenty-four percent of registered black voters in the Aug. 22-25 survey, which included the first two days of the convention, said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 76 percent said they disapprove.

That is up 9 points from the previous survey conducted Aug. 8-11, where the President received 15 percent support among this group.

The survey found support among Hispanic voters also grew by 2 percentage points, from 30 percent in the last poll to 32 percent in this most recent survey.


Aug 27 2020 01:33PM
     blake shooting - justified take
nice find by AFinch

officer tatum breaks it all down with police reports to boot

over a million views...over 13k comments( i read the first 50...seems like 99.9 percent feel it was justified also)

someone should send this to bron...maybe he can catch it from here...might save the nba playoffs, which he has voted to pull out of with the clippers

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Aug 27 2020 11:23AM
     here we go - no debates? pelosi says don't have em
Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump: 'I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him'
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Aug 25 2020 09:08AM
     RNC VS DNC (sounds like an abortion btw?)
the start of it was great

didn't see the cool people (no celebs)

DNC gave zero bounce to biden

C-SPAN's live stream of the first night of the Republican National Convention has attracted nearly 440,000 views, marking a substantial increase over the start of the Democratic National Convention, which drew 76,000 views.

The numbers for Monday night come ahead of traditional TV ratings from Nielsen Media Research, which will be released on Tuesday afternoon.

here is a difference in speakers. see attached

read the has huge following, but doubt they are dumb enough to think she knows WTF she talks about

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Aug 25 2020 04:06AM
     great line from tucker - pandemic and climate change have in common???
talking about bill gates and Dr Tedros of WHO...their other motives. gates said "life will never go back to normal"..." the lesson of the corona pandemic - the rest of us will have to sacrifice even more to save the earth from warming"


"pandemic and climate change share a very different connection" "both are useful pretexts for mass social control" "both are essentially unsolvable crisis, they can harness, to bypass democracy and force powerless populations to obey their commands"


Aug 23 2020 08:56PM
     trump in a different light
holy shit...she's funny

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Aug 22 2020 12:30AM
     biden leading the charge on covid
his first chance to give us a hint at his instincts? not good

wouldn't have closed off china flights...maybe too close to china with his son having that 1.5billion investment...would have pissed them off

track record? of which he might have been in charge of?

here is his former chief of staff - Ron Klain

c-span 2019 remembering their own pandemic --

"we did every possible thing wrong" "60million Americans got h1n1, and purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history" "AND nothing to do with us doing anything right"

so where does that leave us? with someone that can't make the tuff call...someone that is basking in his fortuitous luck of handing his own potential disaster


Aug 21 2020 11:18PM
     potential biden admin

TS - warren

UN amb- buttigieg

HHS - bass

HUD - garcetti (holy crap)


Aug 16 2020 01:17AM
     50's 60's 70's pinups
you would still fuck today...70's might be the earliest?

bo derek

saw her the other day...still looks great


Aug 15 2020 08:51AM
     now that's what leadership looks like
kamala says...when biden wants to have everyone where masks for the next three months. these guys look and sound very minor league to me. their polling suggests they can win on they are trying

buy american? seems a little late to trump's party...that's what trump has been preaching 24/7 his whole presidency and before. kinda scary biden thinks it might be his original idea??

now he is touting credit for the recent Israel-UAE peace deal? is he the DMFA? this is one of those things where i say to myself again...the voters will see this stupid shit and vote appropriately....probably not

obama-biden were not great to israel...supporting IRAN with pallets of cash was the exact way they laid any ground work for this


Aug 11 2020 01:30AM
     BLM strikes again
i see this...i smile. when are people, companies and sports leagues going to wake the fuck up to these fuckers...13 cops injured and 60million in damages. Every week i keep saying this is it, but it's not...i guess we will find out in november if they got the little clues and messages THE LEFT are scattering all over the place before the vote

At least one organizer called the looting tantamount to "reparations."

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” said Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, according to NBC Chicago. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

“That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”


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