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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 10 2020 02:53PM
     black celebs trying to strong arm biden in VP pick
“failing to select a Black woman in 2020 means you will lose the election.”

the group wrote that it “disgusts us that Black women are not just being vetted in this VP process but unfairly criticized and scrutinized.”

But the letter warned that “failing to select a Black woman in 2020 means you will lose the election. We don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils and we don't want to vote the devil we know versus the devil we don't because we are tired of voting for devils—period


Aug 8 2020 03:03AM
     the DEM about-face on going to school is pretty funny
trump has been pounding this for a within one day, the bigs on the left make their going to school speeches

tanking the economy for the election was not polling great with moms...the teachers/unions wanting to have police defunded and medicare for all were not important factors for all the moms out there


Jul 30 2020 06:30PM
     china and the nba
more cracks...lets see what brings the nba and players to their coming to jesus moments

the bbc video of the concentration like camps, loading the trains??

now this...espn reporting-

ESPN investigation finds coaches at NBA China academies complained of player abuse, lack of schooling

bron? speak up? anything? beuller? beuller?
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1 comment

Jul 30 2020 04:00AM
     cutest shit ever...sometimes good to forget about racism and politics for a bit
for a day at least??

that giraffe fight was scary/funny

seems like we've seen "a few of these clips" on the nightly news the past few months amid all the peaceful protests

try and find the baby goats

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Jul 25 2020 07:58PM
     RIP regis philbin
pretty great life...almost 89

After hustling into an entertainment career, Philbin logged more than 15,000 hours on the air, earning him recognition in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most broadcast hours logged by a TV personality, a record previously held by Hugh Downs.

dude loved NY...haven't heard that name in quite a long time...HUGH DOWNS think he died this month and i don't remember seeing anything on that...RIP for him also


Jul 24 2020 06:13PM
     cancel culture consequenes
A&E primetime viewership is down nearly 50 percent from dropping LIVE PD

I think it was the creator of that show had a lot to do with that show ending


Jul 24 2020 06:04PM
     trump trump trump continued-2
I guess moving on from the recall

you must have missed a bunch of follow up interviews of medical researchers working on stuff that's in that same research ballpark...trump didn't pull that information out of his ass...he has been talking to experts in all fields.

I saw some interviews of researchers in Houston, talking about a type of disinfectant in the lungs and what the lungs create from that substance being introduced, and how it could help beat back a virus...WILL it work? don't know

the same thing with UV light...they have been working on potentially getting UV lite into the body to see if it can work...spending millions on it. WILL it work? don't know

millions of dollars in research of these things are happening as we speak

DID he explain it wrongly? OR did he set you fuckers up again? He apparently brought up being BUGGED wrongly three years ago...they don't bug people?? the media and you fuckers thought he was an idiot for bringing that up? what is happening on that front? we shall see very soon


Jul 24 2020 01:28AM
     HB effort to recall newsom
maybe 3rd times a charm

be good to take him out...otherwise, he will be making his trek to the white house

nice weather...not bad for end of july
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Jul 22 2020 05:19PM
     best way to handle cities like chicago, seattle and portland
nyc mayor states that sending in federal help causes more harm than good? yes? no?

let em kill, burn, and destroy? OR protect federal assets, courthouses, buildings and monuments?


Jul 19 2020 04:55PM
     trump and chris wallace interview
...for a full hour on sunday...big trump hater and trying his best to get him

also, harris faulkner has an hour special town hall on "the fight for america" 7pm


Jul 18 2020 03:06PM
     john lewis VS floyd
who will get a bigger funeral? or how many?

so far...lewis got flags at half-staff


Jul 16 2020 06:56PM
     VIRUS is not being used politically?
without schools being opened the economy will continue being hobbled in CA

here are LA teachers union demands:

-we will go back if the police are defunded

-moratorium on private schools/bans charter schools

-Medicare for all

-gives the schools 116b bucks


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