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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 19 2020 05:03PM
     how about tying 1000 bucks for illegals
to fill out an accurate census? for legal future congress seats and funding

we don't know how many this includes...1000 for adults 250 per offspring max 2

maybe that costs 20-25billion?

add to the wall and border security 20-25billion also

that fair?


May 6 2020 09:08AM
     Anti-Trump investigations II
Wray is feeling some heat...there was seemingly no way he didn't know about this stuff, he was fighting so hard to keep under wraps

i also said the IG might be feeling some heat with his NO-BIAS conclusion of his report with all the errors going in one direction against trump.

if these things got to come out before or if they knew of them...which they had to have known...that heavily shades the conclusion that the IG "should" have come to...most of america is looking at it now...even some dems are waking up to this crap.

both these dudes are dirty and need to be swapped out...wray first


Apr 29 2020 08:59PM
     anti trump investigations are falling apart with evidence
we have seen many pieces of evidence from the FBI, like all the errors going one way only.

this new stuff compelled by BARR to get released is just the beginning of it all

they have been hinting that the Durham investigation was going to bring the teeth to everyone involved

I'm sure anti-trump people, here or anywhere, don't care that the FBI and Russian investigations were a sham from the beginning

FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show

I would assume Flynn is going to get 50million bucks...not bad for 3 years of ugly shit
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Apr 26 2020 12:26AM
     chinese girl telling me about 6hrs ago that kim is dead??
news is starting to come in?

by: Sue Necessary
Posted: Apr 25, 2020 / 10:59 PM EDT / Updated: Apr 26, 2020 / 02:34 AM EDT

TYLER, Texas (KETK) – Multiple news outlets are reporting that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has died.

TMZ was the first to report the news, writing, “North Korea’s Supreme Leader/dictator Kim Jong-un has reportedly died, or is on his death bed with no hope for recuperation — according to media outlets in China and Japan.”

we are in for some huge changes in the world this year...korea, china. world economic times

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Apr 20 2020 05:12PM
     TV shows
WITCHER kind of slow for me thru half of it...was promised some sex and not really seeing any

finally seem to be getting into it after 4 episodes, but it's over in 8


Apr 17 2020 07:42AM
     china flood gates are opening up
Chinese epicenter Wuhan raises number of virus dead by about 50 percent

China’s purge of US intel network complicates ongoing probe of coronavirus cover-up

wonder how the likes of kerr, bron, pop are thinking about china now...china says no to nba in china and also in america.

the light is shining bright and these idiots must be feeling pretty stupid about now
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Apr 14 2020 08:51PM
     hanks - warns about 'extreme' chloroquine side effects
just losing any respect I might the movies, but when they do this shit?

it's always possible she was nauseous... I won't take drugs for that reason. if they were life-saving, different case, and now it looks like she was singing recently, so that sickness is over???

if she is lying to hurt trump and in turn to influence people wrongly... I hope there is an email or recording somewhere to take her ass down. shit has a way of coming out

drug has been around for years with little side effects and used for many diseases. the positive stories of this drug with this virus are plenty...these people say they would be dead...a few were saying goodbye to their families

maybe she could have brought it up another way, but this reaks of trump hate

Published April 6
Rita Wilson returns to singing after coronavirus recovery with national anthem performance
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Apr 14 2020 04:51AM
     Captain Crozier2
news headline-

Chinese aircraft carrier sails past Taiwan as US Navy struggles with coronavirus

let's see if this helps him get his job back?

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Apr 10 2020 02:00PM
     i would say casinos and poker rooms are gone for long long time
online is going to get big again...this is the start of it

been playing on this site for quite a while...needed bitcoin to play with our bank rules in america

Ben Affleck, Tom Brady and other A-listers partaking in an online poker tournament for charity
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Apr 8 2020 03:09PM
     biden team is looking very exciting

President Joe Biden
Vice-President Stacy Abrams
Treasury Sec. Warren
Sec. Health/Human Serv. Sanders
Attorney General Harris
Sec. of Labor Yang
Sec. of Defense Buttigieg
Sec. of State Klobuchar

Each campaigning on how they’d run their own space. Folded hands.
Show this thread

seeing all these names guide this ship...little fucking scary
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Mar 27 2020 01:55AM
     RIP - Fred “Curly” Neal
fun to watch back in the day...weekend TV specials you looked forward to

Harlem Globetrotter legend Fred ‘Curly’ Neal dies at age 77
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Mar 23 2020 10:44PM
     new bill ain't happening anytime soon
left's mission is to hobble the economy a bit more...thinking this is their last chance to get trump out of office.

you can tell by the stuff they are trying to add to the bill,

also, could be that if they get these things and trump wins again...they would have extracted their pound of flesh

UPDATE: Text of the provisions has been added below.

As previously reported, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came back to Washington D.C. last night after a week long recess and blew up days of emergency relief work done by the Senate. She wants to write her own far left bill and now we know what will be in it.

According to a source close to the process on Capitol Hill, in order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included:

-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards

-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service

-Required early voting

-Required same day voter registration

-Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining

-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights

-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

-Federal $15 minimum wage

-Permanent paid leave

-Study on climate change mitigation efforts

The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by the bill.

Pelosi Bill by Katie Pavlich on Scribd
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