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Level 2 Male

 63 yrs old
Santa Ana, OC, CA
Registered Nov 17 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Apr 17 2022 06:12AM
     cool little article of john astor iv that went down with TITANIC
John Jacob Astor IV was one of the richest men in the world when he died on the Titanic. Here's a look at the life of the multi-millionaire.

In 1893, William Waldorf Astor built the Waldorf Hotel on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street. Reportedly, he built the hotel to spite his cousin, John Jacob Astor IV. In retaliation, Astor built a competing hotel in 1897 on the adjacent corner and named it the Astoria Hotel. When the cousins were finally convinced that joining both the hotels would be a smart business decision, a 300-foot marble corridor was built between them. The famous Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was born.

For the next few decades, the hotel became a symbol of luxury, wealth, and class in New York. It was considered one of the best hotels in the country and even in the world.

The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel closed in 1928 and was demolished, making room for the Empire State Building. The new Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was built farther uptown in 1931, long after Astor's death.

1 comment

Apr 14 2022 11:59AM
     this AIN'T what putin wanted
countries channel UKR fight and pride

Guns, bomb shelters, and anti-radiation meds: More people in Finland prepare for war with Russia

Since war broke out in Europe, thousands of Finns have signed up with training associations to sharpen their military skills or learn new ones such as first aid. The rise has been fueled by anxiety over Finland’s geographic proximity to Russia. For the first time in their country's history, a majority of Finns are in favor of joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a defensive alliance.

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Apr 9 2022 10:54PM
     california has some dumb motherfuckers in power
unfortunately, the population of LA needs to get pounded a bit by letting these people in

whether it's the NEW district atty they WERE WARNED about...the board of supervisors and their little virtue signally travel ban to TEX and FL for the GAY LAW shit

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted this week to suspend all travel for county business to Florida and Texas, citing policies and legislation in the Republican-led states that officials said were driven by "transphobia and homophobia." --- known by critics as the "Don't Say Gay" bill

the person in charge of emptying the prisons in CALIF state...who is that person? i think they said collateral damage was going to happen AND IT DID up north. IF that was a family a wife or offspring? i would go fucking hunting


Apr 4 2022 05:35PM
     musk buys 9.2 percent stake in twitter
not like he's out of his element btw

The Tesla CEO owns 73,486,938 shares of Twitter, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission, valued at $2.89 billion based on Friday's closing price.

he could flip it and make a billion

don't think that's his plan though...what could it be?


Apr 4 2022 02:51PM
     HOTSTOCK for shit never available
been looking for xbox x for past few months...5min. a day and nada

always like to get that kinda stuff at costco, but they weren't even listing it

walmart or target had a few lately, but higher price and sold thru other places like megagoods? have no idea about that kinda crap

looked them up on reddit...they said to go to hotstock (5seconds to register)

pointed me at costco for the NORMAL retail price...use their credit card and should get double warranty

so hotstock worked great

Is HotStock a legit app?
HotStock is a real-time product tracker. We'll instantly alert you when hard-to-get products are back in stock and available to buy. You'll never have to miss out on that must-have product again.


Mar 27 2022 08:55PM
     this FAKE? will smith slaps chris rock
if not...rock did a good job carrying on

gotta be worth at least 10million for ear damage

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Mar 24 2022 01:06PM
     biden speaks today after nato meeting
what DID he say?

"putin was banking on nato being split"

"my early conversation with him in december and early was clear to me, he didn't think we could sustain this cohesion"

maybe that's where we got this minor incursion talk that zelensky lost his mind about


Mar 23 2022 01:55PM
     Madeleine Albright RIP
foxnews has done some very nice stories on her today...lots of interactions being shared

notwithstanding any of the politics btw

“The idea that a daughter of Czechoslovakia born shortly before the outbreak of global war would one day become America’s first woman Secretary of State once could not have been imagined.”

shit, hope that lil black chick from somalia doesn't get any ideas here

In summing up her career, Obama also shared this story: “Once, at a naturalization ceremony, an Ethiopian man came up to her and said, ‘Only in America can a refugee meet the Secretary of State.’ And she replied, ‘Only in America can a refugee become the Secretary of State.’”

During Donald Trump’s presidency, she kept a wary eye on what she perceived as his mishandling of just about everything.

AND that's why we are fucking here dumb fuckers

wonder what she thought of biden's list of 16things not to hit in the US? OR maybe being OK with a small type of incursion in UKR


cool life story


Mar 21 2022 08:52AM
     should these YALE law students get federal clerkships
More than 100 students at Yale Law School attempted to shout down a bipartisan panel on civil liberties, intimidating attendees and causing so much chaos that police were eventually called to escort panelists out of the building.

Latest News
Fed Judge Warns Against Hiring From Yale Law
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Mar 20 2022 03:29AM
     AOC's asmr cllp
first comment had me spitting out my drink

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Mar 15 2022 12:54AM
     here's where the plan was hatched with putin
looks a little jubilant with his high five to MBS

trump in the background - "think we need to be pumping some motherfucking oil asap"

probably saying to each other biden's onboard...just need to get the chinese to let the bug fly, trump will be gone and the power shits to us

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Mar 11 2022 11:00AM
     IRAN negotiations with russia
Iran nuclear talks screech to a halt amid new Russian demands
Russia stunts nuclear talks with Iran and demands sanction relief amid war in Ukraine


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