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 51 yrs old
Northridge, SFV, LA, CA
Registered May 17 2023
Released May 17 2023

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Feb 11 2024 10:45PM
     Supreme Court hears trump ballot case pt. 2 response to jazz51
Inflation was caused by trump adding 8 TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt. I agree some of it was necessary and he didn't have a choice but to help with COVID siince the economy was crashing due to shut downs to public businesses. But his 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy added trillions over ten years and were unecessary as trickle down economics have never worked since. Reagan introduced voodoo economies. All that aside we did not go into a recession despite 99.9% of economists predicting we would. We hit a soft landing. Domestic manufacturing is at an all time high. Unemployment is at an all time low. All three stock markets are literally at their highest levels EVER. Unless you're an idiot day trading on some app your 401k and IRA's are all doing great. Only panicked home owners sold to move somewhere cheaper and are now priced out of the current market due to high interest rates. The fed has already signaled 3-4 rate cuts coming in the next few quarters. GDP grew 5.9% last quarter which was like 3% over expectations.. Consumer confidence is high, people are surrending their money without hesitation. Dude you must be an idiot to be losing money in this economy. And as far as gas goes we just recently produced the most daily barrels of oil in US history. Prices are still high in CA but they're always high here because of state taxes. I recently paid $2.79 cash price for E-85 for my Escalade. That's two bucks less than just this past summer. I know you only watch Fox news but even Larry Kudlow is giving perops to Biden's economy and he is a die hard Trump fan and worked for him in the White House. You literally have to be a moron to be struggling right now. And you can also blame inflation on retailers using COVID as an excuse to raise prices to unreal levels. The egg producers just got finned millions for overcharging for eggs for no other reason than greed. Basically all retailers used COVID as an excuse to hyperinflate their pricing by blaming supply chain issues which was bullshit. Biden just capped insulin at $35 and reduced ten other drugs by allowing the government to directly negotiate with the drug makers. I'm willing to bet you didn't sell your home because you don't strike me as a remote worker capable person. Your house is worth more than it was 4 years ago.


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