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Level 1 Male

 45 yrs old
Chino/Chino Hills, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 30 2012
Released Sep 4 2012

16 blogs/29 comments
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Apr 24 2023 10:26AM
     Who carries cash anymore?
Who carries cash anymore? I am all about the digital payment options for everyday purchases. What are your thoughts? Do you impress your dates by flashing cash or instead pulling out your cell phone?


Apr 17 2023 10:56PM
     In how many years…..
How many years away are we until the first of the Chinese military has boots on our soil and starts rounding up Americans and putting them in labor camps? The first secret Chinese police station was identified in Manhattan and so it seems possible it could happen . How many years before we have a social credit score where our credit worthiness will be based on our social media posts? My advice to the next generation is learn Chinese. It might sound like conspiracy but ask yourself this and that is if in 2018 you were told what has happened over the last 5 years will happen how conspiratorial would that sound from a 2018 perspective? We have been boiled like frogs. When a frog is in cold water and gradually the water temperature is raised very slowly you are gradually conditioned to the changes as normal and then one day it’s too late much like our freedoms being lost as we are slowly conditioned that seeking freedom is selfish or racist.


Apr 14 2023 10:38PM
     Who does early morning dates?
Who does early morning dates?


Mar 10 2023 09:14PM
     Wonder Bread and Vlassic Pickles have come together....
Wonder Bread and Vlassic Pickles have come together to create a product called pickled loaf. It Is made from dill-dough


Mar 8 2023 01:26PM
     I once dated....
I once dated a girl who was 3 foot 8 and a locksmith. She was so low key and I was nuts over her


Mar 8 2023 11:17AM
     The Why on People being Judgemental
The answer I think to the question as to why are people so judgemental is because its inherently in our nature to be judgemental especially when we think we can get away with it. The concept of "telephone tough guy" or "internet tough guy" applies here. We are very brave behind the wall of anonymity because our identity is unknown and you might say things you would not necessarily say to the persons face because our true nature is how we behave when nobody is looking and if you are not a good fighter, you don't want to get your teeth kicked in, self preservation has a very prominent role in why we hide when throwing stones in a glass house . if your identity is unknown you can effectively do what you do when nobody is looking out in the virtual open without being found out. People are going to say what they will. Id say do what you want so long as it makes you feel good and does not hurt anyone.


Mar 7 2023 10:32PM
     Profile pictures
You know it’s annoying when a provider makes you give FX points for every picture . I understand having certain photos reserved for donations but no freebie picture? It’s kind of like when Vegas started charging for parking at casinos when they know people will freely gamble hundreds or thousands of dollars in their casinos. The least they could do is let you park for free like the old days What a kick in the nuts to lose 500 in a casino and then have to pay another 75 dollars for parking on the walk of shame.


Mar 5 2023 08:49PM
Has anyone ever developed a friendship as a result of a date? I would imagine most ladies don’t allow themselves to out of protection . You notice I said friendship because anything more would be something only made in movies


Mar 5 2023 12:29AM
     IS there such a thing as too much
for the ladies, have you ever received a surprise geyser of ejaculate where you were shocked how much came out? I had a date where the lady began laughing and was saying my god that's too much ; you have balls from hell and I have to say I felt self conscious about it.


Feb 25 2023 02:39PM
     Double Dates
Who does double dates? Looking for a motel that will leave on the three-way light bulb for me


Feb 16 2023 03:18PM
     Does Anybody Know For Sure?
How many ratings do you need to get to advance to the next level? So a level 0 has to get how many positive ratings to advance to Level 1? Is it the number of ratings or does it depend on the level of the person rating you? In other words if I get 10 people that are level 5's giving me a rating, does that advance me up quicker than if 10 people that are level 3's rate me?


Jan 30 2023 01:09PM
     Rookie Genie
I found a genie's lamp on the beach and made 2 wishes. I asked for a 30 year old Escort and a big cock and now I have no idea what to do with a 500 pound rooster and old busted Ford.

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