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Level 2 Female

 51 yrs old
Costa Mesa, OC, CA
Registered Jun 30 2020
Released Jul 16 2020

4 blogs/56 comments
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Oct 14 2023 08:56AM
     Iwanto post some kanye
I have my reasons.

1 comment

Sep 3 2023 12:16AM
     I don't usually beg, however
So I really want to go to the Dark Waves Concert in Huntington Beach on November 18th but tickets are now at ...well... way out of reach.

Has anyone ever really wanted something that bad and not been seeing a way to truly get it?

The bands playing at this are going to be soon amazing!



Jan 23 2023 07:26AM
     Gorgeous Women 40 and Up
Its Not just Me (lol), but I've been noticing there are quite a few women 40 and up that are Gorgeous!

What does everyone think?

Who are the favorites?
Attached Pictures


Nov 27 2022 04:01PM
     I was given a Virgin
Gosh. I haven't written a blog here since 2007.
But here goes.
Without saying names (just look at my network) I had the privilege of bringing a good boy (19 yrs old) onto the site recently.
None of the girls would give him the chance to prove himself trustworthy.
I don't mind that I wasn't his first choice. He is a normal 19 year old. I show my true age on this site. It's my birthday in, wow, it's tomorrow. So I will be 50.
That's the first sign that the kid is normal. He wanted to see a 21 year old but needed to come to me first to get any kind of clout or reference. I'm not sure why or how many he went through to get to me, but I'm glad he did.
I've never brought anyone in but I can assure everyone I vetted him for 3 hours outside my hotel and 2 inside my room. I saw his car that's half paid off already from his hard work. He has his head on straight, cares about his credit and helps his single mom with younger siblings and the house.
He explains he wants a girlfriend someday but wants to get some experience under his belt! And he is interested in what makes us ladies tick.

Which brings me to the point about KristaMay and why she (or her helper?) won't answer me about allegations that my boy asked for things that were rude!(!!!) And never even got to see her in person. She or whoever just negatively affected this good boy without any care in the world about what it took for him to even get here so far and now it's my word against hers.
I took a lot of time to talk to him and I ended up caring about his experience.

So KristaMay if you are reading this, please let me know what he did wrong for you to destroy him so fast without even meeting him.
Thank you.


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