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Level 2 Female

 65 yrs old

Registered Jul 24 2005
Released Mar 20 2008

144 blogs/2734 comments
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Mar 20 2020 04:09PM
     NBA and Social distancing
Not really a fan of the NBA but wanted to take a minute to applaud the Golden State Warriors on their stand on prevention of passing this virus. Over the course of the shorten season it is evident that they did practice social distancing before that even became a "thing" as they led the league in points allowed with their 113 points per game average of their opponents. Good prevention Warriors!

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Dec 24 2018 01:10PM
     Merry Xmas from Team Juanita
Getting ready to hit the streets where we go see some people that may not get a gift.

Gringo Claus
Attached Pictures


Dec 21 2018 04:48PM
     It is almost 5pm
Time to turn on the Christmas lights.


Jul 15 2018 12:13PM
     I learned something new today
While watching the World Cup.


Nov 22 2017 07:38PM
     Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season
Folks I love the Holiday Season. I am sure I go overboard in most of your minds as I now have my home stereo tuned to 96.5FM which plays Christmas music all day. I just ask is that you do not let things like lines and traffic stress you. Sometimes we put way to much attention to our own self importance and we need to step back and see the big picture.

In 2017 you can get killed for some stupid road rage situation that could easily be avoided by being the bigger person. Your family wants to see you for the Holidays (well most of you anyway) and I just ask that you don't over react to the silly reactions of others.

Let it be the other guys problem.

Happy Holiday Season to all!

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Nov 1 2017 10:08AM
     Daylight Saving Time
Sunday morning we move our clock back. Most of the World has already done this. Now to make it even more confusing Mexico (except some areas near the US border will do it on Sunday with the Americans). Yes Tijuana is on the same time as you all year long.

Attached is a link to spell it out.
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