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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Oct 17 2021 03:38AM
     How muddy is my blood?
I have had Covid and have been vaccinated for covid (2x). I have also been vaccinated for tetanus, Polio, rubella, mumps, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, typhoid, paratyphoid, hpv, hepatitis a and b, meningitis, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis… and at least 2 or 3 more.

How muddy is my blood?


Sep 2 2021 05:35PM
     A family and dog dies while hiking
What in the ham sandwich happened.

Feel free to speculate.
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Apr 29 2021 10:56AM
     1st amendment
It’s really interesting to watch these challenges concerning the 1st amendment.

2 things:

1. It was a horrible thing to tweet.

2. He should get some credit for that being really funny.
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Fat Albert


Apr 5 2021 03:07AM
     Doorman needs to be fired part 2
What a horrible video...
I agree with the comments about “moral responsibility”.... but.... unfortunately we now live in an EXTREMELY litigious society... where getting involved in something could cost you everything... including your life.

Split second decisions are often turned on the “do-gooder.” After the event “Should have” or “Could have” done senarios are put forth... “You should have used better judgement.”

Employers often fire employees for putting the company at risk for liability for getting involved. Store Clerks have been fired for breaking up fights in front of the store. Doctors sued for stopping to help someone in distress... and it goes badly. Night clubs get sued all the time for security trying to stop attacks in the parking lot,

I had a friend that was at a public park. 3 young men were beating the shit out of another young man. My friend ran over to get them to stop. They wouldn’t, he pushed one of the guys who was on top off of the guy, the guy fell awkwardly and twisted his back... there is an ongoing civil suit right now.

Not saying it’s right.... its just more complicated today.
Getting involved on any level can quickly escalate and have life altering consequences.
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part 1


Apr 5 2021 02:32AM
     Here come the taxes
To pay for all that free money that’s been thrown around for the last year.
Some of the ideas obviously focus on taxing the “rich”.... but ... since you can’t tax the rich enough to pay for everything...
Mileage Tax
Increased Energy taxes (gas/natural gas)
Increased capital gains taxes
Increase corporate tax rate
increase taxe on “high income” earners.
lower the “high income” threshold.
Lower threshold on the “death tax/inheritance tax”
Increased “sin” taxes (Alcohol/tobacco)
Added Federal tax for online purchases.

Can’t wait! I hate keeping my money!


Mar 12 2021 07:33AM
     Can you offer success advice
More and more I have found myself in conversations with younger people (18-30) about how to obtain the American Dream. (Family, home, vehicles, vacations, savings, investments, level of comfort)

In my experience, no matter your race, ethnic background and economic starting point... some basic life choices make a huge difference.

1. Responsible sexual behavior. Producing offspring too early makes following a career path much more difficult. Not impossible... but much more difficult (unless you have an amazing support system that shares much of the responsibility.)

2. Education. Not necessarily college. Develop your ability to learn... and have a piece of paper (diploma/certificate) that shows you can finish a long term, disciplined task and matriculate through a system. Trade school, Tech School, College, Apprenticeship program, etc...

3. Stay out of trouble with the law. In some cases that is easier said than done... but realize your choices: Where you go, who you hang around and what you do have a GREAT DEAL of influence over your legal interactions.

Good companies do good background checks. If I have to choose between hiring 2 employees and one has to explain their past... and the other one doesn’t... I’m leaning towards the clean record. Doesn’t mean I won’t hire someone with a questionable past... it’s just an additional hurdle you don’t want.

4. Don’t buy into the commercialism. They don’t care about you. They just want your money. Buy this car. Buy these clothes. Buy these shoes. Buy this gadget (phone etc...) Don’t just work for money. Make money work for you. Invest early.

An old, wise Italian guy quoted Thomas Jefferson to me yesterday. “Watch the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves.”

Anyone else have some advice?


Feb 18 2021 12:49PM
     Rush is gone part II
Our resident genius, Adams said this in part I

“Rush started this divide between left & right by making up crap about the left.”

So... the divide started in 1988 when Limbaugh hit the airwaves. Good to know.

The left hated Rush... because like Howard Stern... people listened to him even if they disagreed because he was entertaining.

As far as the “fairness doctrine” was concerned, what pissed the left off was Rush had tens of millions of listeners... they had no one anyone wanted to listen to... and they felt it wasn’t fair.

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Part 1


Feb 17 2021 09:43AM
     Nite nite Rush Limbaugh
Rush is gone @ 70

Those cigars did him in

Agree with him or not.... he was entertaining.


Feb 2 2021 11:03PM
     4 hour slow speed chase on the 10 fwy


Jan 30 2021 05:28AM
     I propose a compromise
Dems kill off the Son of Adams HX character

And the Repubs kill off the CraneOps HX character

The world gets a little smarter... and HX becomes a bit more sensible and peaceful.



Jan 22 2021 08:22AM
     Later Hank You were one of the greatest.
Hammering Hank gone! 😥


Jan 14 2021 04:44PM
     Listening to Soon-to-be President Joe
Still not a fan... but it is nice to hear a measured, thoughtful tone from our president.


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