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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Dec 10 2019 06:21AM
     Thank God for Checks and Balances
That’s All.

without them BOTH the Executive and Legislative branches would be Wacky out of control.


Dec 7 2019 11:16PM
     Is the electoral College Racist
It was stated in another blog that the Electoral College System had its roots in maintaining slavery... which implies it is a racist system.

The writer also didn’t like my factory analogy and called it “the dumbest defense of the electoral college ever given.“ Everyone knows most analogies break down in the details... so it wasn’t intended to be an item by item comparison... but simply make the bigger point. Which I believe it did.

Where his claim that southern states voted for it because their goal was to preserve slavery is correct. He is incorrect about the Ultimate goal of the Electoral College.

The reason we live in a republic rather than a pure democracy is that in a pure democracy... those in the minority have no power. They are always run over by the majority... even if the majority may be wrong.

The United States weren’t very United at the time. Southern States felt like their interests were not being represented on the Federal level. The South, Midwest and West were rural and less populous and the North East had larger more densely populated cities, Other parts of the country believed those being elected to the Presidency had no incentive to consider their needs and desires. All he had to do was campaign in the north east. Winning there alone would guarantee victory.

As a grand compromise, and seeing the wisdom of a weighted system rather than a simple counted system, made it so whoever runs to be the leader of the entire United States had to win votes in every region rather than just the densely populated areas.

So where souther states agreed to the electoral college because it served their selfish interests to preserve slavery, the rest of the country agreed because they also saw pure majority can be abusive.
Hence, the two systems.

Local elections are usually pure majorities. House and Senate. The Presidency to be decided by a weighted system to insure that national leader consider the needs/desires of every part of the country.

Is that racist? It could be... but in its wisdom... it ultimately helps to protect us from the majority rule, which almost always neglects the needs/desires of the minority.

So... at it’s heart, the ultimate goal of the electoral college is/was not a single issue (slavery) but designed to insure people outside of large population centers have a voice. No matter what the issue.
Whoever wants to be president must value, campaign and win in every part of the country... not just California, New York and Illinois.

States like North Dakota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Utah become important in a presidential election and cannot be ignored.


Nov 25 2019 02:50AM
     Alaska, the great socialist state
Click the link and get caught up....

“ Isn't that exactly what fucking Venezuela was doing? ‘

Uhhhh... no. Not even close. That is ONE thing Venezuela was doing. Chavez was trying to control and manage everything in the country. Like healthcare, electricity, water, gas, food etc... Everything was connected to a government controlled and funded program.
Not to mention private business being choked out bu taxation and government regulation.

Compariong Alaska to Venezuela is like comparing your uncle Ed to Serial Killers.

Hmmm... 96 % of serial killers ate corn the week before their first kill.

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The Retarded Genesis of this blog

1 comment

Nov 22 2019 11:31AM
     Seriously ... the sequel
“Anyone fighting that hard has something to hide.” - The Dude

That is the kind of flawed thinking that is beginning to dominate our society.

Guilty until proven innocent... even if there is nothing to substantiate the initial charge.

To be honest... I think Trump’s taxes show he paid little or nothing... and probably that his income isn’t/wasn’t what he wants people to think it is.

Here is the problem. There is no legal requirement to release your tax returns. There never has been... and I believe never should be.

Natural born American Citizen, a resident for 14 years and 35years of age. That’s it.

A 35 year old American born homeless woman from Wala Wala, Washington should be able to be elected president without physicals, tax returns, voting history etc...

If someone doesn’t give you the additional information you want... don’t vote for them. It’s that simple.
But to start all these legal fights to compel them to give you information that you are not entitled to hoping discredit them is silly.

VOTE! Convince people to vote your way! Then after the election STFU!

President Obama had it right. Elections have consequences. That’s just the way it works.

I don’t want Bernie, Elizabeth or Petey to be elected... but if they do... I’ll make another decision in 4 years.

That Hillary knew how to count to almost 66 million... but didn’t know how to count to 270 is hilarious.
STFU and vote a year from now.
Attached Links
Seriously part 1


Nov 19 2019 05:57AM
     Chiefs limp to victory against the bolts.
Man that was painful to watch.
Chiefs had better get it together if they want to challenge the Pats. Not looking hopeful right now.

If the Bolts stick with Rivers beyond this year... the GM should be fired and the owner kicked square in the balls.


Nov 14 2019 05:29AM
     Austin Rivers... bye bye Dad!
Austin Rivers encouraged refs to T-up his dad, Doc. And then throw him out of the game. LOL

His comments afterward are great.
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Seeeee ya!

1 comment

Nov 12 2019 06:09AM
     Seahawks at 49ers
That was a great game to watch!

Seattle made a lot of mistakes that kept the game close. Garrapalo might have been exposed. Maybe it was just a bad night.


Nov 7 2019 05:06AM
     Chargers Raiders Predictions
Raiders! 27-21

BTW ... how smart does Gruden look now about that Khalil Mack trade?

No doubt Mack is a GREAT player... but it looks like some are encouraging Chicago to try to deal him for draft picks realizing that it’s tough to get full value out of his position.

“Mack's impact on opposing offenses has been lessened because of the NFL's quick-hitting passing game.”

As a disclaimer: I’m not a Raider fan. I Like Gruden. I like Carr. Love Jacobs. But wish them limited success.

Go Chiefs!


Nov 5 2019 09:00PM
     What do you record?
I record everything I want to watch so I ca FF through commercials. I refuse to watch commercials unless I absolutely have to.

What shows is your DVR set to record?


Nov 4 2019 07:08AM
     When will the 49ers lose?
Can they go 16-0?

I’m guessing no... so who will gives their first loss?

Here is the rest of their season.

Green Bay
In Baltimore
In New Orleans
Los Angeles (Rams)
In Seattle

Gotta admit... they have been pretty impressive. But how good are they... really?


Nov 3 2019 05:25PM
     How bout them Chieeeeeefs!
This is not a Burnsie blog.

Way to go KC!


Nov 1 2019 10:44AM
     I don’t like MrDanKim
That fucker said I have a stubby tail that wiggles 😡

“It's starting to make sense now you are just like Jack Black's character in Shallow Hal”

Oh sorry... that’s Jason Alexander’s character.


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