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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Nov 7 2020 05:12PM
     Congratulations President-Elect Biden
America has decided.

It’s time to do for him what some would not do for Trump. Give him the respect that comes with the office.

For those of you holding out hope Trump will make a courtroom come back.... it’s time to accept the loss and recognize in January we will have a new President.

I’ll tell you like I told those crying about Trump’s election in 16. There is a system in place. Prepare for the mid-terms... and the next election in 4 years.

By the way... if you whine and gripe... you lose even more.


Nov 6 2020 12:30PM
     The Presidential race in 30 seconds
This made me laugh.
Attached Links
Its not over


Nov 6 2020 04:06AM
     Relax. America is ok
Unless something unprecedented happens Biden won.

We will all see, like when Trump won, he didn’t fix everything and the world didn’t end. The same is true now.

Thankfully the Repubs didn’t lose the senate. Divided government is good. Gridlock is good. I don’t want Republicans or Democrats to have complete control. I want there to be hard checks and balances on policy.

Even when a Republican wins the presidency again... and they will at some point. I don’t want them to win the house and senate.

Hopefully Joe and Mitch and Nancy can get together and agree on a few things. Most things still won’t get gone... but some will.

Maybe some meaningful immigration reform. Both sides want it. They just can’t agree on the pieces.

I can use a break from the constant stress of the last 4 years.


Nov 5 2020 12:39PM
     Now Republicans
It looks like the fat lady is tuning up and about to sing.

Here is your chance.

For 4 years you have been complaining about how unfair and how badly the left has treated President Trump. Your desire was they would treat him with respect and not attack him for every thing they could (rightfully or wrongfully) twist to their advantage.

What will you do now?

I’m not sure we can change those cycles of attack... but will you try? Or are you so pissed that you will keep this viscous attack cycle going?

I hate corny phrases but... Be the change you want to see in the world.

Treat Biden the way you want people to treat a president you chose.

Joe Biden is about to be my president. I will look at him that way... and think of him that way.

That doesn’t mean I will agree with him. I just won’t be hateful, spiteful, mean and vindictive.

Come on... let’s practice. All together now..... “Good afternoon Mr. President.”


Nov 3 2020 03:46PM
     When Biden Wins I’m going to....
feel no differently than I did yesterday.

I will say, Congratulations Mr. President - Elect.

I will try to console you whiney bitches that voted for Donald Trump


Nov 3 2020 03:45PM
     When Trump wins I am going to...
feel no differently than I did yesterday.

I will say, Congratulations Mr. President.

I will try to console you whiney bitches that voted for Joe Biden.


Nov 3 2020 05:25AM
     Today is the day!
If you haven’t voted already...

You are probably too stupid to be allowed to vote anyway.

Either way... I hope your candidate wins, they fix all of your problems and you become rich beyond your wildest imagination!

Everybody wins today!

Well... unless you lose... then .... you will probably be a sad sack of shit sitting in a corner crying... and screaming about how the election was stolen. (BTW... it probably was)

Remember... vote early.... and vote often!


Nov 2 2020 01:08AM
     Lockdowns prove the British are pussies
Just Kidding!

But the French.... that’s another story!


Oct 30 2020 06:47AM
     You all are a bunch of nasty bastards
Gina’s Slip n fall blog explains why you are all going to die from COVID.


Oct 29 2020 06:06AM
     I predict Tuesday night tears
For half of you guys.

Me, I’m going to throw a steak on the grill... and flip back and forth between FONEWS and CNN to watch the meltdown.

I’m hoping Trump wins just because I think it might be possible Van Jones literally offs himself live on TV.

If Biden wins... I’m looking forward to watching the extreme right plot to overthrow the government using their Radio Shack walkie talkies and Amazon night vision goggles.

Either way.... entertainment polooza!


Oct 28 2020 11:09AM
     That Pesky Constitution part 2
NR... I appreciate your willingness to re-think your position on the issue.

Attached Links
Part 1


Oct 27 2020 08:00PM
     That pesky Constitution is always getting in the way
“If we significantly limited the supply of guns in the US, we wouldn't have the same problem.”

That horse left the barn 245 years ago.


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