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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Oct 23 2020 09:15AM
     Say something nice pt3 and the GE and SSL not yet lovers quarrel
Ma’am ... stop apologizing.

Sir ... pull your panties out of yer crack.

Life is short. You two ought to really get together.

Rahcrener... you really project quite a bit. It’s sad that you would say that a mother, who went through the challenging steps of adoption (several times), would not love her children because of their sexual orientation or life choices. Would she be disappointed that one of her son’s would be a pillow biter... or daughter a donut bumper? Probably... but, She seems to be a good parent. And good parent’s love in spite of how their children may disappoint them. I am guessing your parent’s are a testament to that fact.
I know mine are 😄

But seriously, you disagree with her on faith, her worldview and the way she interprets the constitution ... but you have to take it to extrapolate to where you know absolutely nothing? That says much more about your heart than hers.


Oct 13 2020 10:03PM
     Electoral map the 3rd
Are we finished?
Attached Links
Previously on Homeland


Oct 12 2020 05:53AM
     Electoral map Deuce
You guys are all a bit ... as my grandfather would say, “Teched in tha head.”

Mr. Rahcrener wrote: “I got your point, but you also said you don't blame trump either for the current political climate under Trump administration”

When did I EVER say/write that? Please link the blog. You guys are so intent on pigeon holing each other... that you say things that are completely not true. I never said anything remotely close to ‘Trump is not to blame for the current political climate.”

You know why I know you are wrong... because I NEVER thought that. I may have said something like, Trump isn’t only to blame... but the President has a lot to do with the current climate.

Although I have policy disagreements with President Obama, I loved the dignity and calmness that he brought to the office.

I have repeatedly said President Trump should STFU. He is combative. He instigates. He stirs the shit when he could let it settle. But... he isn’t alone. Nancy and Chuck play the game too. Where Trump is different than any other president in modern times is he responds to attacks in real time without a “Presidential filter.” That is one of the things some people like and many hate about him.

But I understand it. The left has ramped up the level of conflict since before he took office. They began threats of impeachment right after the election. He is an extreme narcissist... he views everything by the way he thinks it makes him look. So even though he has flaws and insecurities... when people attack him... he doesn’t have the ability (like Obama, Bush, Clinton etc...) to let some of them pass. I understand it... can’t say I agree with him. But when you have idiots, who have accomplished little or nothing criticize EVERYTHING you do... and you have a personality disorder... this is what you get.

So, unlike you Mr. Rahcrener, I am not a blind, angry, criticize everything partisan. Politicians get my vote. Not my heart. I had never seen the level of brutality the right inflicted on Obama.... until the left started going after Trump. The left has been brutal... unrelenting.

Unfortunately... It seems this is the new normal. The only thing I can do is try to be fair minded whoever is in office. Unfortunately that doesn’t get people to watch the news... or create blogs part 5,6,7,8 etc...

So, if it makes you feel better to think I feel The Donald has done no wrong, have at it.


Oct 8 2020 05:51AM
     A great thing about the 2020 election cycle
No Tom Steyer commercials.


Oct 6 2020 10:29AM
     Is this the 2nd wave?
Bill DeBlasio is closing schools and may close all “non-essential businesses” due to the escalating numbers in NYC.


Oct 6 2020 06:08AM
     Is anyone going to watch the VP debate?
If so.... why?

I probably won’t... but if I do watch any of it... it will only be to see if Pence can handle Kamala.


Sep 29 2020 09:20PM
     Tonight’s debate made me sad
In a country of 330 million people...

These two are the best we have?

Biden isn’t the problem. Trump isn’t the problem. They are just symptoms of the stupidity of the Moronic stranglehold this two party system has on this country.

I thought maybe Trump would really be a disrupter and cause us to break the system.... but idiots on the right and left have just become even more intrenched.

We deserve whatever we get.


Sep 27 2020 05:15AM
     If the science told you to jump off of a bridge... would you?
I just read that on another blog.
I guess the real answer depends on which science.... If jumping meant I would avoid being hit by a train, I might. If the bridge was on fire... I probably would...

But hey.... that “Mom reasoning” can’t be denied!


Sep 27 2020 05:07AM
     Have you ever misspelled Humaniplex in your search engine?
I got Humani-lex accidentally today.

It’s a labor and human resource law firm website.

Isn’t that a coincidence.


Sep 25 2020 04:12PM
     Justice for Breonna part two
DblMike, I don’t remember if the AG said the wrong address. I may have inserted that mistakenly. What is clearly true is the police mistakenly thought that was the residence of Breonna’s former boyfriend.
I wasn’t stating that as a reason or excuse for anything... just that was the case.

J502 wrote:
Here is what justice for Breonna Taylor would look like for me.

1. New legislation that would make it easier to hold police officers accountable for dereliction of duty.

2. Create an independent investigatory and prosecutorial system for police involved crimes.

3. Reform police union contracts that bury reports of previous misconduct, abuse and unnecessary use of force (deadly or otherwise).

4. Improve training in de-escalation and engagement such that all lives are treated as equally precious.

5. Root out racist and sadistically abusive police officers. Let's truly fulfill the moniker of a "City's Finest".

6. Take some police funding and put it towards drug abuse prevention/treatment, the hiring of mental health specialists/domestic unrest specialists to assist on such calls (police have been asking for this for years now), and funding for housing the homeless (police have been asking not to have to go on homeless calls for years as well). This will not only reduce crime rates, but also free up cops handle more important matters while limiting the possibility for violent police action occurring during non-violent situations.

Breonna is dead and her death is a result of institutional failure. Poor training. Racial misconceptions (like feeling more threatened by black people than white people). Sloppy cut-and-paste warrants. Use of force policies that value the lives of the police waaaaay more than the lives of others.

Kentucky law, as currently written, made it very difficult to charge these officers. Maybe that needs to be updated as well, but ultimately whether they're charged or not isn't going to bring her back. So, for me, justice would be taking the necessary steps to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.


1st. Thank you for answering the question. I believe all of your responses are thoughtful, reasonable and can be carried out.
Her death being the result of institutional failure cannot be denied.
2nd. I noticed what you didn’t include as “justice.” The officers in this instance being prosecuted, convicted and sentenced. (I don’t mean that as a gotcha in any way)
Is there a reason those things weren’t included?

I seem to agree with you on everything. Maybe you can help clarify my thinking on that as well.


Sep 25 2020 05:34AM
     What would be Justice for Breonna?
I watched the AG's news conference carefully.

There is no questioning the police had a search warrant for the WRONG address. Breonna was an innocent victim.

1. The officers who executed the search warrant were not the officers who applied for the warrant. It was impossible for them to know they were at the wrong place. (That is causing policy changes in how search warrants are granted and carried out)

2. It was not a "no knock" warrant. The police knocked loudly (enough to wake up neighbors on both sides)

3. At no answer, they breached the door.

4, One officer entered, seeing a man and a woman at the end of the hallway. The man armed, in a shooting stance,

5, The man shoots the police officer in the leg (He admitted he fired first)

6. The officer who was struck returned fire.

7. The officer in the doorway also fired.

8. A 3rd officer outside of the apartment fired into the apartment.

9. Although, Breonna was shot multiple times, one shot was fatal.

10. Because of either "through and through" shots or the bullet striking bone... they could not determine which officer fired the fatal shot.

11. Bullets fired by the officer outside of the apartment went through the wall into the apartment behind Breeona's where 3 people were sleeping. (FBI Ballistics could identify the bullets in the 2nd apartment)

12. The family was paid $12,000,000 because of the tragic error of going to the wrong location and Breonna's terrible and unfortunate death that resulted from that error.

So... IF those truly are the facts, what would be justice for Breonna?

I have had multiple discussions and thought about it a lot. From the "facts" presented to the Grand Jury, it seems they made the right decision. I am open to hearing counter arguments.

I'm just trying to see what justice might look like in this case.

Is it possible that there are times when "justice" or the "feeling" of justice is not possible?

An innocent woman lost her life because of a horrible mistake by officers who were not present on the scene.

The FBI is continuing their investigation concerning the obvious civil rights violations and procedural violations in obtaining the search warrant.

BTW ... All of the officers were firing .40 Caliber weapons. The man fired a 9mm (Which was found in the office's leg.)


Sep 22 2020 01:17PM
     Supreme Court 2
Quat, Repubs used the system that was in place. The Dems did it with impeachment. They had the majority so they shut the Repubs out of the process until the hearings and the vote. It’s politics.

The reason for lifetime appointments is to take the pressure off of Judges. They can vote their constitutional conviction rather than trying to protect themselves and their seats. The current bench seems to be evidence of that. They have handed Trump a few key defeats in the last few years in spite of knowing that clown can be a vindictive prick. Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanagh have not been in Trump’s pocket... because there is no reason for them to be.

Lifetime appointments help to keep an independent judiciary.


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