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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

222 blogs/5160 comments
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Sep 14 2020 08:37AM
     Is the only way to win
In today’s political climate... is if you completely demonize the other side?

The other guy/gal has to be evil, corrupt, stupid, incompetent?


Sep 1 2020 01:54PM
     Pelosi hairdo is way more important than yours!
Well... the elites can’t have Frizzzz.!
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Aug 18 2020 08:17AM
     Democratic National Convention
Sucked! But it wasn’t their fault. Trying to make 30 pre recorded speeches, without an audience, is tough.
Everything except Michelle Obama was mediocre at best. They should have saved her for last. I know that is the spot for the nominee... but these are strange times.

Kasich was boring hoping to get moderates to believe Joe won’t go too far left... then Bernie followed him and told people we are going all the way left. Hmmmmm.... which one told the truth?

M.O.’s rhetoric was over the top... but... it was a convention speech.

I wonder if the Repubs will watch this and learn. What can they do differently? I have no idea how to make this engaging. Conventions are tough to watch to begin with... but doing the virtually .... yuck.


Aug 17 2020 12:48PM
     What will Kasich say tonight?
I like John Kasich. I voted for him in the primaries in 2016.

Will he blast Trump tonight.... or do a we should just all get along song and dance?


Aug 7 2020 01:44PM
     So Susan Rice?
She just divested her I’m guessing significant stock holdings in Netflix.

Maybe preparing for an announcement?


Jul 25 2020 10:00PM
     China war 2
Ding ding
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Paa wun


Jul 21 2020 08:57AM
     KFC hoping to print chicken
Why did the chicken cross the road? He didn’t because he no longer exists.

Sorry. For me... a bridge too far.
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Bak Bak Baaaaaak no more


Jul 18 2020 05:12PM
     After Truth the rise of fake news
Have you seen this.


It primarily highlights strategic propaganda used by the right... or people on the right, but it makes it clear both sides are using it.

Without the mis-information campaign from the left.... the Alabama Senate race would have been won by that gem of a candidate Roy Moore.

I’m not complaining... The right does it too. Although I would have liked the Repubs to have a little cushion in the Senate ...
Roy Moore wasn’t a guy I would have chosen.


Jul 18 2020 08:56AM
     If Ginsburg dies in her seat...
Will the Senate be able to move fast enough to confirm a nominee if Trump loses or if they lose their majority in the Election?

The left will (rightfully) scream bloody murder, since the right held up The Obama pick in a similar situation/timeframe... but that is politics. Those who have the power use it while they can to further their agenda.


Jul 17 2020 08:03AM
     Odds on the election part b
Well here is how it ended up on the Question, who will win in November?

Remember... not who you want to win... Who WILL win?

Donald Trump - 5

Joe Biden - 0

Kanye West - 1

KiaserSoce - 1

Insearchofstarfish is willing to take bets that DT will win. That is a sure vote of confidence.

GoBallsDeep thinks Kanye has it in the bag.

Jimmyz thinks the handsome and brilliant KaiserSoce will win as a write in candidate

Chucklaylo believes if debates happen (they will) Trump wins out.

Stixie believes there is no stopping Trump

Not a single person was willing to say, Joe will go all the way.

The rest said a bunch of shit that didn’t answer the question.


Jul 16 2020 11:04PM
     Coin shortage
So I guess all you scaredy-cats staying home for 4 months took a lot of loose Change out of circulation.

Come on... bust open those piggy banks and spend those pennies!


Jul 16 2020 06:55PM
     Covid is no joke but some of you
Hey both of you clowns who said....

“So, unless you do what I do I suggest you keep your comments to yourself...

Really? That’s your argument? “Respect my authoratah!”

Sorry friends, but no. That isn’t how it works ON THE INTERNET .

By the way, Smart people... maybe some smarter... and with more experience than you, have differing views of what information means and where it leads us. So make room fellas.

So... Say your piece and those on the inter web will tell you they love you and you are full of shit... all at the same time.

By the way, I am an M.D. with a specialty in infectious diseases. And you should believe me because I wrote it in a blog on HX.

Lastly, I just talked with Dr. Fauci and I told him Golfwiz was blogging about your relationship with him. He said, “Who?”

This is a serious issue, but stop taking yourselves so damn seriously


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