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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Jul 15 2020 05:33PM
     Odds on the election?
No need to explain... just who do you think will Be the President the day after the Inauguration 2021.

Not who you WANT to win...

Who you think will win.


Jul 15 2020 09:20AM
     Yay Tax Day!
It’s almost like Christmas... except with sadness, anger and the desire to make threats against the government.


Jul 14 2020 10:41PM
     Some spaces just are not SAFE!
What the heezy!


Jul 13 2020 11:49AM
     Candace Owens Marc Lamont Hill
It’s a long discussion 1:20... not sure many will listen to it all.
They covered a lot of ground

George Floyd
Complexity of change
Affirmative action
College admissions
Gender pronounsCan men have

I appreciated the combative... yet cordial discussion.

I learned quite a bit from both.
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Candy and Marc


Jul 2 2020 06:28AM
     Any Vets with PTSD?
I have been seeing/hearing commercials about Fireworks causing problems for vets.

Is this a big problem?


Jun 30 2020 07:24AM
     New York mandatory quarantining some out of state visitors lol
If you fly in to NY from AL, AR, AZ, FL, NC, SC, TX or UT.... 2 week quarantine! 😳

Looks like they are about to add California, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada and Tennessee.

You got enough toilet paper?


Jun 28 2020 09:23AM
     KaiserSoce had a fence pole in his ass (not in the good way)
For context:

Dud @Kaiserpermante Dude stop trying to straddle the fence, you're a MAGA red hat wearing Trump supporter that just has a problem admitting it lol Trump is racist what he says and his polices. Wants to ban Muslims, build a wall to stop the rapist and murders from coming here oh yeah and some are nice people,. Rep Omar should go back where she came from. Kung flu etc.....dude please just stop!

Kaiser- Dud.... I hate to confirm your thoughts... but I am a fence straddler when it comes to politicians.

I just responded to a PM a minute ago like this....

“I am a semi- Trump supporter. I like him better than Biden.... but not much.
I don’t love him... or hate him.

I’m comfortable criticizing him when I think he is wrong and agreeing with him I think he is right.

I felt the same way about President Obama.

Politicians get my vote. Not my heart.”

I don’t don’t feel the need to defend everything he does. Much of the criticism about the Donald is accurate... and much of it is simply unfair... but understandable because the political climate we live in (that Trump is partially responsible for)

Some of you are blinded by your hate of him.

Some of you are blinded by your love of him.

some of you feel the need to defend the left... or the right on every turn because admitting wrong gives weapon to those on the other side.

That is the world we live in. I understand that. I understand the weak mindedness of a Dude or a BJ. You are only allowed to agree with those in your club (even when YOU think they are wrong) and must disagree with the other club (even when they do something you like).

I’m not going to let someone make me live by those ridiculous rules.

Dud- @Kaiserpermanente Criticize him lol YOU... never!
Dude you're just like the people in 2016 when they did polling. Many of them wouldn't admit in public the were Trump supporters.
Attached Links
Part 1


Jun 28 2020 07:13AM
     Poor John Bolton
Not sure how much he is making off of his book... but... I hope it was worth it.

He is getting slammed from both sides... right and left. The right looks at him as a traitor to Trump and the party... the left looks at him like a traitor to the country. “He held back important information that incriminated himself and the president. He may be an author, but he is no patriot.”


Jun 23 2020 07:24AM
     Freedom of speech/expression is great
Until you say something I don’t like, hurts my feelings or completely disagree with.

Fucking Nancies.


Jun 22 2020 10:06PM
     Whiney Thresher’s ACTUAL problem
Let me help you all understand whiney Thresher’s (Retardo)problem.

He didn’t understand what were acceptable terms to be used in the blogs... so me... like an idiot thought I would help him out.

It was obvious he is dumb as a box of rocks... but hey... how do you learn anything unless someone helps you.

So I sent him a very polite PM pointing out what changes would keep him from getting into trouble.

In our polite exchanges... he mentioned that I might be able to tell by the way he writes, English is not his first language. I told him, “No, but I was impressed by how well he wrote if he was learning English. (I lied. His grammar and word usage is terrible... but I was trying to be encouraging)

All was great. But shit stirrer GoBallsDeep... through his powers of discernment... must have picked up on Retardo Thresher’s trouble with the language (ooooo he must be Sherlock Holmes 🕵️‍♂️ to notice that. In a blog, GBD mentions he thinks Retardo is ESL.

The brilliant Retardo (I just finished helping) sends me a PM accusing me of “disclosing” information about our PMs to GBD. Then he goes on to insult my honest and integrity 😂.

As Bugs Bunny would say, “Ha Haaaaa! What a Maroon!”

You dumb fuck.... You were worried about me disclosing something no one cares about? Well, there it is... disclosed you goon.

But since it’s out here now... and it’s a big secret... spill the beans. What is your country of origin?

Holy Shit.... are you... Arabian Princess?

Now it all makes sense.


Jun 21 2020 07:14AM
     Happy Father’s Day
You had a swimmer 🏊 win the race!


Jun 20 2020 08:58AM
     Thankfully no foul play
The two men found hanging in the hi-desert and Antelope Valley were bothering me.

According to Victorville Police and LA County Sheriffs ... both were thought to be suicides.

Both families said, �No way.�

The Victorville death was confirmed as suicide by a nearby building�s security video. The family reviewed and agrees/accepts the evidence.

Sad for the guy and his family.

Good for the community it was self inflicted. Could have gotten really ugly otherwise.
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No foul Play

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