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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Mar 7 2020 11:49AM
     How many of you are

Like major with a bunker... Could live for months or years without leaving.

Mid level with a lot of supplies stored up in the house so you last a few weeks to a month or so,

Low level ... you could make it a week or two,

Totally fucked... if basic services became unavailable... you’d be sucking your neighbor’s dick for a can of beans. (iI’m sure this is Fecal Matter’s category)

Are you prepared for anything? How?


Mar 6 2020 07:20AM
     Anyone signing up for a cruise?
I made a life decision to never cruise again after news of the great poop cruise of 2013.

If I were on that ship near San Fran... I’d have to call a friend with a boat... jump ship and swim/float til he picked me up.

Glad iPhones are waterproof now.


Mar 4 2020 07:12AM
     Shaq is hilarious
That hairline!


Mar 3 2020 06:35AM
     LA County District Attorney election
JACKIE LACEY (incumbent)

If you saw the news yesterday... a group of Black Lives Matter members showed up beating a drum and protesting in front of her house at 5:30am. When she didn’t respond... they came up on the porch and rang the bell. Her husband opened the door with a gun (looked like a Glock) pointed at them and said “Get off my porch. I will shoot you!”

The only thing that would have made that better is if He had on a cowboy hat, those long underwear onesie (with the trap door, cowboy boots and a shotgun... opened the door, racked it, and then shot in the air.



Mar 2 2020 10:52AM
     Klobuchar out!
Going to endorse Biden tonight


Feb 28 2020 11:32PM
     Not about Biden anymore 3
“Why don’t the countries of Scandinavia need minimum wages guys?”

It’s a legitimate question that requires a detailed answer.

One reason they don’t need a minimum wage is that entitlements provided through high taxation guarantee basic needs are met. Which might sound good to some people... but the flip side of that is they contribute almost nothing to the advancement of society.

There is little if any innovation that originates from Scandinavian countries. They advance by using the advancements of the rest of the world. Only one of the 50 largest Scandinavian companies was started after 1970. That may not be important to you... but it is important to the world.

Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Cisco, intel, Walmart, CVS, Facebook, YouTube, etc... do not come from Scandinavia. Why? Innovation has been de-incentivized. We aren’t importing Scandinavian movies and TV shows.

The U.S. adds to the world because ideas, innovation and risk are incentivized.

Scandinavia will not solve the growing CoronaVirus problem... you know who will? American Big Pharma. Why? Because they are altruistic? No. Because solving problems is profitable.

A For-Profit Israeli company believes they are 3 weeks away from a Corona Virus vaccine. Scandinavia leaves research, development, innovation and inventions to the countries that make those things worthwhile.

As mentioned in the last blog, Scandinavia is made up of homogenous countries. They keep their borders well regulated. A plurality of thought is not an earmark of their society.

It is in the US. There are always opposing voices here. I’m not saying free speech is oppressed there... I’m saying there is a limitation of the free flow of ideas because as a culture... most people are the same.

Here.... few of us are the same.

Lastly, once again... most Scandinavian countries average population is about 5.5 million. (Sweden has 10 million. 27 million Combined. About the population of Texas) The cost and management of Scandinavian systems to cover the US population is unimaginable.


Feb 28 2020 06:20AM
     Sliced Mayonnaise Yuck! Or Yum?
Looks like it won’t be long before - slice of bread, slice of mayonnaise, slice of cheese, slice of bologna and another slice of bread... and you got a a sammich.

These will probably go over well in prison so you wont have to expose your shank when making lunch for the boys in your cell.

So... sliced Mayo.... a little slice of heaven.... or a little slice of hell?

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Sounds gross to me... but I hate mayonnaise


Feb 27 2020 07:15AM
     hearse with body in it stolen
Fucking Dude!

Bring it back Lebowski!!!
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Feb 23 2020 07:13PM
     Aaron Hernandez
I just finished watching the Netflix Documentary.
As you already know he killed himself in prison. Some believed specifically because of an “abatement law” in Massachusetts that says if a defendant dies while on trial or the case is being appealed, the conviction is vacated.

It is believed he did it to provide for his surviving family. Without the conviction they could challenge for payment of part of his NFL contract.

His conviction was vacated.

The state later changed the law and re-instated his conviction.

I’m not discounting his guilt... and not arguing the family should be paid.

I think it is wrong for them to change the law and apply the change retroactively. Going forward.... fine. Going backward... unfair.


Feb 21 2020 10:29PM
     Death Row how to go?
Did you see there are multiple death row inmates in Tennessee opting for the electric chair rather than lethal injection?

If you had to go.....

Lethal Injection
Electric chair
Firing squad

Which one? Why?

Are there any other LEGAL ways for the government to execute prisoners sentenced to die?


Feb 21 2020 10:18PM
     Is Joe Biden done?
Arrested in South Africa in the 70’s?

No record of it... not even in his own book. The people he said he was with have no recollection.

This ought to be interesting.

I hope everyone is feeling the Bern.
Attached Links
New York Time Article


Feb 18 2020 09:07AM
If Ukraine was so important....

Why has it virtually disappeared as an issue?

Its pretty obvious now it’s was a political attack issue rather than a real issue.

Now it is Roger Stone/Bill Barr/DOJ.

Anybody want to guess what is next?

Can anyone list the accusations against Trump and the outcomes?


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