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 58 yrs old
Registered Oct 2 2017
Released Oct 2 2017

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Feb 5 2020 01:54PM
     It’s over... not really
Trump was acquitted by the senate.

CNN pundits say, “This isn’t over.” House democrats will continue to seek more evidence to take another shot.


Feb 3 2020 08:30AM
     Watching impeachment closing arguments
Listening to Val Demings... it’s no wonder the Dems lost. She is a terrible communicator.

She is struggling to read her own script.


Jan 30 2020 05:19PM
     Gina still didn’t read and who is Bolton?
I’m sure there is tons more of this silliness.

“ OJ likely got away with murder but that's doesn't make it open season on blonde ex-wives everywhere.”

FUCK! Life is so unfair!


Jan 29 2020 09:47PM
     More Bolton Part 3 and Gina didn’t read
As the world turns....

“Gina - “didn’t read” and then proclaiming you unwavering support for a Trump second term sounds like you are saying you are not informed and have no intention of being informed.

Seems the best decisions are made from a position of being informed, not of being ignorant.‘

Harpooner.... are you suggesting HX blogs are a good place to be informed?

Gina not reading our drivel may be the best decision.


Jan 26 2020 10:42PM
     RIP or maybe not
Most interesting blog in weeks.

I understand why many didn’t like him. I wasn’t a fan. Not sure I understand the desire to piss on his grave... before it’s even dug.

HX is not a place for wimps... that’s for sure.

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Part 1

1 comment

Jan 23 2020 08:20PM
     Why is KC favored in the Super Bowl?
SF has the better offensive line, running game, defensive line and defensive secondary.
Why is KC slightly favored?

It has to be they believe in Mahomes.... and doubt Garrapolo.


Jan 14 2020 05:14AM
     how Long has it been since there was a Super Bowl Half-time show worth watching?


Janet and Justin?


Jan 13 2020 09:01PM
     Nineteen Seventeen
Funny the site wouldn’t let me title the blog 1917. It said, Don’t use all caps. LOL

Saw it today.

Kind of a WWI version of “Saving Private Ryan” But not as good.

Not sure what the Golden Globes were making a fuss about.

Couple of scenes made you glad this was before AIDS.


No comments yet

Jan 10 2020 08:49PM
     Pretty good article from New York Times
“Did Trump do the right thing with Iran”

They pulled bits from multiple articles to present the pros and cons of President Trump’s move.

Whichever side you are on... there is something for you. Not only that... it might give you new thoughts about the other side’s thinking.

First part is the pro argument

Second part the con argument
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Jan 10 2020 12:51PM
     Was Trump shooting from the hip ignoring counsel and regard for the consequences?
“We are also learning more about the roles that other senior members of the Administration played in the process that led to the drone attack on Suleimani, including Gina Haspel, the current director of the C.I.A. “In the days before General Suleimani’s death, Ms. Haspel had advised Mr. Trump that the threat the Iranian general presented was greater than the threat of Iran’s response if he was killed,” the Times reported on Wednesday. “Indeed, Ms. Haspel had predicted the most likely response would be a missile strike from Iran to bases where American troops were deployed, the very situation that appeared to be playing out on Tuesday afternoon.”

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal, in yet another lengthy account of the Administration’s decision-making, reported that all of Trump’s top advisers, including “new Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and new national security adviser Robert O’Brien … backed the president’s decision to kill the top Iranian military commander and moved swiftly to carry it out.” - New Yorker article 1/10/20


Jan 10 2020 11:27AM
     Did Trump just help Biden
win the nomination?

It seems Biden has a sudden surge of support among Democrats. It looks like his “steady hand” and Foreign policy experience are the driving attributes moving Primary voters to his side.

He might want to send the Donald a fruit basket or something.


Jan 9 2020 02:34PM
     Trump Iran Lesson 2

Concerning Trump

Don’t love him.
Don’t think he is a good guy.
Don’t like his persona.

Don’t think he is a racist but is culturally obtuse.

I think policy-wise he is doing a pretty good job.

I would prefer he not tweet so much. I would prefer he not be so self-affirming... but ... if he is waiting for you to affirm ANYTHING he did... it would never happen.

He could cure you of your aids and you would complain that the pill bottle was too hard to open.

You guys still don’t get him. Pay attention. Everything he does is hype to an end. He always starts out with an extreme position. Then comes back towards you and settles for more than what he actually was expecting.

He’s doesn’t want to turn Iran into a pearling lot... but he wants them to think he does.
Then they get all twisted up and do stupid shit... like the Democrats.

You expect him to be like you, dumb as a box of rocks. He is always strategizing. You and many on the left think he is a non thinking doofus. Go ahead keep thinking that. He has been eating your lunch for 3 years.

If Nancy doesn’t smarten up... he’ll be doing it for another 5.

I would have loved to have someone without his character flaws to choose from... but right now, he is all there is.
Who am I going to vote for Elizabeth? Bernie? Pete? Joe? Mike?



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