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Level 2 Male

 41 yrs old
City of Los Angeles, LA, CA
Registered May 28 2016
Released May 28 2016

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Nov 13 2017 07:34AM
     LoveToLove stealing pics or double profile
So I was trying to make an appointment with lovetolove for an out session, which I’ll admit was trying to do a trade for. On her add she said send your number she’ll send more pics videos because she only had 2 in her albums. After stringing me a long about considering the trade for hours I noticed that her two pics in her album looked similar to another I’ve seen a few times. Same type of breasts, nipples, hair , with the place where the other girls tattoo would be was covered by her arm. More lever the two pics she sent me on my phone were the same ones in her album. Still being on the fence about her accepting the trade saying if she did she would come after traffic, I mentioned up front I would have to see some more recognizable pics of her before I gave an address for obvious reasons. She replied no face pics but we can face time which is more then fine. I then innocently asked her if she has another handle or just used a few pics that weren’t hers, the pics were literally of her legs and her body from the neck to upper stomach. She then got all defensive demanding that I tell her the other handle , insisting that she doesn’t have two handles and some is stealing her pics. Me only having assumptions suggested we face time , which was her idea , and once I saw that she was or wasn’t the same girl thus proving she is not doing anything wrong I would gladly tell her the other handle. Of course she kept changing the focus to other girls handle saying she so worried about her safety and that I’m weird and kept consistently denying that she had two handles when I only asked about that one time at the beginning. I just simply kept replying that once we face time everyone’s concerns will be alleviated and I’ll give her the other handle. This texting went back and for for about 40 min while during that time I’m looking at both profile,s pics just to make sure my assumptions have reasoning behind them. All of the sudden according to the album time it was right when she started getting very defensively her pics went from 2 to none and she said she took the pics down before we even started texting lol. Still won’t face time, still constantly insulting me. You guys tell me what to think. I’m not accusing anyone of anything but actions speak for themselves. You make your own call....I think she’s not only a conniving liar but too dumb to even hold up her own lie.


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