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Level 0 Male

 34 yrs old
Redondo Beach, Coastal, LA, CA
Registered May 20 2020
Released May 21 2020

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Oct 14 2020 12:51PM
     The Epidemic of Men Sexually Broken by Porn
What are the communities thoughts on the effect Porn is having on a vast number of young men? Is the community aware of this epidemic? For those who maybe don’t know what I’m talking about there is an alarming percentile of young men who are sexually broken. Yes, broken. Young men who should be in their prime sexually are reported as being sexually disabled by disorders some believe are a direct result of watching Porn. There’s a spectrum of disorders that are believed to correlate from watching porn that all contribute this growing number of men who aren’t performing sexually the way that they naturally would be. It’s said that watching porn is causing several psychological issues with men that lead to sexual performance issues. Some of these psychological effects are described as distortion of expectations between real sexual encounters and sex acts performed in porn, loss of motivation to pursuit sexual partners due to convenience and availability of watching porn, and social anxiety that cripples the ability to approach potential sexual partners that only gets more severe as men watch porn more frequently as well as the amount of time between sexual partners. There are also some alarming implications of this new problem facing society like fertility rates plummeting, which I encourage you to look into for yourself as though it is a very serious topic that is intrinsically related to what I’m speaking of here it‘a a complex issue that exceeds the scope of this blog.

Please share your thoughts. Thanks.


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