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Level 2 Female

 29 yrs old
Registered Mar 7 2018
Released Mar 7 2018

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Dec 20 2018 07:27PM
     Making dinner and having some wine
Trying to decide what spicy Italian sausage brand I should use!!
I would love your suggestions !!

* I’m making spaghetti *


Dec 16 2018 10:03AM
     Santa Baby , slip a sable under the tree for me

Been an awful good girl

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight


Dec 1 2018 06:58PM
     But really who has the best
Sarcasm on HX ? 🤔 Because I got that too 😏 .Im Bored and need entertainment ..😋🤫
And I have a life but Im Antisocial HaHa so make fun all you want , you here too!!! 😋😊😉


Dec 1 2018 05:15PM
     Staying true to your self
It’s hard at times , but don’t let Anyone change your worth! Doesn’t matter what we do it’s about your happiness and Satisfaction plus effort in what makes you feel better. STAY POSITIVE MY HX FRIENDS YOU ARE AWESOME EVEN THOUGHT SOME OF YALL ARE MEAN . Lol


Nov 23 2018 04:22PM
     Black Friday
Nothing better than getting a good deal on something you been waiting to have 🥰☺️


Oct 8 2018 07:59AM
     Can Anyone on here
Replace my windows , some dumb loser tried to brake in my car and I really need a place to go that won't cost too much

This is very upsetting so please no negative comments a


Aug 30 2018 07:42PM
     Any people like playing
Dice , card games ?
Someone take me to a casino for the first time ?!


Aug 29 2018 02:58PM
     Bowling arena
Right next to where I'm staying! Who wants to go?!


Aug 21 2018 06:19PM
     What the ....
So I know everyone's has their opinion , so please be considerate with your comments on this subject ...

I been having a weird metabolism , it's so hard for me to gain weight but I'm also not as active as I should be . Lately I been doing a complete workout 3 days of the week I'm a very petite woman , if you have seen me than you know not supppper skinny but im very petite but it's not my first time on a work out regimen and still I don't get enough results I eat alot and still no hope yet . I really love my body I'm not looking to go under with the knife what so ever , if you have tried something that works for you let me know!!


Aug 12 2018 03:43PM
     I’d love to learn more languages
I love being bilingual It’s such a good benefit . Especially when I help someone understand something they can’t read or say . I’d love to learn more languages that are common especially mandarin or Tagalog ...


Aug 5 2018 08:28AM
     Dont judge people and their interests
Oh, taboo, you are not just a perfume my grandmother used to wear, you are a real thing that shocks people, scares some, and provokes others to run. Taboo things evolve from generation to generation, from country to country, culture to culture, religion to religion, and even region to region. No two taboos are alike, thats the truth. And while some may be huge no-no today, tomorrow they could be gone. Taboos typically have a hold in religious texts, but can be related to folklore, tradition, or mere myth . While you might consider something taboo, another might find it to be commonplace. While you might find something to be commonplace, another might consider it taboo. Do you see how it works? So try not to be ethnocentric and think your culture above all others, each culture has its rhyme and reason and who are we to judge? Really, at the end of the day, who are we to judge? Now, some taboos might walk a fine line between safe and dangerous or even legal and illegal, again, we are here as viewers and not the jury. This piece is about educating yourself, but also learning more about how unique the world is. And if nothing else, learn about how far people are willing to go to live the life they want or to be happy; many are doing these things behind closed doors and thus, were getting a little peek into someones world. Open the peephole, lets see what weve got here .

What taboo act are you willing to admit to liking ?


Aug 5 2018 08:25AM
     Don’t open if you get

Oh, taboo, you are not just a perfume my grandmother used to wear, you are a real thing that shocks people, scares some, and provokes others to run. Taboo things evolve from generation to generation, from country to country, culture to culture, religion to religion, and even region to region. No two taboos are alike, that’s the truth. And while some may be huge no-no’s today, tomorrow they could be gone. Taboos typically have a hold in religious texts, but can be related to folklore, tradition, or mere myth . While you might consider something taboo, another might find it to be commonplace. While you might find something to be commonplace, another might consider it taboo. Do you see how it works? So try not to be ethnocentric and think your culture above all others, each culture has its rhyme and reason and who are we to judge? Really, at the end of the day, who are we to judge? Now, some taboos might walk a fine line between safe and dangerous or even legal and illegal, again, we are here as viewers and not the jury. This piece is about educating yourself, but also learning more about how unique the world is. And if nothing else, learn about how far people are willing to go to live the life they want or to be happy; many are doing these things behind closed doors and thus, we’re getting a little peek into someone’s world. Open the peephole, let’s see what we’ve got here .

What taboo act are you willing to admit to liking ?


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