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Level 0 Female

 36 yrs old
Vegas, NV
Registered Jul 4 2014
Released Jul 4 2014

17 blogs/61 comments
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Mar 23 2019 06:48PM
     When enough is enough
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Depending on the motivating factors and time invested, this appreciation can evolve into an unhealthy obsession very quickly. Have you ever had a fan turn into a not so friendly admirer? When is enough enough? Is your doppelganger wannabe still lurking or have they found their own path?

There's no wrong answers here, just interested to hear on the different perspectives regarding this matter from the HX community. Looking forward to your input. Xoxo-Ana


Feb 20 2019 08:06PM
     Be careful...
Out driving vegas... it is snowing sheets out right now.. First time ive ever seen it like this in vegas.


Jan 21 2019 04:39PM
     Here's the blog youve been waiting for
First off I would like to apologize to AtDouble03 for wrongly rating him and posting a Blog about him when it was my fault for not following the proper safety protocol with everyone. I was really busy and I let my safety take the back seat. I'm sorry for making those accusations when it was my poor research skills that led to the unfortunate event that I experienced yesterday morning. Thank you for everybody that reached out to me to make sure I was okay. After speaking with him and using the correct verification protocol I was able to determine that he is indeed Not the man that i had the encounter with. He was very helpful and seems very nice . I definitely will be more cautious and use the right tools that I have at my disposal to stay safe. Thank you for reading and have a great day


Dec 30 2018 06:46PM
     What's everyone
Got going on for New Years? Im thinking of watching the fireworks as far from the strip as possible. It's going to be crazytown down there forsure. Whatever it is your planning, stay safe and call an uber if you have been drinking... stay safe and have fun everyone. Xoxo -Ana


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