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 56 yrs old
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Registered Jun 17 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 15 2022 11:50AM
     45, the real snowflake
brilliant!! its about time someone calls out, not only 45, but also his base...that is really baseless. i like that, his baseless base.

"They just have a feeling (that the election was stolen). And in fact, Trump uses that too in this enormously revealing letter, where he says lots of people 'feel' that there was fraud. I'm sorry. Your feelings, Mr. Snowflake, cannot dictate the course of the future of the republic. No, your feelings cannot dictate our elections." - Rep. Jamie Raskin
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Sep 15 2022 10:54AM
     DeSantis claims credit for sending 2 planes carrying migrants to Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts
this has to be one of the most disgusting and disturbing political stunts this country has ever seen. other than "Project Wetback", what an attack open attack on a vulnerable group of people. not only to dehumanize them, but to use them as a political football. a blatant political show for those who are full of hate. speaking of which, i had to post here just to see what would be said. I also attached a link to FAUX misinformation so others can read the comments, most likely emulating the ones here.

I, personally stay away from the terms "Illegal Alien" because there is no such thing as an illegal human being. l prefer the term Undocumented and Migrant.

"Two planes carrying migrants were sent by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday night, his office said, infuriating Democratic politicians and prompting a frenzied response that included humanitarian aid by locals and assistance by federal officials."
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Sep 7 2022 03:27PM
     In Voter Fraud, Penalties Often Depend on Who's Voting
Let see how the red cappers try to defend this. i did see someone say that desantis is better than 45, but there really is no difference. how is it possible when D is playing to 45's uneducated base? I would love to hear how this is not racially and politically motivated. I also cant wait to hear how its fake cause its not what the radicals dont want to know.

Michael Wines
Wed, September 7, 2022 at 11:39 AM

WASHINGTON — "After 15 years of scrapes with police, the last thing that 33-year-old Therris L. Conney needed was another run-in with the law. He got one anyway two years ago, after election officials held a presentation on voting rights for inmates of the county jail in Gainesville, Florida."

"Apparently satisfied that he could vote, Conney registered after the session and cast a ballot in 2020. In May, he was arrested for breaking a state law banning voting by people serving felony sentences — and he was sentenced to almost another full year in jail."

"That show-no-mercy approach to voter fraud is what Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has encouraged this year during his reelection campaign."

“That was against the law,” he said last month about charges against 20 other felons who voted in Florida, “and they’re going to pay a price for it.”

"Last winter, four residents of Republican-leaning retirement community The Villages were arrested for voting twice — once in Florida and again in other states where they had also lived."

"Despite being charged with third-degree felonies, the same as Conney, two of the Villages residents who pleaded guilty escaped having a criminal record entirely by taking a 24-hour civics class. Trials are pending for the other two."
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Aug 31 2022 03:20PM
     MAGA Talking Points Grow Even More Absurd After Release of Classified Docs Pic
great article (thats all i post) on how the right-wing extremists are losing footing on their BS. the only ones who will be keeping the big lies alive are the blind sheep.

MAGA Talking Points Grow Even More Absurd After Release of Classified Docs Pic
Nikki McCann Ramirez - Wed, August 31, 2022 at 12:19 PM

"Fox News host Dan Bongino argued that the FBI’s lacked credibility to the point that viewers should doubt if the items depicted in the filing were even really classified. “I’m not telling you those documents aren’t classified because I’m not a leftist media loser who jumps to conclusions,” Bongino said of the documents clearly marked as classified. “I’m simply telling you jumping to the conclusion and assuming the FBI’s story that it is classified is equally dumb.” - sounds alot like the radicals that are here......
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Sep 28 2021 04:38PM
     How the Right Wing Convinces Itself That Liberals Are Evil
i am sure some are frothing to get into this one. great article on how the self-proclaimed "culture warriors" are being had.

so with that said, have at it. maybe do some reading, real reading from across the aisle. thats how democracy i know i read my fair share of religious and right-wing extremist articles.

"If you spend any time consuming right-wing media in America, you quickly learn the following: Liberals are responsible for racism, slavery, and the Ku Klux Klan. They admire Mussolini and Hitler, and modern liberalism is little different from fascism or, even worse, communism. The mainstream media and academia cannot be trusted because of the pervasive, totalitarian nature of liberal culture."
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