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Level 3 Female

 47 yrs old
San Diego, CA
OC, CA Today!
Registered Sep 23 2021
Released Sep 24 2021

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Aug 17 2024 03:42PM
     OC Hot Spots?
I'm in OC just for a couple of days and the action seems to be very subdued. If it doesn't pick up soon I want to go "trolling" somewhere.

What are the best places in OC for nightlife on a Saturday night?
Attached Pictures


May 14 2024 03:05PM
     caveat emptor
Scammers are trolling the PD site and getting guys numbers that post reviews on girls. A client of mine sent me a text saying he received a text from a girl (supposedly) claiming to be me from a number that was not mine and he did not recognize. These scammers are saying things like "need money for a room", etc.

One guy got scammed for $1,500 (not my client)

Due your due diligence. Make people verify what they say! If they claim to have seen you before ask them when and where that took place.

ANYTHING coming from a strange number should be investigated thoroughly!

Anyone who knows me will know that I NEVER need "help" with getting a room, getting something to eat or drink, or have car troubles!


Apr 6 2024 03:18PM
     When is it OK . . .
. . . for a president to pardon someone?

When laws have changed so significantly that the old sentencing structure appears to be heavy handed to today's standards?

When the sentencing structure itself seems capricious?

When the sentence was primarily due to political influence?

When the accused (and convicted) are known to be of the same political party as the president?

When the convicted contributes more than $10,000 to the Presidents election or re-election campaign?

When the convicted shows remorse and has made some meaningful contribution to society?

To correct an injustice from years past, even when the pardoned individual is long dead and gone?

At what point does it reek of "buying influence" or influence peddling?

Part 2 (already in the works) will be; "Should we establish guidelines for Presidential Pardons?"

Attached Links
Pardons by #45


Feb 24 2024 11:35AM
     WTF - WiFi?
Anybody else having connectivity issues right now. Sunspots? Solar Flares? Cyber Hack?

Trying to figure out if it is my equipment, the hotel's, or Mother Nature.


Feb 17 2024 10:56AM
     Crypto Currencies
Anyone have experience with Bitcoin (on the receiving end)? Pros and cons? It seems to solve the problem of someone reversing the charges.


Jan 28 2024 10:34AM
     Wasn't impressed with AVN
Crowded as fuck, always bumping into people because the isles were so narrow. It was more of a freak show than anything else; I thought for a minute that I had been taken through a portal to ComicCon. So unimpressed by it all that I didn't even attend the VIP party on Friday night that I had tickets for.

Couldn't wait to get back to "normal" here in SoCal.

My friend (and sometimes partner in crime) Coralblue (here on HX) was there to be interviewed so we were able to spend a short time together but didn't recognize anyone else.

Won't be going back next year!


Jan 1 2024 07:55AM
     AVN 2024 Las Vegas
Anyone going? I'm trying to decide if it would be worth my time.
Attached Pictures


Nov 28 2023 01:10PM
     Key West Baby!
In Key West for a couple of days and looking for suggestions of places for good eats and drinks.


Oct 8 2023 02:13PM
     What would you do?
So DJT is now under the microscope of "allegedly" or "possibly" divulging classified information about U.S. submarine capabilities (one of our most closely held secrets). The Aussie billionaire seemed to have indicated that he relayed that sensitive information on to others.

1) If you are one of those "others" do you come forward with that information, or do you wait for the FBI to come knocking?

2) Are there any possible ramifications if you don't come forward?

3) If the FBI does interview you, do you take the 5th or cooperate (or even lie)?

I'm not really sure how I would handle it, but I do know I would not talk to them without a lawyer (with a security clearance) present.

And if they want to talk to me about these kinds of secrets, shouldn't they do a background check first and give me a security clearance?

It would be difficult position to put anyone in, and someone could easily get caught up in it, not because they had any information, but because they were known to be close to DJT. Nothing would drive the financially elite away from him faster than getting unwanted scrutiny on them just because of their proximity to him.

Please remember that this is a "What would you do?" question only and not intended to attempt to "try the case here first because we know better than the DOJ, the FBI, and all the judges combined!"


Aug 28 2023 01:29PM
     Bud Light Nonsense
I'm still waiting for that one TRUE MAN who will confidently say, "I drink Bud Light because I like the taste, and I am comfortable enough with my own sexuality that I don't really care if an LBGTQ likes it too."

It's not like one is signalling that they are LGBTQ, support LGBTQ, or even like LGBTQ's; Bud Light just tastes good! Totally asinine in my opinion to boycott Bud Light just because they were trying to reach out to a particular market segment in an attempt to grow their business (which every corporation has a fiduciary duty to do).

99.9% of the restaurants in the U.S. have no problem serving LGBTQ. Should we refrain from going out to eat just because there might be a LGBTQ there also, or one sat in your chair sometime that day, or God forbid!, an LGBTQ works in the kitchen and is preparing your food?

I just don't get it except for yet another reason to hate somebody else, or worse, hate an entire group of people. Especially for those people in our forum, who enjoy ourselves on the fringes of society's norms. When will all of us be openly and aggressively ostracized because we don't view sex like the norm?

It appears to me that there are far more people intimidated by LGBTQ than there are LGBTQ! I didn't think real men could be intimidated like that!

From now on, when someone asks be if I would like them to bring wine or champagne to the session I am just going to ask them to bring a 6-pack of Bud Light! That way I know I will be having a great time with a real man! A man that can not be intimidated by something as simple as a beer commercial!


Aug 2 2023 05:10PM
     Who would you pick . . .
. . . for president if neither DJT or Biden were running in 2024?

See if you can articulate your thoughts without even mentioning either one of the above!

I am a hard-core life-long Republican (now an Indie) and registered voter in Florida, but I am not going to vote for DeSantis even if he is the nominee. He us just too far off-the-hook!

Sadly, almost every politician out there has become an extremist! From either party!

Only one stands out in my mind but there isn't a chance in hell that they will run - Condoleezza Rice, PhD! Unfortunately, her time under GWB as both National Security Advisor and Secretary of State probably put such a sour taste in her mouth (WMD's - where?) she probably wouldn't even consider becoming a public figure again. She is brilliant though! And she is a woman! And she is of color! A Democrat prior to 1982 when she switched to the Republican Party.

I say we draft her anyway!


Jul 25 2023 11:00AM
     All things considered . . .
HX really is the best site! Sure, we have our share of drama but that is the nature of anonymous blogging. And it seems we have more than our share of "lurkers" who are trying to get by on the cheap and not spend any $$ but still make contact with a person that really excites them.

GET ON BOARD! If you can't afford to keep mail privileges then this is probably not the site for you - you are simply "database detritus" getting in the way of serious site users and using site resources that cost $$ to maintain.

MAKE AN INVESTMENT! For the cost of a couple of drinks each month you can become a major player on one of the most revered sites out there. Think about it; sit in the bar and down a couple of drinks while watching the latest replay of a sporting event (boring), or re-direct that effort to being primed and ready to make contact with someone that will leave you with lasting memories! Just think about that the next time you walk into a bar, alone, and hoping (probably against all odds), and order that drink!

SUPPORT HX! Be an active participant! Get out of quarantine then maintain mail privileges. We would love to hear from you, make contact, and enjoy incredible times that leave lasting memories!


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