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Level 3 Female

 47 yrs old
San Diego, CA
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Registered Sep 23 2021
Released Sep 24 2021

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Marrisa_G's Blog Blogs about Marrisa_G 2604 people have subscriptions!
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Jan 13 2023 07:54PM
     The Laundromat on Netflix
Kind of off-beat, kind of quirky, but oh so true! And a good primer for off-shore bank accounts! Surprisingly worth the time it takes to watch it!


Jan 9 2023 07:19PM
     Go Georgia!
Kicking ass and taking names later in the CFP. For the first time in a long time, an undisputed champion!


Dec 18 2022 08:03AM
     Thank you HX for a wonderful 2022
I'm getting ready to head home to Florida for the holidays but wanted say thank you to all the great members of HX that contributed to this successful social media site in 2022 (and before). I have found, by far, that members of HX are great people.

As in any social media site, there are some bad actors; people who choose to go against the flow and take advantage of other people. There are the scammers, liars, off-site pretenders, mean-spirited bloggers, and even the occasional stalker. But if we work together in 2023 we can continue to identify and weed out these people and send them a clear message that they are not only unwelcomed, but that they will no be tolerated.

I have the highest regard for everyone on this site that engages in civil discourse; exchanging ideas, opinions, and personal experiences. And to every person that I had the honor of meeting in person, I want to say thank you for reaching out to me. I can honestly say that I haven't met a person from HX that I would not want to see again.

Have a very merry xmas and a wonderful new year. If you have a new year's resolution in mind then I encourage you to state it here or in another blog. By documenting a resolution in a public forum you will find that you will be more committed to seeing it through (kind of mild peer pressure). If your resolution is important to you, it will be important to your HX friends as well that you actually achieve it.


Sep 24 2022 07:46AM
     Miramar Airshow
Going to the Miramar Airshow on Sunday but want to pose this question:

Do people go to these airshows because they like to watch aircraft performing maneuvers close to the crowd, or are they hoping to watch a crash in person? The same question could be posed for NASCAR events.

I sometimes think there is a macabre infatuation with watching something horrible happen in person, even though it may trigger terrible nightmares. Although these days, catching an airshow or NASCAR crash on video and posting it on YouTube might be quite profitable. It makes me wonder if in the days before TV or recording devices these same infatuations existed, and why. I wish S. Freud would have addressed this issue, although he would have probably blamed it on a troubled childhood.

Chime in you Psych majors (or wannabe therapists)!

BTW - I'll be at the Semper Fi Chalet on Sunday if anyone is in the vicinity and would like to drop in and meet just to say hi (no fooling around - well . . maybe, if you are into that semi-public thing!).


Sep 22 2022 04:01PM
     Web of Make Believe (Netflix)
The first episode deals with "swatting" and is a perfect example of how keyboard cowboys act real brave when they hide behind an anonymous handle, but also a sobering reminder of how quickly things can spiral out of control and get really bad. The most telling part of this documentary is how flippant and narcissistic the person causing the swatting was, until he ended up in prison! Strip away that anonymous handle and they aren't so tough any more!


Sep 10 2022 06:33PM
     Netflix Hack
Just a heads up about a possible security problem. I recently got my Netflix account hacked. The only reason I noticed it was when Netflix first loads and your profile comes up, there was also a profile in a Spanish name. I immediately changed my password but after further review I found that there were two other devices logging on, both of them iPhones in India (the Spanish one was from Pamplona, Spain - bastardos!). The reason I think this may be somewhat related to my extracurricular activities is that I had logged in to Netflix while staying at a hotel recently. That was something fairly new for me to do and the hacks appeared to show up shortly thereafter. So beware of logging onto your Netflix account in a hotel room. Or if you do, check for all the devices that are authorized to login to your account a short time afterwards.

Not to mention that I had to spend an entire day changing passwords on all my money related accounts (banking, investing, credit cards) as well. Assholes!


Sep 8 2022 01:33PM
     Will (or should) Charles Abdicate?
I am hoping he does. He has too much dirty laundry to fill that position. William is a much better choice I think.


Aug 16 2022 08:22AM
     It's not all beauty and glamour - do you have a favorite vacation pic?
I was going through a big box of pics and found a few that I really liked. I think it would be good to see a more human side of some HX members. Only seeing the sexy and somewhat racy pics that are normally seen on here can lead to some serious stereotyping. Let's open it up a little and expose our normal selves (within reason)! But please don't forget to take some precautions with your personal information.

Anyone recognize where my pic was taken?
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Oct 7 2021 08:31AM
     Monogamy 2
Thank you all for the comments on my first blog on Monogamy.

Several people commented on the fact that some animals are monogamous, selecting partners for life. That is certainly true and thank you for adding an important dimension to the discussion.

What sets humans apart is our highly developed brains which give us the capability to experience emotions such as love, hate, empathy, sadness, jealousy, and perhaps the most unique emotion; fantasizing. This ability is both a blessing and a curse. Certainly, some animals can exhibit some of these emotions but none of them have the ability to experience ALL of them, perhaps with one exception; chimpanzees (which, interesting enough, are considered the most closely related animals to humans). And, as it turns out, chimpanzees are perhaps one of the most non-monogamous animals on the planet.

Monogamy is a concept invented in our minds to support a general attitude that it is an expression of love, of exclusivity, of commitment. When we first engage in the dating process as a means of finding a partner that we envision spending the rest of our lives with we expect these things, we value those attributes and morals. But as time goes on we become bored and complacent, and this is the most prevalent time when fantasies start invading our thought processes and we eventually stray from our previous moral convictions.

Perhaps the best data to support the monogamy debate is the numerous surveys and polls that have been taken. More men cheat on their spouses than those who don't. And recent findings indicate that the same is probably true for women, but at differing rates. But the question I have with these findings is how many people cheat on their spouses or partners and just refuse to admit it!

I am not monogamous with my boyfriend, but neither is he. The important part is that we both understand the dynamics of physical attraction and talk freely about it. We accept each others desires and support each other in our journey of sexual exploration. It makes for a great relationship and I have found that I may be experiencing some of the happiest times in my life.

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Oct 6 2021 09:51PM
Are we really wired to be monogamous? I don't think so! It is important for EVERY biological species to have genetic diversity - that is the key to survival of the species. Monogamy is an invention of the human mind. It is not innate. It is not natural. Monogamy is often associated with the concept of marriage (another human invention) and often times becomes the standard for the ultimate expression of love. But love is also a human invention, whereas sex is a biological reality! I can love someone without having sex with them, and I can have sex with someone without loving them. If I love someone I will have sex with them as an expression of that love, only because I want them to feel satisfied, to feel fulfilled. But that entire process is based on the human concept of love.
If I have sex with someone I love, not for their satisfaction but for mine, them I am fulfilling the need for sex on a biological level.

Monogamy is a humane invention. The desire for sex is a biological necessity. We often times confuse the two, but when push comes to shove, the biological need for sex will usually prevail. That is why more people marry then divorce versus those that don't. That is why more and more people are accepting the concept of partner sharing or polyamorous relationships.


Sep 28 2021 03:02PM
     Holding Spot
I was having trouble figuring out how to start a blog and came across this in the technical section. I am just holding this spot for now and will edit it later.
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