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Level 1 Female

 38 yrs old
Registered Mar 4 2020
Released Mar 12 2020

11 blogs/349 comments
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Dec 2 2021 11:29AM
     Art Basel Miami
Is ANYONE else from the board here? I figured it was a long shot but I'm curious if anyone in this swamp of a hub attends, I'd love to shit talk the timed entrances in lieu of all the political posts we're used to seeing.



Sep 2 2021 08:07AM
     Let's talk about hygiene!
I recently got into a discussion with someone about using a wash cloth in the shower. Or at least a loofah. They were adamant it wasn't necessary, that a hand and some soap would suffice.

People. PEOPLE. For one, dead skin cells need exfoliated. For two, that's just weird.

Also, flossing. I floss twice a day. Sometimes more if I have to return to the office after lunch. The amount of people that do not floss AT ALL let alone daily makes my tummy turn (and not in a good way). With that said, regular dental visits/cleanings are a MUST. AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR.

Are there any other hygiene issues for folks that have come up in regular life or here on the board that just made you go "ewwww" and not "ooooh"?

I'm curious to know what your hygiene MUSTS are


Aug 25 2021 05:31AM
     How about we quit pretending we all have poli sci degrees...
....and do a contest instead.

I want to see your vacation pics and hear your stories, ladies.

This year I spent a lot of time at my South Beach apt and venture to Mexico three times. I've had a pretty great summer in terms of travel tell, ladies

1500 FX points , 500 to 3 lucky ladies

Attached Pictures


Nov 20 2020 05:58AM
     What's your MUST have Thanksgiving menu item?
...please don't say "mashed potatoes" across the board. I want to know what special something you've always come to expect this time of year.

For me its spicy jalapeno stuffing and fry bread.


Nov 6 2020 11:50AM
     Why so serious?
Guys....I voted.
Attached Pictures


Oct 22 2020 08:10AM
     Do any of you bitches....

I want to see your food porn. Double kudos to anyone with their titties out over their apple pie


Sep 29 2020 01:09PM
     If you could fuck....
...whos's no longer with us. who would it be?

**Not post mortem, folks, cool your jets. This is hypothetical time travel, here***


Mar 24 2020 05:09PM
     Taylor's Guide to Surviving The Quarantine (Reading List)
-This One Is Mine by Maria Semple

-The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker (a super apropos read given the situation at hand with Covid-19)

-Nicotine by Nell Zink

-The Power by Naomi Alderman

-Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (read the book BEFORE watching the series)

-My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent (this one was suggested to be by author Judy Blume herself and she called it 'the most pivotal piece of literature of this generation'. I don't know that I agree, but it's a damn good read)

-1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (dense as hell but AMAZINGLY written)

-Gold Fame Citrus by Claire Vaye Watkins

-All The Ugly And Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood

-The Girls by Emma Cline

-The Road by Cormac McCarthy (By far one of the most beautifully written stories of all time)

If you happen to have read or do get a chance to read any of the titles above, let me know what you think. Stay safe and healthy out there, folks!


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