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Level 1 Male

 48 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Dec 18 2017
Released Dec 19 2017

9 blogs/100 comments
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Jan 13 2024 01:21PM
     The crazy physiology of seeing sexy, beautiful women
We all know men go crazy for beauty and sexy women..but I want to document the most crazy affect for me..

I trained to fight in my younger days and would mentally get in that space as needed. It is similar to getting ready for a big workout..but a lot of concentration on preparing and then letting go of the outcome...just perform

See where this is going?

Well, to be at peak .. I feel like I need to not be full of shit!

When I see a beautiful woman that I intend to spend time with... I go take a massive dump and then take a shower...THEN I make an appointment

It is bizarre AF...

Anyone else have a weird psychological/ psychological reaction like this?


May 28 2023 11:52AM
     "The FBI Needs Your Help To Find These Criminals" Blog post THEN and NOW question
Now that the Jan 6th video tapes are out, Twitter files, FBI whistleblowers, and Durham Report have show this to be NOT what the main stream media was portraying...

have you changed your mind?

It is up to you to get up to speed with this information, but yes hundreds of Federal law enforcement personnel were instigating and criminally conspiring to interfere with the election and to turn this protest on Jan 6th toward violence.

The FBI agent in charge of D.C. leading up to Jan 6th is the same agent that organized the kidnapping of the Michigan governor, set up a kidnapping training camp and tried to recruit people into committing the kidnapping.

Multiple FBI whistle blowers have come forward showing the prosecutions were not only making up evidence, destroying evidence, hiding evidence, but were also pushing FBI agents to commit criminal acts that endangered the public.

Both the CIA and the FBI were complicit, along with the mainstream media in a "Russian Conspiracy theory" that was actually a coup to overthrow a legitimate election. They proceeded to interfere with at least 3 Presidential elections directly.

There is a very good chance that the 2024 election will also NOT be a free and fair election. This means that the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic as we citizens are not allowed to freely vote.

So, again... if you have changed your mind, please come forward and show some courage.


Apr 27 2023 04:34PM
     Mobile friendly site?
I am under the impression that many young ladies only use their cell phone and this site is not optimal.

What is the possibility of updating this site?

Many of us have the skills to do it. It would just be css updates and not require access to backend code.


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