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Level 0 Male

 55 yrs old
Lake Forest, OC, CA
Registered Jul 19 2018
Released Dec 12 2019

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Jun 7 2020 10:31PM
     Your Favorite Mexican food in So Cal?
LA/OC/Riverside/San Diego?

Not Americanized fast food.


Jun 7 2020 09:50AM
     Corona 2nd wave?
During all these protests I keep thinking there should be a steady rise in cases in the coming weeks.

Personally I'd like to see it turn into a fizzle--virus became less serious over time.


Jun 3 2020 09:21AM
Can't find the starting point on my clear tape. Just looked away for a second and like the evil thing it is the end of the tape quickly quietly merged back to the roll.

I hate you 2020!


Jun 2 2020 02:51PM
     Devil's Postpile
Screw the riots, viruses and general stupid. Parks. Hike. Yes.

Probably not open until mid-late June but it's worth a visit if you haven't seen it.
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May 29 2020 12:48PM
     Curse you Arby's for killing a unarmed man
Don't people do peaceful protests anymore? You can be angry but you know use some brain cells and not destroy people's businesses.
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May 27 2020 12:32PM
     Thank you ladies
I have to say thank you ladies for all the kindness, consideration you've given. Things you go above and beyond doing everyday. Stuff that just makes a crappy day into an amazing one. Thank you.

Also, yeah, damn. Wow. ;-)

1 comment

May 22 2020 02:09PM
     SpaceX is a go!
So far so good, if all works out we'll have a launch on May 27th


May 17 2020 10:17AM
     A fine pair of tits
Now these are a fine pair of tits
Attached Pictures


May 15 2020 02:53PM
     Debunking the Virus Prediction
Back in 1981 an author named Dean Koonz wrote a book called The Eyes of Darkness back in 1981 about a virus that infects people within hours and is 100% lethal. In the book the virus event happens in 2020 and was called Gorki-400 named after the city in Russia where it was developed.

Many, many years later Russia not being the consummate bad guy they once were, Dean decided to revise his book to a new bad guy: China. Wuhan being a city where they have a virus lab...and tada "Wuhan-400"

So the book went (fun book by the way). Until someone a couple of things together and said "OMG Dean Koonz" predicted the virus from Wuhan!

Well no. Even Dean Kootz responded to CNN back in March with the following:

"No, @CNN, I didn�t predict 100% deaths from corona. My 1981 novel isn�t about corona. Its MacGuffin is a bio-war bug, �Wuhan-400.� Coincidence."

The author himself cites coincidence.

Silvia Browne

Silvia Browne was con-artist who claimed herself to be a psychic. She prayed upon the desperate and naive (like all psychics) by making generalist claims under the age old art of "cold reading"

(see attached link for the tricks of the trade--yes you too can be a psychic)

Being famous and not being stupid, a few years after SARS showed up she wrote a book with a bunch of generalist guesses (and being a fan of Dean Koonz) she wrote that a pneumonia like virus would hit * 2020*. You'll note her 2010 prediction above the 2020 one was an utter fail. As for the sudden disappear and come back? Hey viruses kinda are like that.
Attached Links
Cold Reading or how to scam people.
Snopes Dean Koonz
Snopes Silvia Browne
Attached Pictures
Deen Koonz
Dead Evil Person's Prediction

1 comment

May 12 2020 03:43PM
     Advice for getting tested for the Corona Virus
I'm sure this'll get hijacked by two camps looking for excuses to throw rocks at each other but...

Speaking from experience in getting long stabby swabs stuck up my nose three times now, ask the following questions before you go

Note: If you don't have symptoms don't go. I mean you could go get tested but uh...why?

1. Is testing available that day or do you need an appointment (don't just show up)
2. Does your insurance cover the test?
3. How much does the test cost?
4. How long before the results are back. Some places like Hoag have onsite facilities and can get the results back in ~1hr or less. Places that don't take 2-3 days.

Oh and it'll sting. Although test #3 made me sneeze several times instead.

Ok, guys back to slinging conspiracy theories and politics at each other.


May 11 2020 12:14AM
     Any ladies need points?
First come first server. Not much--just 2,500 but hey it's free.


May 9 2020 10:22AM
     So I'm sick...
100.6 fever, sore throat, mild cough, aches... Just to be safe, go to the walk in and get giant swabs jammed into my brain. Seriously I think they came up with that method just to be dicks.

Corona virus? Nope. Sinus Infection? Yep.


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