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Level 0 Male

 55 yrs old
Lake Forest, OC, CA
Registered Jul 19 2018
Released Dec 12 2019

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May 8 2020 02:27PM
     Black Hole near Earth!
We're doomed. Governments want to lie about how close it is. Trump-Pelosi hiding the truth!


May 1 2020 11:50PM
     Haircut in South OC?
So far my three attempts to cut my hair ended up with the following descriptions by my kid:

Attempt One: "It looks like you tried to cut your hair blind foldeded"
Attempt Two: "You look like a monk"
Attempt Three: "Dad, just shave it off, at least then you can look like a cancer patient."

So any ladies cut hair down here in South/Central OC? I know I'm a zero but I feel like a 1!

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Apr 29 2020 04:30PM
     Beware of Dihydrogen Monoxide!
Big business and local governments have been allowing large quantities of the deadly Dihydrogen Monoxide into your homes. The stuff is colorless, odorless and absolutely dangerous. If you see anything listed as containing this stuff immediately throw it away!


Apr 22 2020 01:45AM
Toe found edge of bed.
Paper cuts and stubbed toes suck the worst. Just intense enough to hurt but so minor it doesn't require pain killers. Just enough temporary pain to self-reprimand for not being careful.


Mar 29 2020 04:56PM
     The last egg in the fridge...
One singular egg sitting in the tray. I just looked at it. Alas my last egg...and I was too lazy to buy more. I felt sorry for it. One lonely egg in a tray, quiet and cold waiting to be used.

I mused for a bit, do I dare use it or go with an egg-less cake recipe.Maybe drive out into that empty abyss of a store? No. No I dare not. Dangers abound. Wild eyed people scurry about in that place skittish at the sound of a cough all hording their things and flitting to and fro.

I pick up the egg and close the door. I hold it up to the light. Oh precious egg..





Mar 26 2020 11:57AM
     Black Rifle Coffee Quarantine song
BRC coffee supports 2nd amendment rights and in this crisis; health care workers. Also I love their coffee. ;-)
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Mar 25 2020 05:29PM
     So I had a cough and what I hope you don't go through this
My normal doctor was on call at the hospital so they said go to the walk in. "Ok, but it's a sinus infection..."
Nope. Ok, Walk in it is
Go to the walk in. "What are your symptoms?" says some pre-screen lady.
Oh we go
"Sinuses. Cough, green goo in nose."
Do you have a temperature?
"Ok sir, go back to your car and call this number"
So I called the number and some lady who can clearly see me in my car from the big window asks the same dumb questions. They put me on hold, asks me the same questions. Little pause, can see the front desk lady nurse get up with a mask in hand comes out to my car.
"Please put this mask on and follow me"
So after sitting around for 30 minutes, nurse comes in with face shield, mask, gloves and takes my vitals. Takes my temp.
No temp. Huzzah. I'm safe....
A different doctor comes in goes over my symptoms, asked when it all started. "Ok, we're going to give you a test for the Corona virus but it looks like you have a sinus infection"
Thinking to myself "No shit? Really. Wow..."
So a nurse comes in and jams two long swabs in my nose. Practically driving them into my brain. God that felt unpleasant.
More sitting around. ~30 minutes.
Doctor comes back "The test results are negative" gives me a prescription for sinus stuff and off I go.


Mar 21 2020 02:06PM
     Armed Guards at fast food joint.
As I was driving down the road I saw two armed security at a Raisin' Canes. This is an area where the parking lot might as well be a BMW and Mercedes dealership.

Now this place is next to another chicken joint so I'm guessing one of the possibilities:
1. The other fast food chain declared war on the other.
2. Someone hates chicken really bad.
3. Someone raided the place for TP.

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Mar 19 2020 09:04PM
     Statewide Stay at home "Until Further Notice"
I know someone said "April 7th" but the official order is "until further notice"


Mar 19 2020 02:24PM
     Gin and Tonic saves the universe!

Well not really but Hydroxychloroquine was developed based on Quinine. That does NOT mean this'll help cure your Corona woes. It would however be funny if it does. Not a fan of tonic water

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Mar 15 2020 10:18AM
     What's your favorite pizza place in OC?
Looking for something new. When something new opens up I give them a shot. Any suggestions?


Mar 14 2020 11:07AM
     It's not the end of the world.
You'll listen or you won't. I have background in paleontology, anthropology and epidemiology. I've done research on extinction events.I'm not a doctor so if you do come down with it, check with your doctor on what to do.

Hominids and Homo Sapiens during our short existence on this earth have survived three mega volcano eruptions, a major meteor impact in North America, several regional and global climate events and maybe (not confirmed, I doubt it...) a super nova which fried our ozone.

We're still here.

This virus is serious but it is not a species killer just as Ebola, Hanta, West Nile and the Black Plague were not. Pathogens by themselves just by their own flaws and our immune systems just can't kill off an entire species. We'll survive. Society will survive. At worst things will suck for a few months. People might loose jobs, services will be disrupted, shortages of stuff. Almost all of that is from hominids panicking because they don't understand.

You're still here now. Your fine. I wish the terminal stage syphilis suffering political boomers would stop though. Not helping.

It's still a mean virus so hey if you catch it may or may not suck.


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