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 55 yrs old
Whittier, LA, CA
Registered Sep 21 2018
Released Sep 27 2018

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May 23 2023 10:30PM
     Trust No Man
AmberFoxxx has a big tattoo across the top of her v-jay that says, "Trust No Man."

Now who would do a thing like that? I mean, did someone around here lie to her? Would someone around here lie to her? What could someone possibly have said?

She seems to have gotten along with everybody for the past ten years. Maybe it's time for her to start trusting men again.


May 11 2023 11:06PM
     hb aq
Happy birthday to Arabian Queen. AQ is special. She is a smartypants. Every teacher she ever had said that she was the smartest girl in the class. Some day AQ might take over the world.

1 comment

May 3 2023 11:12PM
     One year without Kevin Samuels
No one had ever seen anything like it. Kevin Samuels took the world by storm. By the time he died on May 5, 2022, of a heart attack at the age of fifty-three years old, he was on top of the world.

Kevin Samuels was a black man, born and raised in Oklahoma City. For the previous ten years he had been an image consultant, though his previous jobs included petroleum engineer, corporate sales rep. for AT&T, and waiter at high-end restaurants.

He started a channel on YouTube to talk about men's fashion. (KS talked about frames, fragrance, and footwear.) He wanted to help young black mean clean up their act. He told them to ditch their Jordans and start wearing suits. He called himself the Godfather. He saw himself as a mentor to young black men.

No one paid any attention to him. In fact, he caught a lot of heat in black YouTube for telling young men to start wearing suits.

KS would do live streams talking to black men. Every once in a while he would talk to black women. He noticed that his YouTube view counts would shoot up every time he spoke to women. It turns out that people wanted to hear Kevin Samuels talk to women. KS stopped talking to men. He started talking to women every night.

The key to this story is that KS was exactly what black women wanted. He was 6'4”. Every night he was impeccably groomed and impeccably dressed in a dark fitted suit. He was rich. He was personal friends with the most important men in black America. He was college-educated, well-spoken, dominant, and masculine. KS was black women's kryptonite.

Along came COVID. People were stuck at home with nothing to do. They found Kevin Samuels. KS became a household name when one of his videos went viral. He told a middle-aged black woman with unreasonable expectations that she was average at best.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time I would hear KS's theme song (Your Good Lies by Vividry), and I would know that it was showtime. He would start off with a monologue, and by 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time he would start taking calls from women. A huge fraction of black women hated KS, but they watched too.

On every show KS would establish that a woman was looking to marry a high-value man. All women wanted a man making at least $250,000 per year. KS would ask this question: Why would a man like that choose you?

Who supported Kevin Samuels? Black men. Kevin Samuels was telling black women what ordinary black men could not say. Everywhere KS went, black men would come up to him and thank him for his work. Men at the highest levels of black America secretly told KS that they supported him but that their careers and marriages would be in jeopardy if anyone ever found out.

It wasn't just African-American men. By the time he died, KS had fans all over the world, especially on the continent of Africa. When Black Entertainment Television had its award show last year, the crowd went wild when the photo of Kevin Samuels was shown on the screen along with other artists who had died during the previous year.

One last note. Just before the pandemic hit in March of 2020, KS had plans to hold a training class for young black men in Los Angeles in June of 2020. Of course the pandemic killed the plan. The thirty young black men were going to need to be entertained in the evenings. Where was KS going to find nice girls like that?


Jun 5 2022 11:39PM
     Masks are coming back
BA.2.12.1 is on the rise.

(BA.2.12.1 is a subvariant of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.)

Dr. Barbara Ferrer of Los Angeles County Public Health says that she is probably going to issue the order for people to resume wearing masks when in indoor public spaces by the end of the month (June 2022).


Jun 4 2022 08:00AM
     My smartphone turned into a brick this week
My smartphone doesn't work. I can't text.

This shutdown is a clusterfuck. Unless a device is brand new, it is having problems.

AT&T, Verizon, and TMobile (Sprint) are shutting down their 3G and 4G LTE networks to make room for 5G.

I thought that my phone would be fine because it is not an old 3G phone. Nope. My phone looks like a 4G phone, but it is actually 3G-dependent. TMobile/Sprint shut down 3G on May 31, 2022. My phone isn't totally dead. Some stuff still works. But by the end of this month (June 2022) when TMobile shuts down Sprint's 4G LTE network my phone will be totally dead.


May 18 2022 11:03PM
     Small Hands Isiah Maxwell Quinton James Nathan Bronson
Silvia Saige is a pornstar who is also a stand-up comedian. She has a YouTube channel called Sexy, Funny, Raw. She does a weekly talk show about the porn industry. She just posted this week's video.

Silvia rattled off a list of women's favorite male actors (Nathan Bronson, Quinton James, Isiah Maxwell, and Small Hands). It was interesting to hear her say that Nathan Bronson is an average-sized guy with an average-sized dick that women love to fuck.

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May 13 2022 10:18PM
     Happy birthday, ArabianQueen. Kevin Samuels said
Kevin Samuels said that a man is in trouble if it's like this:

1) She's hot;
2) She's crazy;
3) The sex is hot-crazy;
4) She's a Taurus.

Happy birthday, ArabianQueen.
Attached Pictures


Feb 24 2022 11:34PM
     Better get it in by Tuesday (Fat Tuesday).
Heathens give up fornicating for Lent. Lent starts on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday).

That's why they call it Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras or Carnival. If you're going to give up meat for Lent, then you're going to eat greasy on Fat Tuesday.

Better get it in by Fat Tuesday, because, come Ash Wednesday, the party's over (until Easter Sunday).


Feb 22 2022 10:59PM
     The Great COVID-19 Boner Shortage
From the International Journal of Impotence Research: COVID-19 contributes to ED.

As the women of HX have noticed over the past two years, boners aren't what they used to be.

I'm sure that boner quality will improve between April and November. The virus, SARS-CoV-2, is less prevalent between April and November than it is between December and March.


Feb 24 2021 07:08PM
     The devil is already here. The California variant.
We are at a critical moment in the pandemic. We could go either way.
One set of experts thinks that we are done seeing exploding infection rates of COVID-19 and that the vaccinations will bring an end to the pandemic by October.
Another set of experts thinks that we are about to see a new wave of COVID-19 infections in March and that we will be back in lockdown in April.
Meet the California variant, B.1.427/B.1.429. B.1.427/B.1.429 is more transmissible, like the B.1.1.7 variant (UK), and it is more virulent, like the B.1.351 variant (South Africa). B.1.427/B.1.429 is spreading beneath the surface.
My guess is that the second set of experts is correct. Don't get too comfortable with things reopening. We'll be back in lockdown by April. Many more will die. To date Los Angeles County has had 20,000 deaths. We will have another 6,000 deaths by May.


Nov 19 2020 10:41AM
     3-week lockdown probably coming to LA County
Los Angeles County public health officials issued a warning yesterday that if daily COVID-19 infections reach 4,500 per day, we will go into a three-week lockdown. Yesterday LA County reported 3,944 new infections.

The lockdown would prohibit all but essential workers from leaving their homes. There would be a 10 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew. (Essential workers would be exempt from the curfew).

We could easily find ourselves locked down through Christmas and New Year's Day.


Jun 18 2020 09:15AM
     Ink-loving chicks rejoice
For all of you admirers of the gauche, the ill-conceived, and the poorly-executed, tomorrow is your happy day. Tattoo parlors reopen tomorrow in the counties of Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino.

Nail salons also reopen tomorrow.

Los Angeles County is special. If Los Angeles County Public Health didn't let bars and movie theaters reopen last Friday, they won't let tattoo parlors and nail salons reopen this Friday.

Oh, and for you chicks getting married this weekend, weddings are allowed because they are categorized as religious cultural events. Wedding receptions, however, remain forbidden statewide.


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