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Level 3 Male

 55 yrs old
Whittier, LA, CA
Registered Sep 21 2018
Released Sep 27 2018

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Jun 17 2020 03:46PM
     Coronoavirus tastes like chicken
COVID-19 is on the loose again. If you didn't get it the first time, you're gonna get it this time.

It's not that bad. You'll feel crappy for a week or so if you feel anything at all.

Coronavirus tastes like chicken. It feels like a fuzzy neon yellow tennis ball fresh out of the can. It's sticky. It's hard to get rid of. It gets everywhere.

Guys who like to kiss girls can expect to get it every time. So the kissing better be good because those fuzzy tennis balls are going to be kicking my ass for another round.


Jun 7 2020 07:06AM
     Hollywood Gay Pride protest Sunday June 14 2020 10 am Hollywood and Highland
A week from today, June 14, 2020, starting at 10 a.m. at Hollywood and Highland So Cal's LGBT community will hold its gay pride march. They had canceled it due to COVID-19. But now they are going forward with a protest march.


Jun 2 2020 06:55PM
     LA County HXers are sad Orange County HXers are happy
All of Los Angeles County is under curfew.

But if you are in Orange County, and you aren't in Anaheim or Garden Grove, you are good.

From the Orange County Register, here are the curfew cities in the counties of Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino:

Orange County
Anaheim: 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Wednesday
Garden Grove: 6 p.m. until 5 a.m. Thursday

Riverside County
Hemet: 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until further notice
Moreno Valley: 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Wednesday

San Bernardino County
Fontana: 6 p.m. to sunrise until further notice
Grand Terrace: 7 p.m. until 5 a.m. until further notice
Highland: 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until further notice
Loma Linda: 6 p.m. until 5 a.m. until further notice
Montclair: 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Wednesday
Rialto: 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until further notice
San Bernardino: 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until further notice
Upland: 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until Monday, June 8


May 20 2020 10:54PM
     If your friends were as slutty as mine
I love to give out boxes of condoms. Sometimes women shrug. Sometimes it's a lifesaver.

So I go to Costco and load up my cart with boxes of Trojans. (I know that they smell nasty, but what are you going to do?) When women look in my cart, their eyes get as big as saucers. I say, “Oh, I wish that I were fucking like that. It's just that my friends are stone cold sluts.”


May 7 2020 09:20PM
     Hotels have been and continue to be off limits
The governor has "roadmap" for COVID-19:

Here are “stage 2, lower-risk workplaces”, which will be allowed to open on Friday (5/8/20):
Curbside retail, including but not limited to: Bookstores, jewelry stores, toy stores, clothing stores, shoe stores, home and furnishing stores, sporting goods stores, antique stores, music stores, florists. Note: this will be phased in, starting first with curbside pickup and delivery only until further notice.
Supply chains supporting the above businesses, in manufacturing and logistics sectors

Here is what will be allowed to open next week:
Destination retail, including shopping malls and swap meets.
Personal services, limited to: car washes, pet grooming, tanning facilities, and landscape gardening.
Office-based businesses (telework remains strongly encouraged)
Dine-in restaurants (other facility amenities, like bars or gaming areas, are not permitted)
Schools and childcare facilities
Outdoor museums and open gallery spaces

Here is a list of stage 3 workplaces, which will not be allowed to open for at least a month:
Personal services such as nail salons, tattoo parlors, gyms and fitness studios
Hospitality services, such as bars and lounges
Entertainment venues, such as movie theaters, gaming facilities, and pro sports
Indoor museums, kids museums and gallery spaces, zoos, and libraries
Community centers, including public pools, playgrounds, and picnic areas
Religious services and cultural ceremonies
Concert venues
Theme parks
Hotels/lodging for leisure and tourism


May 7 2020 06:13AM
     Toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and music. Are you kidding
When the governor said that Friday would bring the opening of stores like those selling toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and music, I didn't realize that he literally meant only those stores selling toys, books, clothing, sporting goods and music. LOL.


May 3 2020 10:20PM
     Standing in line at 11:59
This could be the week that the governor lifts the Stay At Home Order. No matter what, it won't be back to normal. The shopping malls will stay closed. We still won't be able to go to the gym. We might be allowed to visit with friends and relatives inside homes in small numbers. But that would mean that HX wakes up. In fact, it would be “on like Donkey Kong”.

What if the hard lockdown ends at 11:59 p.m. on Friday night? I will be standing in line like it was 1977 and I was waiting for Star Wars.


Apr 28 2020 03:27PM
     Phase 3 is still months away.
In a press conference this afternoon Governor Newsom indicated that the hard lockdown would end in a few weeks, probably by May 15, 2020. The six counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, however, have already announced that the hard lockdown would be extended until the end of May. The rest of California may not end up following the Bay Area.

This hard lockdown has been phase 1. In a few weeks we will have phase 2, which will allow Non-Essential Businesses (as defined by the Stay-At-Home Order) to reopen as long as social distancing can be maintained. Retail stores will open again so long as customers continue to wear their masks and stay at least six feet away from each other. (If you swing a dead cat, that's six feet.)

Unfortunately the governor indicated that phase 3 (the good stuff that we all want) won't come for another few months. Phase 3 includes personal services such as fitness gymnasiums, hair salons, and massage parlors.

Got that?


Apr 20 2020 04:48PM
     Four percent of adults in LA County have had COVID-19
A study of the prevalence COVID-19 was conducted by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department and USC. They released the preliminary results at a press conference on Monday afternoon. Researchers tested a random sample of 850 adults in LA County for the presence of the antibody against COVID-19.

The results of the study indicated that the rate of infection for adults in LA County could be estimated at four percent. The number of adults infected with COVID-19 could be nearly one-half million (as opposed to the official number of thirteen thousand infected individuals).

While these numbers may be accurate for all adults in LA County, I think that the percent of infected adults is higher among the mainstream population, i.e., the kind of people who have jobs, take public transportation, and shop in grocery stores.

The infection rate among the floozies and skallywags around here is almost certainly higher than four percent. Take me, for example. I've had COVID-19. I'm all better now (thanks for asking).


Apr 15 2020 08:59PM
     You gonna get it. Preggo chicks are exempt.
Everybody is going to get COVID-19. Most of you have already had it. You just haven't been tested for the antibody yet.

I hear people panicking because they might get COVID-19. They complain because they don't have an N95 mask. They complain because someone at their job came up positive for COVID-19. They complain because they have to work right next to other workers.

Did you notice how the public health department never said that people weren't going to get COVID-19? The public health department said that they were trying to slow down the spread of COVID-19. In other words, you gonna get it.

The goal is keep the three percent of COVID-19 sufferers who need emergency medical care from overwhelming the health care system. (But you still gonna get it.)

It seems like a contradiction. On one hand each one of us is responsible for preventing the spread of the virus. On the other hand each one of us is responsible for getting over the illness in self-isolation. Once someone has recovered from the illness, he or she is immune and is participating in the development of herd immunity.

The people who get into trouble with COVID-19 have some unfortunate genetic predisposition to the disease. The virus goes after cells that have ACE-2 receptors. Lung tissue in the upper part of the lungs has ACE-2 receptors. Colon tissue also has ACE-2 receptors, which explains why the first symptom for many people was diarrhea.

It turns out that the virus messes with a system of enzymes associated with the ACE-2 receptor. The lungs of the really sick patients get hit with a double whammy. The messed-up enzymes cause localized inflammation. The messed-up enzymes also cause the immune system to attack the lungs. That's why the patients can't breathe and their chest is tight like they did too many push-ups.

It turns out that estrogen in young women seems to protect them from the mayhem of the mess-up enzymes associated with the ACE-2 receptor. A study showed that of the 200 women who gave birth in New York City during the COVID-19 crisis, thirty of them tested positive for COVID-19, but only three of them had symptoms. Post-menopausal women did not seem to be protected from COVID-19.

It is going to be interesting to watch what happens in Sweden and Brazil over the next two weeks. Sweden and Brazil, like every other country, say that they are special. Neither Sweden nor Brazil has implemented the lockdown. Maybe Sweden and Brazil are special. But what has happened in every other county is that when the reality of the death toll becomes apparent, the government panics. Voices of panic are starting to be heard in Sweden. Everybody hopes that Sweden and Brazil are special, because if it turns out that Sweden and Brazil aren't special, the death toll is going to be horrific.


Apr 11 2020 08:39PM
     The OC will get pussy before LA County.
Each county gets to decide whether it wants to follow Governor Newsom's rule or make up its own more-restrictive rule. Orange County has been following the governor's rule. Los Angeles County has been making up its own rule.

Yesterday the Los Angeles County Health Officer issued an order saying that the stay-at-home order will remain in place for another five weeks (until May 15, 2020).

At at press conference earlier this week the governor pleaded with Californians to put up with the stay-at-home order for another few weeks.

Since a few weeks is less than five weeks, it looks like the OC is going to get pussy before LA County.


Apr 10 2020 08:08AM
     It's Good Friday. No meat!
It's Good Friday, for God's sake. Can you sluts stop gobbling cock for one day?

Even the stock market is closed. Jesus Christ.


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