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Level 3 Male

 55 yrs old
Whittier, LA, CA
Registered Sep 21 2018
Released Sep 27 2018

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Apr 7 2020 09:19AM
     Typhoid Mary 001, Typhoid Mary 002, Typhoid Mary 003
It's beginning to look like fifty percent of the people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. Trump's point man on the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, mentioned the report coming out of Iceland (that everybody is talking about) that indicated that up to fifty percent of the Icelanders who tested positive for the COVID-19 antibody (meaning that they were infected by the virus) reported having no symptoms.

Up until now people have been saying that eighty percent of those infected with COVID-19 will have mild symptoms, fourteen percent of them will require medical attention, and six percent of them will require hospitalization.

These new numbers would indicate that fifty percent of those people infected with COVID-19 will have no symptoms, forty percent of them will have mild symptoms, seven percent of them will require some medical treatment, and three percent of them will require hospitalization.

The data coming out of Iceland also adds weight to what a lot of people have been speculating, namely that the virus is a lot more widespread and has been spreading for a lot longer than authorities have been saying.

It turns out that most of us probably got COVID-19 and recovered from it before anyone even proposed social distancing.

It seems like most of those people who have been asymptomatic have been women rather than men. In other words men get the punishment while women get off Scott-free. But isn't it always like that? You say, Nigel, tell us something we don't know.

It is likely that several women on HX have been in the asymptomatic category. I find it hard to believe that anyone active on HX over the past month has not been exposed to the virus.

Maybe it isn't that big of a deal. I never made any attempt to avoid COVID-19. I wanted to get the illness and get over it as soon as possible.

The lockdown decreed by the government is mandatory. I am not supposed to be out of my house unless I am going to work, going to the grocery store, or getting some exercise. It reminds me of how slaves in the Antebellum South needed a written pass from their master to be allowed to be away from the plantation.

At some point they are going to lift the lockdown for those who are already immune to COVID-19. I want to be the guy who has that big green dot on his cellphone. I will be going to go visit Typhoid_Mary_001*.

*Typhoid Mary was an Irish-born cook in New York in 1906 who was unique in that she had an active typhoid bacterial infection in her gall bladder. She ended up giving typhoid to everyone for whom she cooked.


Apr 4 2020 08:37PM
     Your cellphone will have a big green dot or a big red dot
Now I have heard that the way they did it China and South Korea is that the people who where COVID-19-immune had a big green dot on their cellphone and that the people who were required to self-quarantine had a big red dot on their cellphone.

They will test people once per week. People who test positive for the antibody, meaning that they have been exposed to COVID-19 and that their body is now protecting them by producing antibodies against the SARS-coronavirus-type 2 virus, will have a big green dot installed on their cellphone, which will allow them to go anywhere and do anything.

People who test positive for COVID-19 and are contagious will have a big red dot installed on their cellphone. They will be ordered to stay at home. Cellphone towers will track their movements. So if the cellphone towers indicate to the police that a contagious person is more than 1000 feet from his or her house, then that person's cellphone account will immediately be charged a $2000 fine, and the police will come and arrest that person.


Apr 4 2020 01:30PM
     Governments will issue COVID-19-immune cards
It is going to take at least a year or two before we have a vaccine for COVID-19. In the meantime governments are going to want to let things get back to normal. What governments are going to do is figure out who has had COVID-19 already and who hasn't. People who have had COVID-19 already are immune. The government will issue them COVID-19-immune ID cards and allow them to live normally. People who haven't had COVID-19 by that time will continue to live under restrictions.

At that point, let's say six months from now, people who haven't had COVID-19 by that time will say, “Hey. That's not fair. How do I get COVID-19?” And then when word gets out that people have gotten sick with fresh cases of COVID-19, which by that time will be rare, people who think that they are healthy enough to take the risk will run over to the sick people and suck their faces.


Apr 3 2020 08:05PM
     COVID-19-immune is better than COVID-19-free
While people are freaking out about getting COVID-19, it is important to remember that getting COVID-19 and recovering from it would be a good thing.

When a woman says that she is COVID-19-free, it means nothing. No one knows whether is or is not COVID-19-free. We would have to test her. And even if we tested her today, she could get COVID-19 tomorrow.

But when a woman says that she is COVID-19-immune, that means that she has already had the disease (which we call COVID-19) and has recovered from it. Now she is immune. She will not get COVID-19 again, and she will not pass it on to anyone else. If a guy doesn't want to get COVID-19, he won't get it from her. If a guy has COVID-19 and doesn't want to pass it on to anyone else, he won't pass it on to her.

How could we test that she is actually COVID-19-immune? Well, pretty soon there will be a $10 antibody test. It will be a paper stick. The woman would prick her finger and place a drop of blood at one end of the stick. In the middle of the stick a line would appear or not appear. If the line appeared, that would mean that she had the antibody against COVID-19 because she had had the disease and recovered from it. If the line did not appear, that would mean that she still has not been infected by the SARS-corona-type 2 virus.

So pretty soon the COVID-19-immune women are going to be the ones to visit, and the women who say that they are COVID-19-free are going to be the ones to avoid.


Mar 31 2020 10:57AM
     How to know if you have COVID-19.
How do you know if what you are feeling is COVID-19? The answer is, yes, it's COVID-19.

The symptoms being reported by people with COVID-19 are all over the map from pneumonia to mild aches. The majority of people with COVID-19 present on day five with a fever and a dry cough. But we are hearing about a variety of symptoms from people with COVID-19 other than those two things.

The public health departments are adding to the problem. The public health department in LA County posts that there are 2500 cases of COVID-19. The problem is that the relatively low number of cases posted by the public health department would lead someone to believe that it would be unlikely for them to come into contact with someone with COVID-19. The reality is that there are probably two million cases in Los Angeles County. COVID-19 is everywhere.

Anyone who is feeling strange probably as COVID-19. Strange pain in strange places is likely to be COVID-19. People don't have to have a fever and a dry cough to have COVID-19. Some people, maybe something like five percent of people, have no symptoms at all.

There is a woman on Youtube who I like to watch, Itsblitzzz, who does ASMR massage videos. Last night she posted that her boyfriend, Nick (we all know Nick because she puts him on camera every once in a while) has been gravely ill with COVID-19 for the past week and a half. Nick had all of the typical symptoms. Itsblitzzz, however, had no symptoms at all, and it is likely that she passed it on to him. She had done some international travel last month (to Europe). A lot of COVID-19 has been spread on international flights.

The vast majority of us are going to get COVID-19, and it's going to be no big deal. The problem comes when COVID-19 is spread to vulnerable people who can't handle it. Anyone who has a vulnerable person living in their house needs to avoid getting COVID-19. That would mean that they need to avoid absolutely everybody, because everybody has it.

Everyone on HX needs to know that they are going to get COVID-19 and spread COVID-19. Anyone who needs to avoid COVID-19 to protect vulnerable people living in their house needs to stay off of HX. At some point in the next couple of weeks the majority of the HX population will have already had COVID-19. There is no problem with two people getting together when both of them have already had COVID-19.

It seems to take weeks to totally get rid of the virus. The virus seems to play hide-and-seek with the immune system. It isn't like the symptoms disappear after a week. The symptoms go away and come back several times over the course of several weeks.

The vast majority of us are going to be fine. HX will get back to normal in a few weeks even while the lockdown remains in place.


Mar 24 2020 01:39PM
     Rona people unite!
What if HX were split into clean HX and dirty HX? There is no harm in two people getting together when both of them already have coronavirus.

The problem with coronavirus is not that healthy people are going to get it. The problem is that healthy people might spread it to weak people who can't handle it.

Everyone should avoid getting it and spreading it. But if you already have it, like I do, there is no harm in having sex with other people who have it too.

Coronavirus is far more widespread than the news reports would indicate. Experts predict that half of the planet's 7.5 billion people will get it before it's run its course.

I have it. I am on day eight of my sickness. For eighty percent of the people who get it, it is going to be no big deal, i.e., they won't need to see a doctor. I am running a temperature. I have an achy body. I have nasty farts because the virus is attacking the lining of my intestines. It is attacking my lungs, but I don't feel it. I will be OK. I will be ready for work on Monday. But I will still be under quarantine for the next two weeks.

There are going to be a lot of HX people who have coronavirus. They will be well enough to have sex, but they will be under quarantine for at least two weeks. Us coronavirus HX'ers need to get together.

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