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Level 3 Male

 55 yrs old
Whittier, LA, CA
Registered Sep 21 2018
Released Sep 27 2018

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Jul 29 2024 09:32AM
     Japanese government launches dating app
In Japan in 2023 birth rates hit a new all-time low of 1.2 children per female. The Japanese government is panicking.

The new dating app is going to be run by a contractor. Users will have to pay a fee. It's called Match Up.

"For example, users will be required to submit a photo ID and provide proof of income. Applicants must also answer 15 questions relating to their background such as educational and occupation history, submit to an interview with the app's operator, and even sign a statement affirming they are seeking a marriage partner rather than a casual relationship."

How come chicks don't have to provide proof of weight?


Jul 18 2024 11:05PM
     Proof that Taylor Swift is spawn of

Taylor Swift goes from European capital to European capital leaving outbreaks of COVID-19 in her wake.

It's too bad that we live in a world trying to pretend that COVID-19 is over. It ain't over.

Last month Paul Simon got on X and announced that he will never perform again. His last bout of COVID-19 messed with his hearing.

Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band had to cancel their tour because they all got too sick from COVID-19.

Stevie Nicks is begging people at her concerts to wear masks. She says that she'll never perform again if she gets COVID-19 while on tour.

How does Taylor Swift take a lick'n and keep on tick'n? I think that we know why.


Jul 16 2024 09:52PM
     The Korean wave crashes July 26, 2024
K-Pop is coming to Los Angeles for three days at the Los Angeles Convention Center starting on Friday, July, 26, 2024. It is called KCON LA 2024.

Is anyone going to this? Does anyone know about these boy bands and girl bands?


May 29 2024 11:58AM
     WeHo Pride this Sunday, LA Pride next Sunday
There are two Pride parades in LA. The first one is the West Hollywood Pride Parade this Sunday (June 2, 2024). Next Sunday is the bigger LA Pride Parade (June 9, 2024).

The WeHo Pride Parade starts at 12:30 p.m. It goes from east to west on Santa Monica Boulevard starting at N. Crescent Heights Bl.

The LA Pride Parade starts at 11:00 a.m. It starts at Sunset Bl. and Highland Ave. It goes up to Hollywood Bl. and turns east. It goes east on Hollywood Bl. and turns south on Cahuenga Bl. and stops at Sunset Bl.


Jan 23 2024 10:11PM
     Why is Dua Lipa so weird?
I like Dua Lipa, but the poor woman can't dance for shit.

We know that she gets criticized for not dancing well. People laugh at her in her early videos. Dua Lipa's official music video for Houdini is set in a dance studio. Why is she wearing medical scrubs for pants and weird padded bra for a top? If the video is supposed to be portraying an ordinary work day for professional dancers, why doesn't she just wear what professional dancers wear to work?

You can tell that the choreographer said, "Sweetheart, we are going to give you big, sweeping moves so that people can't tell that you are a Baby Huey."

She has come a long way. I remember when I first saw her. I thought that she had no talent. I no longer think that.

Who is running her? Is she writing her own stuff? Every time I see her I think that there is something off about her. Is she on the spectrum? Is she a little autistic?

Time is passin' like a solar eclipse
See you watchin' and you blow me a kiss
It's your moment, baby, don't let it slip
Come in closer, are you readin' my lips?

They say I come and I go
Tell me all the ways you need me
I'm not here for long
Catch me or I go Houdini
I come and I go
Prove you got the right to please me
Everybody knows
Catch me or I go Houdini


Jan 3 2024 10:23PM
     First Sunday of January is peak traffic for dating apps
It turns out that every year the highest traffic on dating apps occurs on the first Sunday in January. They call it Dating Sunday. More photos are uploaded to dating apps on the first Sunday in January than on any other day of the year.

I know that I've always gotten dumped in January. You would think that I would have noticed a pattern. The game that chicks play is to have a guy through the holidays and then to dump him in January. But there is a trick to this. Chicks want to be able to have a hot date for Valentine's Day. That means that chicks need to work fast during the last two weeks of January.

Should I start uploading my photos to HX? Should I use a photo filter? Is there a good photo filter for my peen? Maybe I should use a reverse photo filter. Chicks use photo filters to look thinner, but I want my peen to look fatter.


Dec 30 2023 09:42PM
     Bud Light sales still down 28 percent as boycott continues
This is so sad. It is so lame that people are like this. Trannies need beer too. In fact, trannies need light beer to maintain their figures.


Dec 23 2023 10:54PM
     Sassy man apocalypse
Men are the prize. Good men are hard to find. Many women will have to compete against each other for one good man.

If a woman doesn't want to die alone, she is going to have to go out there and get the man that she wants.

Men are not going to settle for dusty, low-effort women.
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Dec 8 2023 05:05AM
     Hey big spender (Hunter Biden)
Someone on X showed the line items on Hunt Biden's spending from 2016 to 2019.

Payments - various women:
2016 - $4,400
2017 - $138,837
2018 - $383,548
2019 - $156,427

2018 was a good year. It's time to up my game. No more skimping.


Dec 5 2023 10:19PM
     Sharon Stone at 65. Would or naw?
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Dec 2 2023 09:15PM
     Seven reasons why wives stop having sex with husbands
Pamela, the content creator for the Happy Wife Channel on YouTube, offers these seven reasons for why wives stop having sex with their husbands.

First, the desire for sex is a switch in women's heads that they control. They can turn the switch on or off. Before they got married, the switch was on for bad boys.

Second, the wife used sex as a tool for trapping her husband into marriage. Once she is married with children, she has what she wants, and she no longer needs to use sex as a tool to manipulate her husband.

Third, the wife feels depleted from taking care of her family, and she feels like more energy and emotional resources are being taken from her through having sex with her husband.

Fourth, she feels unworthy and inadequate. Depriving herself and her husband of sex is a way for her to punish herself.

Fifth, she feels as though she needs to be in control at all times. She needs to control everything and everyone. She is unwilling to relax enough to have sex.

Sixth, she never learned to enjoy sex. She only learned how to use sex as a tool to manipulate her husband.

Seventh, she has so humiliated and emasculated her husband that she no longer finds him attractive. Now she is repulsed by her husband.
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Nov 7 2023 05:55PM
     Meet the most dangerous man in America, the dark Mr. Prince Harming
Hoe_math is a YouTube channel that is growing quickly. The guy is brilliant. He has been posting videos like crazy since his channel started two months ago.

The guy is in his late twenties. He lives in an apartment in Hollywood. He is an aspiring musician. He has been active in the dating scene. His handle on FetLife is Prince Harming.

His most famous video so far is entitled Relationship Zones: A map of relationship types to help relieve dating confusion. The link below is of Pearl Davis reacting to his video.

Here are some choice quotes:

As a guy it is better to be all bad and no good than to be all good and no bad because then you end up in the friend zone.

The man will say things like, "I don't know where I'm going to be in three weeks. Like, I don't know what my life is." Yes, we do. We do know what our life is. We do know where we're going to be. We just want to wait for someone who we like better.

Women will very often go back to a bad boy who has a lot of girls or a situationship who has a lot of other girls.

Google Henry Kissinger. He was not an attractive man, but he was sleeping with super models because he was a very powerful man on a global scale.

If you have no bad boy traits and no good guy traits, you are just a ghost.

If you have medium bad boy traits and no good guy traits at all, sometimes you will be a woman's drunken mistake.

She will be more excited for a bad boy and less excited for Prince Charming because there is something about stability that dilutes her attraction for the good guy.

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