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 55 yrs old
Whittier, LA, CA
Registered Sep 21 2018
Released Sep 27 2018

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Oct 28 2023 07:57PM
     Black women's list for where not to go on a first date versus black men's list of women to never dat
I can't post the women's list. It has too many name brands of restaurants to make it through this blog's filter. There are 28 items on the list. I can only post a link to the list.

I am posting the text of the men's list, but I can't post it in the form of a list because it won't make it through this blog's filter.

Men's list:

Single mothers Women with tattoos Women who dress like this in public Sex workers (Only Fans girls, mattress actresses, strippers, call girls, escorts, Instagram models, bottle girls, etc.) Women with an Instagram page Women with non-ear piercings Women with purple hair (or any other unnatural color) Women with hoe friends "Models" who market to men Women who travel regularly Women who drink liquor regularly Women with weak/absentee fathers Women who live alone Women with "party voice" Women on dating apps Women who have been on Fresh & Fit Women with lists Women who have been engaged Divorcees American Black women Women raised in the West
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Oct 24 2023 06:03PM
     The six million dollar man
Is Lee Majors still with us? A check of Wikipedia indicates that he is.

I remember the day in 1978 when my mother came home from a weekend getaway. She brought me back an empty whiskey bottle. She said that she had gone to a spa and had seen Lee Majors. He had left the bottle of whiskey on a table. I guess that you'd drink too if you were married to Farrah Fawcett (1973-1982).

Today I want to talk about another six million dollar man. We don't know his name. His name is a secret. We don't care about his name. The person that we know is his ex-wife, Bella Poarch.

Who is Bella Poarch? Bella Poarch is a cute chick who is internet famous for making videos on TikTok where she lip-syncs to songs and makes faces at the camera (link below). Bella Poarch is so cute that she actually looks like a cartoon. I heard someone use the r-word to describe her videos. The use of the r-word is beneath me, but it is an apt description in this case.

She started making TikTok videos during the pandemic in 2020. Her videos went viral. She got famous. She signed deals. She got a record contract. She made twelve million dollars.

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video by Pearl Davis (justpearlythings) criticizing Bella Poarch for getting a divorce. In an interview Bella Poarch complained that her ex-husband would not support her dream of becoming a pop star. The first comment to the video read, "We all know that Bella's divorce as due to her cheating on her husband with Tyga."

Really? That's juicy. Tell me more. It turns out that Bella Poarch started hanging out with rock stars. The rumor is that she cheated on her husband. Her husband filed for divorce last year.

Bella and her husband live in California. California is a community-property state. Bella has to give her ex-husband six million dollars and pay him alimony.

I call that a win.

I am sure that her ex-husband is devastated. But six million dollars will help him find a lot of shoulders to cry on.

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Oct 21 2023 06:12PM
     The alpha widow's Edward Lewis
Most women around here are alpha widows. They can't get past that one guy who got away. There was one guy who could make them do crazy things. For Jada Pinkett Smith it was Tupak Shakur. For Jennifer Aniston it was Brad Pitt. For Vivian Ward it was Edward Lewis.

It wasn't the guy with the most money. It certainly wasn't the guy with the most love to offer. It was the guy that Mom hated and that Dad hated even more. It was the guy who never did what he was supposed to do. It was the guy that she could never quite catch. It was the guy who could make her cheat. It was the guy who could make a booty call right now and still get it.

Other guys can't compete with that guy. That guy is in a different league. Sometimes that guy is dead. Sometimes that guy is a fantasy.

Why don't women settle for Mr. Right-Now? Why don't women settle for Mr. Good-Enough? That's what women always do. But that guy, the one who got away, is always present as a ghost. His ghost haunts every relationship.

Now these women are addicted to gambling. Every night is a another chance to win. Will the next guy who walks through the door be even better?

Who were Vivian Ward and Edward Lewis? Vivian Ward was the character played by Julia Roberts, and Edward Lewis was the character played by Richard Gere.


Oct 17 2023 08:29PM
     I can't get no respect
Chris Williamson and Sadia Khan can be considered to be mainstream YouTubers. Chris Williamson has 1.3 million subscribers, and Sadia Khan has 300,000 subscribers.

Today Sadia Khan (Sadia Psychology) posted a video clip in which she is talking to Chris Williamson about why "sexy girls" hate men. The video's thumbnail says, "Why hot women disrespect men."

Some of what she says sounds true. Some of what she says sounds false.

Sadia Khan says that men like me are porn addicts with money. I have low self-esteem. I can't get women. I can't make an emotional connection with women. I like women who boost my ego without requiring me to make an emotional connection. I'm not sure if she is right about all of that.

Sadia Khan goes on to say that the pool of men that "sexy girls" are left with are men that they don't respect. She says, "Women respect men with masculinity, alpha protectiveness, providing, et cetera." She goes on to say, "The type of man they truly respect wouldn't be with them." Sadia ends by saying that women have more respect for the financially-struggling bouncer or the hobo-sexual to whom she has to give money than for the wealthy guy who is stupid enough to invest in her.

It is all pretty complicated. I'm not sure what to make of it.


Oct 14 2023 10:09PM
     Please do not rub our noses in it
I've been lied to by women my entire life. Slowly I am starting to figure it out.

Who am I? I am the guy that every woman in my life said that a guy should be. They all lied to me.

Ask any guy between twenty-five years old and thirty-five years old what he thought the first time a woman that he was having sex with told him to start choking her. I am sure that he said to himself, "What the fuck?"

To be clear I have never put my hands on a woman's throat. I get the concept. I don't want to be accused of having toxic masculinity.

It is only younger Millennials and Gen. Z women who do that sort of thing. Gen. X women, women of my generation, knew to keep that shit secret.

Let's talk about Fifty Shades of Grey. I remember when the movie came out. It was Valentine's Day of 2015. The woman that I was dating at the time desperately wanted to see the movie. The movie is about a basic bitch who gets pursued by a handsome thirty-something anti-social billionaire who's into bondage.

The book Fifty Shades of Grey was originally a manuscript written as fan fiction for the vampire television series called Twilight. The book ended up being the best-selling book in British history and the third best-selling book in the English language.

Really? Is that what chicks want? Someone lied to me.

It turns out that all women have rape fantasies. It is natural. We as humans have been running around for one million years. That's probably how we all got here. That's probably why fifteen percent of our genes come from Neanderthals.

Women don't want to get raped by just any old Joe-shit-the-rag-man. They would prefer that he be hot. They would also prefer that he not be a total stranger.

That's probably why women's favorite character on television is named Mr. The Raper. Actually I'm talking about Jon Hamm's character Don Draper from Madmen. You know, Sir Da' Raper.

Anyway, it seems as though today's women are saying, "Okay, you figured it out. Just please don't rub our noses in it."


Oct 12 2023 08:34PM
     It is Sally Field the Flying Nun
Most chicks around here are total prudes. If these women were honest when posting photos, they would post photos of themselves looking like Sally Field in The Flying Nun.

Back in the 1960s the Sisters of Charity used to wear big white cornettes on their heads.

Most women around here are so sexually repressed that they've got one foot in the convent. Why not go the full monty? They could get in. Just because they have a body count higher than The Predator doesn't mean that they couldn't get in. It's three hots and a cot and everlasting life. It's not a bad deal.

It depends on what color women prefer. If they prefer navy blue, they should join the Blessed Virgin Marys. If the prefer cream color, they should join the Dominicans. If they prefer black, they should join the Franciscans.

It's too late for me. I always wanted to be a real man. But the United States Marine Corps won't take any man older than thirty-five years old.


Oct 8 2023 10:41PM
     Man-splaining to the bat-sheet
Do you know why women need men? It's because feminine women can't think straight.

Feminine women aren't supposed to be able to think straight. That's what men do.

I've had sex with masculine women, and I've had sex with feminine women, and sex with feminine women is more fun.

The masculine women are good. They are the ones who respond to texts and set up appointments. Things run smoothly with masculine women. They think straight.

With feminine women nothing runs smoothly. Feminine women are bat-shit crazy. They can't even tie their own shoes. But they are more fun.

Think of a glass of water. The man is the glass, and the woman is the water. If it weren't for the glass, the water would spread out all over the table. Women are supposed to slosh all over the place like water. Men are supposed to contain women to keep them from spreading out all over the table.

Women feel safe when they have a take-charge man who contains them. Then they can let themselves go wild and slosh all over the place.

That's why mansplaining is not a bad thing. When a woman is emotional and sloshing all over the place, she needs a straignt-thinking man to explain things to her. That's what men are for. That's how we like it.


Oct 4 2023 09:03PM
     Millennial women crash and burn Welcome to 40
Something important happened last year. In 2022 the first wave of Millennial women turned forty years old. Millennial women, who have been insufferable for the past decade, have started to age out. It is game over for a generation of feminists who didn't need men. It's all over but for the tears. Let the crying begin.

I have been waiting for the soul searching and regret from Millennial women. Meet Eboni K. Williams. Today we have a forty-year-old black woman delivering the goods. Here are the headlines from the LA Times:

Los Angeles Times
Eboni K. Williams urges Black women to pursue college and marriage simultaneously
Eboni K. Williams calls on Black women to pursue a college degree and an 'MRS degree' simultaneously, because delaying marriage comes with...
6 days ago

Los Angeles Times
'Would you date a bus driver?' debate roils social media, and Eboni K. Williams fires back
When host Iyanla Vanzant asked Bravo's Eboni K. Williams if she would date a bus driver, she re-launched a debate about Black women's...
May 4, 2023

No man was ever good enough. She focused on her career. The high value men that she wanted didn't want her. Now she is forced to go to the sperm bank and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get herself pregnant by artificial means.

Eboni K. Williams has taken to social media to issue a warning to college-age women: If you want to be a wife and a mother, find a good guy in college and marry him.

Millennial feminism has been an utter failure.


Oct 1 2023 06:48PM
     Women cheat far more than men and rich men get cheated on the most
Sadia Khan
Sadia Psychology (YouTube)

Why 70% Relationships End in The First Year | Sadia Khan

Minute 20:00.

"Women cheat far more than men."

Women can't even admit that it is cheating. They just say that their man is not meeting their emotional needs.

Rich men get cheated on the most because they are always working. Rich men attract emotionally detached women. Emotionally attached women can't handle being with a rich man because he is gone all of the time.
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Sep 26 2023 11:54PM
     Chicks hate Hub-addicted guys
Sadia Khan
Sadia Psychology (YouTube)

Title: This will make you UNATTRACTIVE to high value women.

At 10:00 minutes

"When you do Only Fans as a woman, the type of man you attract is a man that is addicted to pornography. The average man who is traditional or doesn't watch a lot of porn or is kind of old school won't be in a long-term relationship with an Only Fans girl. The only type of guy who is so into that is a guy who has also grown up with pornography and has normalized a girl who is hyper-sexual."

"So she ends up with a man who is not very masculine. He can't climax. He wants more and more. He needs threesomes. So her insecurities go through the roof. She is online getting people to pay for her when her own boyfriend, she can walk around naked in front of him and he doesn't even show a reaction. So she actually comes out of it very depressed from what her boyfriend is like."
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Sep 24 2023 07:42AM
     Men make women cheat
Sadia Khan, Sadia Psychology (YouTube)

Men make women cheat.

If a woman is cheating, it is because that woman has a man who accepts unacceptable behavior. This is because he is unwilling to walk away when his boundaries are broken.

When women meet that man, a good woman with good morals doesn't want that man. She doesn't want someone who is weak. She will replace that man with a man who has boundaries and morals. She is looking for someone who can lead his household.

But to a woman who is planning to come home late all of the time, planning to go on a bunch of holidays, planning to stay in touch with her ex, and planning to post a bunch of provocative photos online, he is perfect.
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Sep 11 2023 04:42AM
     Biden's press secretary shuts Biden up mid-sentence yesterday at press conference in Vietnam.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly ended a news conference by US President Joe Biden on Sunday, cutting the president off mid-sentence as he rambled about “the third world” and his conversation with Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

A video of U.S. president Joe Biden from his press conference in Vietnam is now going viral. The video shows his media briefing being cut short by the White House staff after the U.S. President started rambling and making awkward jokes. This was the first time that something like this was done by the U.S. President's own staff. Netizens called the moment disturbing and embarrassing for a U.S. President. Watch.
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