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 51 yrs old
Registered Jul 23 2019
Released Jul 23 2019

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Apr 6 2020 09:32PM
     Advice to those who are still meeting up on Hx
These are tough times. I know. Over the next month and a half, cases and deaths of Coronavirus in California will be peaking about mid April. Things should be back to "normal" (as in very low number of cases and deaths) by the middle of May. (Please see link to website for this projection and click on "United States of America" at the top of the website to find the data for California). This assumes full social distancing through May 2020. Projections are updated almost daily, so save the website address and check back from time to time.

My advice is hold out from meeting until the middle of May. This is for everyone. If you can. Definitely until the beginning of May. Please. I am talking about YOUR health, of course. You don't want to get sick. Coronavirus can be a nasty bug. I'm also talking about the health of others you come in contact with.

Thank you for your consideration.

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COVID-19 Projections


Mar 23 2020 11:55PM
     Social distancing? Southern Cal beaches this past weekend were jam-packed!
Nice. The health of others depends on your actions. If you don’t care, why don’t you just take a long walk down a short pier...
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Mar 1 2020 02:50PM
     Think about this if you want to vote for Bernie...
1. He is not a Scandinavian socialist, as he claims, where he lets companies do their thing and then taxes them a whole lot to make the world a better place. Instead, he thinks capitalism needs to be radically weakened: He wants to take 20% of the equity of companies to give to workers. He wants to introduce a federal jobs guarantee. He wants to require companies to qualify for a federal charter where he defines how they must act for all stakeholders.

2. He wants to double government spending, without being able to demonstrate how this will be paid for.

3. He would ban private health insurance. Most countries in the world with universal health care, such as Britain, don’t even go that far.

4. He wants to ban fracking outright. A sensible environmentalist would just tax it.

5. He wants to decriminalize border-crossing and break up ICE, even though it is understood that one of the principle roles of the federal government is to enforce our border laws.

6. He has defended autocratic socialist regimes in Cuba and Nicaragua, as recently as a couple of weeks ago.

7. He is unwilling to compromise on his ideas to get things passed.

There are other democratic candidates less sanctimonious and divisive as Bernie Sanders.

Source: The Economist


Jan 28 2020 05:34PM
     Bolton Allegations, Part 2
I’ll repeat what I said at the end of the last blog. Would love for someone to tell me objectively why they are such a big deal:

The Bolton allegations won’t add much of anything. Haven’t others already testified about the White House wanting a quid pro quo? Haven’t Ambassadors Taylor and
Sonderland, and NSC members Alex Vindman and Fiona Hill already testified to what the Bolton allegations basically are saying?

Just more of the same that was well-timed right when the Republican Senators have to decide on witnesses that could extend the trial for a long period of time. Allowing one witness would increase the demand for others, like Mick Mulvaney, and could lead to law suits to let more in. Extending the trial is simply good politics for the Democrats and bad for Donald Trump in an election year.


Dec 24 2019 03:41PM
     Happy Hanukkah, fellow Hxers!
To my fellow Jewish Hxers and others as well,

Happy Hanukkah!

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Oct 9 2019 02:37PM
     KaiserSoce is right again, this time on politics.
"Do you know how I know Trump can win again?
Because Swing voters don’t care about the Washington shit show. They care about their job, their family, their neighborhood.

I could vote for Biden. Never Warren. So all that will be left is Trump."


Watch Trump get impeached by the House Dems. (And rightly so, IMO).
Watch Trump NOT get kicked out of office in the Senate.
Watch the Dems overreach and choose Warren as their candidate.
Watch enough swing voters (like me) hold their nose and vote for Trump.
Watch Trump win in 2020.


Oct 3 2019 02:07AM
     Trump’s approval has climbed to 49% amid impeachment inquiry.
And his disapproval rating has dropped to its lowest value in a while — 51%. According to one poll.

Interesting result. Another poll had the approval rating dropping to a low of 37%, the lowest of his presidency.

Strange discrepancy. Which one is right?


Oct 2 2019 08:08PM
     Change the name of John Wayne Airport?
Two opinion writers, one from the LA Times and one from the OC Register, have argued that we should change the name of John Wayne Airport due to racist comments made by John Wayne at different times in his life.

I guess we should forget everything else he ever did and declare that keeping his name on the airport would simply honor "someone's racism."

"Mom? Who was John Wayne?"

"He was just some cranky old actor who was a white supremacist."


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