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 51 yrs old
Registered Jul 23 2019
Released Jul 23 2019

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Sep 4 2022 12:07AM
     CNN moving to become more balanced.
Maybe there's hope I can watch something else besides PBS Newshour.


Aug 2 2022 09:10PM
     There is a way Republicans can fuck up November.

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Nov 2 2021 02:42PM
     You want LEGIT criticism of the vaccines?
Not the crap you see posted here by assholes like Waterdisport22?

Here you go…

“ Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial”

“ Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports”

See link. Published today in a legit scientific journal.
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Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity


Sep 13 2021 05:55PM
     Here we go again! Fraud has been declared to be helping Dems in recall election.
"Statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor. The primary analytical tool used was Benford’s Law and can be readily reproduced."

"As is the case, we implore you…our fellow citizens…to join us in this fight as you are able, primarily by signing our petition demanding a special session of the California legislature to investigate and ameliorate the twisted results of this 2021 Recall Election of Governor Gavin Newsom."

So we know what excuse Trump republicans are going to muster when Newsom isn't recalled....
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You too can fight California election fraud!!!!!


Aug 15 2021 04:08AM
     Saigon revisited
I’m watching us evacuate the US embassy in Kabul with helicopters.

Where have we seen this before?

What our wonderful intelligence agencies said should happen in 30-90 days has happened in less than a week.

Bob Gates was right about Biden.

Call this clusterfuck exhibit A.


Jul 16 2021 07:20PM
     Excellent essay on what's wrong with the modern left by a classic liberal
This latest essay by Andrew Sullivan I think is a first-rate critique on the modern left, which no longer seems to support classic liberalism.

It really resonated with me.

I know there is a lot of criticism here of the modern left, so I wanted to see what people think of this. What do you think of his critique?
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Jul 4 2021 11:34AM
     Happy July 4th!!!!
Happy Independence Day to everyone on Hx!!!

It's a day to celebrate the greatest nation on the planet earth!

Have a great day!

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May 10 2021 04:44PM
     It’s not just in Az; it’s been everywhere for 20 years! Part 3
So, let me get this straight.

According to flash911, the whole point of the audit is to uncover this vast conspiracy of Democrats, rhinos, media, big tech, the ccp, corporations, globalists, and social justice warriors, and whoever else I left out (the Rothschilds?), that have been defrauding the American people for at least 20 years through their globalist, divisive, pro-war agenda. And the way this will be done is by uncovering any act of fraud, no matter how small and irrelevant it is in determining the outcome of the 2020 election, because we know a priori it was approved, if not authored directly, by this vast conspiracy, and the way to start untangling this conspiracy is to get solid evidence of fraud in this Arizona election.

Ok. Now I get it.

I guess the answer to pizzagate starts here with finding out some dead person voted for Joe Biden in Maricopa, Arizona.


Mar 22 2021 03:57PM
     Another bad week for Biden? (Part 2)
After spending 2 trillion dollars on a COVID relief bill that contained items not directed towards COVID relief, Biden is planning on spending another 3 trillion on narrowing economic inequality, reducing carbon emissions, and improving American manufacturing, beginning with an infrastructure bill, which would include universal pre-K. This would include a change in the structuring of taxes.

I don't mind the goals associated with this (although the proportion of spending for some of these may be out of whack), but aren't we simply spending too much money? I mean, will this bill pay for itself, or are we really putting ourselves behind the "8 ball" in terms of debt? Also, could too much spending right now hurt the economy?

Also, what's going on at the border? "Some immigrants said they were being released inside the U.S. without knowing how they will be contacted to appear for their asylum hearings." Border patrol is at least screening these guys and not releasing illegal immigrants if these pose a national security risk or a risk to public safety. It seems like a mess. How much of this mess has to do with difficulties handling a large surge at the border versus being the Biden administration's fault? According to Mitt Romney, Biden deserves some blame: "The Biden administration’s lack of understanding of the power of incentives continues to baffle me: allowing unaccompanied minors to stay in the U.S. will yield a flood of unaccompanied minors. It’s de facto ‘child separation policy’."

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Biden's plan to spend 3 trillion more dollars
Releasing immigrants without court date


Mar 14 2021 01:12PM
     "China is eating our lunch," according to Bill Maher.
Hits the nail on the head!

Love it. Doesn't blame just Democrats. Doesn't blame just Republicans. Blames EVERYONE.

See link for video.
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Feb 18 2021 02:34AM
     No, frozen wind turbines aren’t the main culprit for Texas’ power outages (Part 2)
"Most of the shortfall in electric power generation during the current cold snap is the result of natural gas and coal powered plants going offline."

"The wind is not solely to blame," explained Wade Schauer, a research director at energy research consultancy Wood Mackenzie to Bloomberg News. Of the 34 gigawatts generation capacity forced offline, Schauer estimates that about 27 gigawatts of coal, nuclear, and gas capacity is unavailable in part because the cold has driven up demand for natural gas for heating. "That's the bigger problem," he told Bloomberg News. The pipeline system is not able to deliver enough natural gas to supply both higher demand for home heating and power generation."

"In fact, similar state-wide power outages previously occurred in February 2011 when wind and solar power constituted less than 4 percent of Texas' generation capacity. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's report on the 2011 weather event noted that 193 generating units failed, resulting in rolling power outages that affected 3.2 million customers. Most of the outages in 2011 occurred as a result of frozen sensors and valves and natural gas shortages. The same problems with insufficiently winterized equipment appear to be happening now."

"It is worth noting that winds from the storm were boosting power production from the unfrozen coastal wind turbines and thus offsetting some of the other power generation losses."

Don't forget they use wind turbines in Canada and in Northern Europe that are designed to work in the colder weather. Texas could have used those right now.

"Maintaining electric power gird reliability while integrating ever more renewable power supplies is not a simple problem, but that does not seem to be the main issue with the current outages in Texas."

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Feb 17 2021 11:23PM
     California has done as well as Florida at handling COVID...
...and California has had much stricter containment measures than Florida.

Read the attached article.

I will say things were definitely in California’s favor until they botched this second lockdown in December. If they had done it a month earlier, before cases became high, we probably would be looking at a different outcome.

It shows you how difficult it is to use solely lockdowns, masks, and social distancing to maintain a very low level of infection. If you make one big mistake during a wave, all the work you've done is basically gone. The result will be the same if you were less strict from the get-go.

To be fair, many people do voluntarily wear masks and social distance in Florida. But still, restaurants are fully open. No lockdowns. And most of all, the people of Florida haven't faced the economic and psychological downside of locking down like we have here.

It sucks to realize all this pain was now done in vain. What a fucking disaster.

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