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 51 yrs old
Registered Jul 23 2019
Released Jul 23 2019

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Sep 18 2020 11:40PM
Felt the ground shake in Central OC, CA around 11:38 PM.

Anyone else feel it???


Sep 18 2020 04:47PM
     Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died.


Aug 30 2020 09:22PM
     Betting odds are now basically tied for the 2020 presidential election.
• Biden: 50.6%
• Trump: 49.1%

Biden was leading 61-37 just one month ago.

From Realclearpolitics via Frank Luntz @ twitter.

Are the polls showing Biden leading in all of those states simply not accurate again? Or are they just reflecting results from a couple of weeks ago?
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Aug 30 2020 06:20PM
     FREE lectures to all on COVID-19 by top scientists
If you've tired of listening to biased "news" sources and want to venture beyond the political bullshit we see here in RA about COVID-19 and really learn about COVID-19 and the pandemic from some of the top scientists working on COVID-19, take a look at this lecture series that will give you all the background and up-to-date information you need to know about the biology and other relevant scientific information.

No background needed. This is where you LEARN the background.

It's an MIT lecture series, welcome to anyone with a computer.



1 COVID-19 and the pandemic
8 Coronavirus biology
15 Virology and lessons from the AIDS pandemic
22 Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic
29 Viral immunology

6 Target cells and the innate response
13 No lecture
20 The patient
27 Epidemiology

3 Immunology: T cells
10 Vaccines
17 Immunology: antibodies 24 No lecture: Thanksgiving

1 Therapeutics discovery
8 Rapid Research Response in a Pandemic

Bruce Walker, Ragon, MIT, MGH,
Britt Glaunsinger, HHMI, UC Berkeley
David Baltimore, MIT/Caltech
Anthony Fauci, NIAID
Michel Nussenzweig, Rockefeller
Shiv Pillai, Ragon, MGH
Victoria Clark, Whitehead/MGH
Michael Mina, Harvard
Arlene Sharpe, HMS, Brigham
Kizzmekia Corbett, NIH
Akiko Iwasaki, Yale
Skip Virgin, Vir
Eric Lander, Broad Institute

THIS IS EXCITING STUFF!!! I'm taking it! Join me!!!

Nothing about modeling though

11:30 am EST, Tuesday, So 8:30 am PST

More info, see link below

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More info here!!


Aug 27 2020 11:01PM
     Capitalism and Racism Go Hand in Hand
said NBA basketball player Andre Iguodala. "You can't have one without the other."

I guess he doesn't follow what goes on in China with the Uighurs, but I digress.

It's this type of thinking by the BLM movement that concerns me. Theoretically speaking, it's just bullshit. Capitalism and racism by definition have nothing to do with one another. My concern is that the same forces (BLM?) that want to eradicate systemic racial inequalities are going to want to weaken aspects of capitalism that has helped this country get where it is. I don't understand why people have linked them together.

So it's up to people who are capitalists to show there are other ways of removing racial and ethnic inequalities that don't include removing capitalism.


Aug 26 2020 04:15PM
     Protests are peaceful, then turn violent
This is happening too often. First we have peaceful BLM protests, which is fine. Then somewhere along the line, we start hearing about violent acts.

To say they aren't linked somehow isn't true. Maybe not the same people, but the passions that cause one group to behave one way seem to be inspiring another group to behave differently.

I'm just turned off from all of this already. Yes, we should work hard to reduce racial bias in police so that we see far fewer incidents of police shooting unarmed black men. No question. But we need action from police, government, and experts in racial bias to make this happen. We don't need these protests to do this.


Aug 15 2020 08:12PM
     Robert Trump, RIP
Sorry Mr. President for your loss.

No idea what his brother died of.


Aug 7 2020 01:58AM
     Interesting Presidential Prediction Model from the Guy Who Has Gotten It Right Since 1984.
Watch the video.

Polls are not predictors. They are snapshots.
What predicts elections are his 13 keys which are based more on performance of party in charge of White House than how well the campaigns are being run.

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Jul 25 2020 04:19PM
     Should you be sick enough to go to the hospital for COVID treatment...
...ask for convalescent plasma therapy and Remdesivir treatment ASAP. The sooner you get these the better.

"The convalescent plasma is donated by individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and contains antibodies that can help people with COVID-19 recover faster." The Remdesivir is an anti-viral.

I've heard anecdotally this combo is pretty good.

Let's hope none of you go to the hospital.

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Jul 23 2020 01:12AM
     Would you take the COVID-19 Vaccine?
I’m just curious as to the percentage of people on here that wouldn’t. Assume it went through all testing phases and passed. I’ll start.

Damn straight I’d take it.


Jul 16 2020 04:09PM
     Final nail in the coffin. Hydroxychloroquine does not work early. It just does not work.
The study from the University of Minnesota came out today. I've been waiting for this study for months. A randomized clinical trial of people taking HQC from the homes as soon as they get sick. Early use for mild to moderate cases. Some people were given HCQ. Some people were given placebo. This was done randomly.

Results: Fewer people had mild effects of COVID, but they had more side effects from HCQ. Hospitalization and death rates were about the same.

Yes, they tested it with zinc too.

It's time to move on.

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Jul 13 2020 04:23PM
     Governor Newsome closes some indoor businesses

"Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday required 30 counties, including all in Southern California, to close indoor activities at fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, such as hair salons and barbershops, and indoor malls.

In addition, he ordered all 58 counties to close indoor operations at restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, family entertaining centers, museums, zoos and card rooms, and ordered all bars shuttered across the state."
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