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Level 2 Male

 61 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Feb 1 2018
Released Mar 28 2018

20 blogs/228 comments
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Apr 6 2020 09:16PM
     Fricken Whole Foods
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Apr 4 2020 11:05AM
     Corona Boredom
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Apr 3 2020 10:35PM
     This "Tiger King" Netflix crew is off the chain!
Tiger King and Rib-Eyes... This is what quarantine has come too.

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Apr 1 2020 11:48PM
     Can I Phuk?
Can I Fuck?
You see a girl, she sees you. We have some small talk about social distancing. You see what's in her basket, she can see what's in yours. Neither one of us got much of shit. But it looks like a Netflix night because I can't take her out anywhere. She pulls her hair behind her ears, and now I know shes wide open. You exchange numbers and off we go our separate ways.

Can I Fuck! Or do I have to practice COVID-19 celibacy?

So we make a date...Wine, Beer, Food, Netflix. What will we watch?
1. A Scary movie. So she can fake like she's scared and jump next to me, so I know I can get some of that Booty?

2. A Romantic Comedy. Now I gotta try and stay awake, encase she gets all touchy-feely, so I think that I might get some of that Booty?

3. Or, She picks an Action movie which makes me think "Dam she might be alright." So I get up to use the bathroom and drop the condoms on the floor, of course, she asks "Did you think you were gettin some Pussy tonight?" I'm like know, but I was hoping I'd get some pussy tonight!

Can I Fuck! Or do I have to practice COVID-19 celibacy?

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Mar 22 2020 06:46PM
     Why do women pose and buy black/brown Dilddos, But don't date or see black men?
Just lockdown thoughts!


Feb 5 2020 09:29PM
     Shout Out to tha Guzzler's with that Good gushy gushy...
Where they at...
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Aug 27 2019 01:15AM
     OC, LA, IE Nut N Honeys Nut guzzlers
San Diego be dead Yo. I'm movin on up to da westside to find me big piece of the Pie!

It's dead Dogg. I gotta bounce from Diego wit ah quickness.

Yall gotta help me snapback on it bee.

Gurlz up here got dem skillz in dem heels...

Good Lord these creamy thick, Sweet Potato Pie, double bubble edible yummies

Got Skillz up in yall's hills son.

But I B tired now yo

Somebody needs to help yo boy outta this dilemma main

Hollahbak if ya hear me

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Jul 17 2018 12:05PM
     What is the big deal about classifieds...
I thought Classifieds was a place I could sell things. I was about to drop some Jordans and Apple products on here... try and cut out some of the fees I'm charged on other sites. By now you can tell that I am new. Do I want to use Classifieds or Peoples tab to find my specialist?

Any input is greatly appreciated!

Thx, Keith!


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