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Level 0 Female

 27 yrs old
Registered Dec 21 2019
Released Dec 21 2019

3 blogs/3 comments
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Jul 23 2020 02:56PM
     2020 Presidential Debates
Who else can't wait for this elections debates? The 2016 debates weren't bad but this one is going to be amazing given Trump is going up against Biden! I'll admit I'm heavily disappointed in the Democratic party for choosing such an incompetent candidate given they had better options to choose from. Anyone who's watched him talk can tell he's not all there yet they're voting for him anyways. Glad to see not all Democrats are far leftists and that some are even voting Republican and now identifying as conservative having realized how far the left has gone.

Nonetheless super excited for the debates and how Biden and left will try to find a way to get out of them so they don't look like the idiots they are.


Jul 13 2020 08:46PM
     Newsom is out of control!
A couple things I'd like to get off my chest here.

1. I'm frustrated with the fact that our idiot of a governor has closed down bars, gyms, and countless of other businesses due to the surge of numbers related to this pandemic. It's not fair to the people who are trying to enjoy their summer.

2. MASKS DO NOT WORK. Had to emphasize this since there are people out there thinking a small piece of fabric over your nose and mouth is going to protect you from a virus. If masks work then why do we need social distancing? If social distancing works than why are we required to wear masks? And if both of these work together then why the hell can't we open up ALL businesses and be safe about it?

3. Shutting down the state is actually raising unemployment rates and having the country fall further and further into debt. Businesses who were doing fine before are now filing for bankruptcy and unemployment has gone up. Basically this is an economic crises.

4. Scared of the virus? Stay the fuck at home. No one is forcing you out. This is an infringement of our constitutional rights.



Dec 21 2019 08:00PM
     How many genders are there?
I went to school for political science and was double majoring in psychology (now changed to nursing). Anyways I took a psychology, 1 sociology, and 1 gender studies and sexuality class and what they teach students in college is that "gender is a social construct." But is it really? Is it fair to the women who are born of a female sex to be competing with those who are born male but identify as a female? Men are dominating in female sports just because they are identifying as the opposite gender. The left loses their mind when I claim that there are only two genders and if gender really was a social construct that I'd like to identify as a werewolf and have everyone accepting and taking my gender legitimately.



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