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Level 0 Male

 44 yrs old
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
Registered Dec 20 2023
Released Dec 20 2023

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Aug 6 2024 04:02AM
     Rarer than a bigfoot sighting ....

I hear and get myself my share of providers asking me for help. Every hobbyist gets asked for sh!t...There are even clubs here devoted to the down-on-her-luck provider. Not all but most are legit but there are some I won't name the club but one used to be run by a level 5 scumbag (l The Real XXXuido) looking for deep discounts in return for leveling up..I digress.

But by and large most hobbyists have pretty good hearts, I have seen & heard of many cases of the generosity of my hobbyist brothers even participated in my fair share myself.

It is me or does this phenomenon seem to flow in only one direction from Hobbyist to Provider like a one-way street? Kindness can come at a high price here

What are some examples of a provider's generosity or are they rarer than being struck by lightning or a big foot sighting ..?


Mar 26 2024 08:14PM
     Words of love
To a waste of time that goes by the name of

Mya Papaya

Since the powers that be here seem to arc not toward what is just, true or what is right. I pen this little note to all..this is a public service announcement.

it would seem the powers that be are in alignment with Wrong, the POS, White Knights and those foul, odious baloney gash like Mya Papaya.

This goes out to Mya Papaya whose real name I wish I could say here but that would be a TOS just like her cold frigid pussy.... this unapologetic beaver a tragic waste of skin and and see her move as she slithers away her lazy self-absorbed worthless brown ass;;;;;;;;;

...... from strange bedfellow to strange bedfellow... to the next episode without a single chard of integrity or self-respect nor a loss of motivation or self-examination.

With the warmth and charisma of a lizard watch as she grins, gets naked, lies, and sells her bankrupt soul to anyone who will pay her,,,,,

I say this to you lovingly may you live long and choke on a bag of assholes and strange dirty dicks as you tour the nicer parts of hell...forever or until you ,return the 2 grand cash app I sent you by mistake.

You know it is true and that that money belongs to someone else, not you.

And furthermore, you are a blight, a fuck st,ain on all women, all mothers! gashnd everywherere.
A poor excuse for a human being and I think everyone should at the very least know. Know that you are a liar, a cheat and someone empyty, self absorbed and completely underserving as lowdown and as rotten as the come. You are bad karma, bad mojo and a piss poor in bed.

Lomg live HX and my cock



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