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Level 1 Male

 49 yrs old
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Registered Oct 24 2016
Released Jan 14 2017

8 blogs/100 comments
See Photo Albums
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Oct 23 2019 07:05PM
     Coinbase holding funds now
I did not have this issue when I used my wallet previously but as of today they are holding all new funds for 7 days before releasing back off of Coinbase. Did not find this out until after I made a deposit. No longer an efficient means to buy FX unless you are holding BlockChain already.


Dec 3 2018 01:58PM
     Does anyone think the site mechanics make sense?
Maybe when the population was small the level system had some logic... but now... I don't get it. Women have level gated photo albums and "see" requirements which pay no regard to the fact that it could take men months or years and tons of $$$ to ever even reach level 1, where a lady can get to level 2 in a couple months if she's industrious or gets boosted by her 'friends'. People who've been around longer literally threaten other people's reputation with the weight of their ratings.

...and then the whole Green/red rating thing... every other aspect of this site can be voted on by the community but no one but the person doing the rating can remove a bad rating even if they never log in again.... even if everyone knows its a lie... even if its a complete fabrication by an imaginary person.

There's also no community moderation for toxicity, its impossible to have a serious topic about anything, its impossible to post without receiving insults are getting trashed on, because the community doesn't feel like moderating that.

Who is this for the benefit of? Seems pretty broken to me.


Oct 5 2018 09:17AM
     Any Point in leaving a bad reference?
I mean REALLY? The other person is just going to ding you back and no one will ever know who is right or wrong. I experienced some seriously bad behavior from one of the ladies on here, but as far as I can tell she's not the least bit remorseful and doesn't see the multitude of missteps she made.

Leaving a bad mark, isn't going to do anything to her, and may end up hurting my own reputation, right?


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