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Level 0 Male

 55 yrs old
Santa Monica, LA, CA
Registered Jul 19 2017
Released Jul 19 2017

3 blogs/566 comments
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Oct 7 2020 11:40PM
     Tonites Debate- Alternative Take
I thought the debate sucked and provided potent evidence of why the country would be better off without any Pres/VP debates. It is all about attacks, appearances, and tactics and very little about ideas and plans for the future. I doubt I heard either candidate articulate what they would do if they became President in the upcoming term (a very real possibility). How are we going to rebuild the economy, fix infrastructure, deal with the coming housing crisis, climate problems, world threats, etc? You would never know if you listened to tonites debate.

Frank Luntz was on Fox and, perhaps, inadvertently gave the best synopsis of why the debate was worthless. Luntz had a group of 15 undecided voters in battleground states. According to Luntz, none of the voters gave a shit about the issues. They were concerned that Pence went over his time limit and Harris was too arrogant. That tells it all.

Some more specifics:
-Pence refused to answer the question of why the mortality rate in the U.S. from COVID-19 is the highest in the world. You would think that the head of the Coronavirus TF could answer that question. What was more frustrating is that Harris did not pressure Pence to respond. Harris had to know that Pence was avoiding the issue. Why was Harris silent - because she was advised not to be to aggressive and prosecutorial. It's a fucking debate not a likeability contest.

- Pence refused to answer the question on how the Trump administration will require insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions. For the life of me, I don't know why Pence just didn't say that they will fast track legislation. Of course, Harris could have pressed Pence but she was told not to be prosecutorial.

- Pence avoided the question of why they had the coming out party for Barrett without masks and social distancing. Again, Harris refused to press for an answer to the question because - you know why.

-Harris refused to answer the question about court packing, which Biden is really not in favor of but doesn't want to piss off the AOC crowd. I don't know why Harris didn't respond that if the Republicans postpone the SC nomination to after the election then the Dems will not pack the Court.


Oct 4 2017 12:35PM
     How Would this Play Out at Exxon
I just came from a senior staff meeting where I told all the participants that the CEO is a total moron but I have no intention of leaving my job as VP of exploration. As they say, the culture of DC is simply different.


Aug 21 2017 01:34PM
     Fuck You Fat Leonard
A big thank you to one of the biggest pieces of shit. Thank you for corrupting our Navy and decimating the leadership of the 7th Fleet. I hold you directly responsible for the recent incidents since it is apparent that the 7th Fleet is now being run by incompetents. May you rot in jail.


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