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Level 4 Male

 54 yrs old
Registered Mar 6 2014
Released Jul 3 2014

213 blogs/2742 comments
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Apr 18 2023 01:17PM
     Community Warning re: Electronic Payments
As you communicate with other HX members, you may come across some nefarious people who require electronic pre-pay in order to meet in person.

To protect yourself, do not ever agree to send someone Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, FX Points, etc., until you have reached out to people in their network to verify they are legit. Make sure the person vouching for them has a trustworthy network. Personally, I would never send this kind of payment to anyone I had not met in person many times and built up mutual trust with.

This is a particularly important warning to heed in the case of:
  • New profiles with very little network
  • They ask for your location/zip code and are magically at a specific location very close by
  • They refuse to deal in cash
  • The people they have networked have all networked each other and very few others
  • If their details/photos look too good to be true, they probably are.
If there are people you trust who have been here awhile, ask them if something sounds fishy. Or post here (either in this blog or a new blog in Townhall).

Stay safe out there.


Apr 18 2022 08:56PM
     Saul Goodman Returns
Better Call Saul season six starting at 9 tonight on AMC.


Feb 9 2022 06:03PM
     Mendocino vs. Montecito
Rich hippies north of San Francisco vs. ultra-rich hedge fund managers/Oprah neighbors East of Santa Barbara.

Please discuss.


May 5 2020 01:35AM
     Buenas Tardes Amigos
Hola, my good friends!

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1 comment

Jun 19 2019 12:23AM
     Exploitation Warning From DHS
Is Bluekeep going to exploit your vulnerabilities?

For reals, yo. If you are running stale as fuck Windows OS, patch that shit ASAP. At risk include the following versions:

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2003 & 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2

See alert below from CISA. If you wanna bitch about big government from under your tinfoil hat, start your own blog. Or comment below. IDGAF.

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Jan 20 2019 06:27PM
     There's a Blood Moon on the Rise
Hope it's not cloudy tonight wherever you are. Only total lunar eclipse of 2019, plus a Supermoon makes it a Super Blood Moon. All times below are Pacific. If you're not on the west coast, do your own math.
If you want to watch it live, NASA says that the edge of the Moon will begin to enter the Earth's penumbra (the outer section of the shadow) at 6:36 p.m.

Over the course of the next 57 minutes, the Moon will dim as it travels through the penumbra. Then, at 7:33 p.m., the Moon will reach the umbra, at which point it will become significantly darker.

By 8:41 p.m., the Moon will be all the way inside the umbra, and that's when the eclipse truly begins.

The best view will occur at 9:12 p.m.

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Oct 30 2018 07:22AM
     Diana Ross v. The Killers
Who's coming out better?


Sep 14 2018 07:24AM
     White bronco spotted blasting Disco Inferno
Burn, baby, burn.

No comments yet

Sep 4 2018 11:49AM
     It took years of therapy...
I just looked at the calendar and realized I had a breakthrough. For the first time in decades I didn't remember the third of September.


Apr 19 2018 02:46PM
     Parker Posey scares the hell out of me
Anyone else watching lost in space reboot?


Jan 26 2018 12:49PM
     PSA certain topics on public blogs has to stop.
For reals, yo. What the hell?


Dec 24 2017 03:40AM
     Apostrophes on iPhone
I have noticed a bunch of classifieds and blog posts lately with a weird issue where it displays symbols when the user typed an apostrophe. It also may show up when typing lower case "i" when it tries to autocorrect to "I" but displays "A" with a symbol instead. There may be other symbols affected, like quotation mark.

If you are experiencing this, it may be related to an iOS 11 known issue. Try updating the operating system to 11.1.1 or higher.

If that doesn't work, you can also use the setting change below to fix the issue on your Apple device:

Settings > General > Keyboards > turn off Smart Punctuation.
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