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 46 yrs old
San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Sep 27 2020
Released Sep 28 2020

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Mar 17 2024 04:14PM
     Trump and Project 2025 based on White Christian Nationalism
When Trump said there will be a bloodbath unless he is e-elected this November, we have to take it literally for what he means. Since this whole shenanigan of his re-election bid is his effort to avoid his prison time, he will do anything to achieve his goal. Rs effort to write off what he really meant by it, and their continuous cave- in to Trump's narratives directly coming from their lack of honesty for the survival of the party, and the fact that he is having successes in terms of his four criminal indictments to delay the trial dates are big concerns for us.

As I mentioned in other blog about Axios reporting on Heritage Foundation organizing and installing effort of "pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government", it is called "Project 2025."

Their manifesto is "Statement on Christian Nationalism of the Gospel", and so far,100 far-right wing and White Christian Nationalist organizations signed into Project 2025, and the manifest tells us its plan is to control federal agencies and to force all Americans to submit to their extreme religious beliefs in case trump is re-elected.

Trump's ex-director of OMB, Russell Vought, also a member of Heritage Foundation, and William Wolfe, ex-official of Trump admin and a member of Southern Baptist are the editors of the manifesto, and they are both proud Christian Nationalist. The manifesto explains that Christian Nationalism is 'Scripture-based system of government whereby Christ-ordained 'civil magistrates' exercise authority over the American public, and its civil magistrates have lawful authority to punish civil crimes.. and this manifesto purports to affirm that the Church is to instruct civil authorities, and all truth claims and ethical standards must be tested by God's final word, which is Scripture alone.

That means the only authority is Chrisitan Churches and the Scripture, and the similar movement by White Christian Nationalism is reflected in Seven Mountain Mandate by Evangelical Christianity, where seven spheres of family/religion/education/media/entertainment/business/government to be governed by their version of far-right Christian doctrines.

They are also Christian militants as well, and they call for carrying an assault rifle, and Jerry Boykin, who belongs to Family Research Council (one of group participant to Project 2025) expressed publicly support for a military coup against Obama in the past. And one of military pastors, William Cooke sported an Oath Keepers shirt during 2020 Jericho March contesting Trump's election loss.

Trump's ally, Michael Flynn is a vocal proponent of Christian Nationalism, and he promotes recruiting 'Army of Gods', and his vision is to place Christianity at the center of American life.

We can easily conclude the strong connection between their far-right extremism and Orban's Hungary or Putin's Russia. It is their version of establishing Authoritarian society in the US.

Attached Links
Christian Nationalism and gospel
Shocking online manifesto reveals
Project 2025 reaches 100


Mar 10 2024 03:28PM
     Katie Britt's doubly phony act after Biden's State of Union address
Katie Britt is guilty of being of citing phony facts and of being a bad actress. Her citation of a victim of rap** by illegal aliens allegedly occurred in the US during Biden admin turned out to be totally phony, and we found out that it actually happened during Bush admin, and that it occurred in Mexico, not in the US. Her presentation sounded so phony, lacking the skill necessary as an actress/senator, and I had to turned off the TV volume while I was watching.

Watch the real actress Scarlett Johansson who really exposed Britt's lies and deconstructed the senator's phony act with perfection. Aside of Britt's sham presentation, just watch the clip, it is wildly funny.


Feb 28 2024 09:22PM
     Another betrayal by our Supreme Court by taking Trump's immunity case
Again, four MAGA judges in our Supreme Court, those medieval high priests with black cloaks betrayed our trust in justice system, in order to give Trump enough time to evade Jan 6 trial, by taking ridiculous claim of immunity claim by Trump.

I can easily guess who those judges are; Thomas/Alito/Gorsuch, and either Kavanaugh or Barrett

"US Constitution prescribes that there will not be another revolution that happened in 1776."

"Intellectual underpinnings of MAGA movement sound in literally revolution. The revolution we had in 1776, and they compare what they are about to revolution in 1776. That is what is in stake in the next nine months."

Now that means these irresponsible judges threw out their obligation to protect our justice and threw everything out for us to make this crucial decision to keep our Democracy.

Unless NY District Attorney's case on Trump's hush money case that starts on March convicts him for violating the election law.

Attached Links
"I am terrified for our country"


Jan 27 2024 05:43PM
     R's refusal to pass the most comprehensive immigration legislation make them liable for the coming d
A warning: you don't have to read my comments if you don't like my points of views

Don't care policies-all we care is the White Power- we die for Fuhrer Trump-Republican Party, or MAGA Far-Right extremists are having concerted efforts to create more chaos at our southern border, and to ruin our collaboration with the West to fight Russian invasion on Ukraine at the cost of human lives, and Rs are solely responsible for it.

Elon Musk, who purchased Twitter with 50 billion dollars just to make it the base for his far-right extremism movement, and to use it as a megaphone for his favorite conspiracy theories, along with Billionaire hedge fund manager, are now spreading his lies and conspiracy theories. One of them is Tucker Carlson's Great Replacement Theory that non-white immigration will replace natives, causing White genocide.

Meantime, MAGA truckers, consisting of election deniers, anti-vaxxers and Qanon conspiracy theories will march on to the Southern border on the 29th of January to spread fears that immigrants are 'poisoning the blood of our country'. Newsmax aired an interview, stoking fears of a civil war..between Texas and the federal government. Pete Chambers said 'globalists are using migrants as pawns on that border'. The organizers include White Christian Nationalists embracing Great Replacement Theory ('globalists are replacing white population in this country with non-white immigrants')

Franklin Graham, a fringe Evangelist, who preaches partisan, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, White Christian Nationalist agenda daily, is also organizing 'God Loves You Tour' to the Southern border on February 24th. This despicable SOB praised Vladimir Putin for passing anti-LGBTQ laws, and criticized Pete Buttigieg's faith as a gay Christian. I can assure you that once Fuhrer Trump takes over the presidency again, LGBTQ rights will be completely reversed, and that national ban on abortion will be enforced. More and more our rights as citizens will be reduced. You will see. Don't let me say I told you so.

The only reason that senate bipartisan bill on border security, the most comprehensive package we have ever seen, including an emergency authority for President to shut down the border is still pending despite the horrific situation at the Southern border is that Fuhrer Trump told Mike Johnson not to pass this bill, and make a political circus at the border at the expense of human lives. Because Trump supposed to be the only one who can solve the border issues (what a lie this is).

Rs are again playing dangerous games both domestically (pending border security bill) and geopolitically (no more money for Ukrainians to fight against Russian invasion), and their blind dash towards the bottomless pit needs to be stopped AT ANY COST. This party is suicidal on its own, and it should not be called a 'valid' or 'functional' political party any longer. It is nothing but a 'fascistic entity'.

Even Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal editorial board says the following;

"Yet giving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted GOP wound. President Biden would claim, with cause, that Republicans want border chaos as an election issue rather than solving the problem. Voter anger may over time move from Mr. Biden to the GOP, and the public will have a point. Cynical is the only word that fits Republicans panning a border deal whose details aren't even known."

"The U.S. is careening into a moment of growing dangers around the world. Both a tighter border and a vote for a stable Europe are in the American interest. Better to act now than to fail and live with the consequences."

Rs/MAGA is doing just the total opposite. What a pity.

Attached Links
Resisting Christian Nationalism faq
A GOP border reckoning
MAGA truckers are back


Jan 19 2024 08:04PM
     New finding about the nature of Trump Base Part III
Part 1
Part 2

My aim for this blog is two-fold.

Expose MAGAism and its cult, defeat Trump in 2024 election. If we fail it, that leads us to demolition of Democracy and surge of Dictatorship.

Expose corrupt intent by Rs' Rich donors (Billionaires/Evangelicals) on our Supreme Court and judiciary systems, and also on our education etc. This is another trend that is getting worse since 2016, we are in the crisis of the worst form of Plutocracy. In this attempt, just a few influential people are trying to manipulate our politics.

Both trends by far-right extremists are merging to form new White Supremacy and White Christian Nationalism in the US.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, I have to mention that I don't have any problems with White people in this country, but I do have issues with White Supremacy and White Christian Nationalism. That is a dangerous myth that a particular race is superior to the rests of us. The media calls it as White Grievance, but White Supremacy is the proper description of it.

As a consequence, our resistance to the above far right extremism will take the form of civil rights movements that resemble to the ones during 1950's. Unless we had strong support and funding by liberal Whites in the 1950's, we didn't have any achievement at all. Good thing is that BLM movement that occurred after George Floyd murder, people of all races participated in it.

We don't demand anything except for defeat of White Supremacy, and our mutual acceptance to multi-cultural, or multi-racial Democracy that has been nurtured until Trump took over the presidential power to reverse our progress to backward alleys. This violent movement is dangerous, because of his will to seize this country by appealing to White Supremacists and by playing the race card as fuel, and with his tight connections to billionaires and Evangelicals.

I said "we", but I don't belong to any particular civil rights movements, and but as a citizen, I had an urgency to say the above for the last couple of years.

Once the political cogwheels of fascism start grinding, it will be harder for us to get out of it. Just look at GBD here. He says he hates Trump, but what he says in other blogs are the total opposite. His intent is very clear, he protects his party no matter how bad it gets, though I am not sure whether he is paid by RNC, or he is voluntarily doing it. At least he seems to know he is acting like a "joker".

And those Rs who didn't believe or denied in what I mentioned in the past blogs, they are basically all election deniers, the same as those R politicians who downplayed Jan 6 violence as "a normal tourist visit" or calling those who were prosecuted as "hostages." Shame on them all.

That is one of the reasons why I don't personally believe in participating any particular group. Thanks for your listening

By the way it looks like Trump having cognitive difficulties, and he has been obsessed with Obama since 2016, One of the reasons why he decided to run for presidential election in 2016 was due to his obsession with Obama. I believe he has clearly an inferiority complex. Funny thing is that he still thinks he is running against Obama.


Jan 15 2024 04:11PM
     New finding about the nature ofTrump Base Part II (Part 1)

Mostly emotional/irrational responses about how gases were cheaper/how excellent the economic growth was during Trump years. The truth is that every president inherits the one from previous administration. No matter what Trump bragged about it, every data showed he simply inherited it from Obama administration. Rising inflation?? That is a total lie, and you know it. Don't be a liar.

I never heard anyone saying this earth will end in 10 years. Don't be so ridiculous. Open border? Biden admin is trying to pass new legislation about immigration with Rs, but they are simply not cooperative, that is all. It is true that immigration issue is imminent, and Biden could force executive orders until new legislation is passed.

More rights and liberties are taken? What are you talking about? Are you referring to the COVID years? Thanks to Trump, so many lives were wasted for nothing.

As bangkoklvr mentioned it, the points I made were deliberately ignored by MAGA supporters in this blog. The points I made were the resurgence of White Chrisitan Nationalists in this country, how people were manipulated by right wing extremists to become their foot soldiers (Christo Fascists), and MAGA extremists' absolute affinity with Hungary and Russia, which are total opposite of "free society" that Jazz 51 is so proud of.

Thanks to the article link that mildlyamusing1 here, and that was very useful one to understand why MAGA extremists prefer Russia to China. I am convinced again that it is all about "race" and "power" that matters to Christo-Fascists. I can easily understand why Democracy is out of the question to MAGA extremists, and that is why they hate Biden administration, and Rs are totally ignoring the facts that they are beaten at the election last three times. Let's see how it goes.


Jan 14 2024 11:38AM
     New finding about the nature of Trump Base
The possibility of having fascism in this country is increasingly looming, the only way to defeat this Leviathan is to cut his head (put Trump in jail by conviction), or as I said in another blog, we ought to switch from electoral college to popular votes to elect president in this country, in order to avoid this danger in the near future. Because Rs will be defeated in popular votes OVER AND OVER due to its nature of being a party of White Privileged.

Unless Rs change their White/Wealthy driven policies to embrace multi-ethnic Democracy, nothing will be changed because of the nature of two-party system in this country. We cannot trust or depend on Rs to do something right to change its disastrous and suicidal course, because Rs overall became the collaborators of MAGA fascism.

At the same time, we must examine thoroughly what caused this Trump-cult in our politics in order to eradicate this dangerous trend in this country ONCE FOR ALL.

In that perspective, there are very interesting statistics and articles surfacing last couple of days, including older ones, such as 2016/7 PPRI/Atlantic released Survey Analysis regarding the nature of Trump base, excluding those supporters among White Supremacists and anti-government/anarchists' militia like Proud Boys. And also, there is an excellent article in NY Times, "Trump is connecting with a different type of Evangelicals".

The important points to draw by reading these two articles are; 1. The trump based made of White Christians, especially Evangelicals, are principally non-church goers who self-identify themselves as Evangelicals (nondenominational Christians). 2. Traditional pastors lost their grip on these individuals due to drastic decline of church attendance, and that caused the destruction of their local leaders and its communities, 3. Trump saw the opportunity in to seize on their isolation and desperation by hiring fringe Evangelical leaders in this administration, in order to accelerate his cult to replace the traditional, pretending to embrace them by calling them "victims" or "prosecuted". (Trump is doing the same tactics right now for Catholics as well).

4. Trump's fascist allies in media, like Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn became their new pastors/leaders, and of course Trump as "the Savior". 5. Now these non-church goers/self-identified Evangelicals became sort of "Crusaders" or "foot soldiers" in order to save US politics and the world against dangerous trends of Leftist politics. 6. Trump allies used "The Great Replacement Theory to arouse fear and desperation among those cult members, and their cynicism and desperation in the current US politics was taken over by their hatred and revenge (Anathema and death to enemies).

7. The most pitiful part is that these so-called Crusaders or Martyrs are totally in oblivion and ignorance about the fact that Trump wants them for strictly selfish reasons, and the fact that he doesn't care none about their lives and well-being of White Christians. That is how the cult works, and Trump knows how to manipulate their minds, as in most dictators do.

8. Inferior MAGA leader, DeSantis has a different version of this, which is fight against Wokeism and education & books ban on "Critical Race Theory". What it does actually is that it takes us back to the days of Black slavery. (This is ironically what they call "Make America Great Again"). DeSantis NAZI education deputy, Christopher Rufo is executing more and more uglier and illegitimate policies in education in Florida, and this guy is comparable only to Trump's ex speech writer, hideous Stephen Miller (I am very ashamed of the fact that his fascist is from Santa Monica, CA). DeSantis sounds tough, but he is totally controlled by his wife, Lady Macbeth.
So, forget about the danger of Globalism or the economic status factors. PPRI indicated that the most of Jan 6 attackers are middle class, and poor White Christians endorsed Clinton rather than Trump in Red states.

By the way, going back to the latest GBD's blog, he mentioned that he wanted to make only one point, which is that this country is made of Capitalism and that is why this country enjoys the most freedom in the world. But I have to say that his ideology /libertarianism is dangerous, because it is partially the cause of having a dictator like Trump in the first place. Freedom is also freedom to cheat, freedom for violence, freedom to accumulate wealth among a very few, and grasp politics and manipulate it according to their favor.

Look, nobody in this community is against capitalism. Besides capitalism is just an economic system, not political. Apparently, GBD is the product of 1950s politics, the period of McCarthyism, and I bet GBD looks like McCarthy in real person.

The real problem is that the wealthiest 3 percent of households control 54.4 percent of the nation's wealth.

Let's take a look at the aforementioned PRRI statistics again. The current gridlock in Washington accelerated desperation among White Christians. 64% of them think that elections are largely controlled by the wealthy and the big corporations, and 70% of them agrees that the current economic system unfairly favors the wealthy, and 53% of them think that the federal minimum wages should be increased, and that raising the tax rate on Americans making over $250,000 a year is the right thing to do.

The only pity is they are ignoring the fact that that Rs are the ones who oppose these changes, not Democrats, and the Washington gridlock is caused mainly by Rs are abusing their minority rule in the senate, "Filibuster Rule" in order to block any useful legislature among the middle class in this country. For that reason, we have to blame McConnell, because he blocked every single legislature during Obama administration after this country seemed to be united for his election for the first time, going through 9/11, US-Iraq war, and 2008 Market Crash. So blame Rs for the most of gridlock in Washington.

And I have to add that GBD's belief that Marxism still exists in this world is nothing but a farce, because when Soviet empire was collapsed, so was the communism. But to be exact, what we saw in China, and Soviet Union and other countries, it was not Marxism that was achieved, it was rather a type of return to feudalism that existed in our history. And with the collapse of Soviet Union, any Ideology in politics was DEAD. So still insisting communism is a laughing matter.
At this point, we only have these, either countries based on Democracy or Autocracy, in which either people's will or strongman's will is preferred. Don't forget both Russia and China adopted capitalism, but Russia is more centered on strongmen and a few oligarchs, and China's case may be called Nationally controlled capitalism.

I apologize that this blog became such a long one, but I feel I have to mention the danger of fascism in this country.

The only solution to break cult is 1. to re-create local community and its leader (non-religious) and organize more Unions to fight against unfairness in this country. By organizing Unions, we will realize that the race is not the cause of our problem, and any people can participate in that fight.

Attached Links
Beyond Economics; fear of cultural replacement
Trump is connecting with a different type of Evang


Oct 19 2023 04:16PM
     Introduction to new "Supreme Court and Term Limits" Bill
This is the way to go after our Supreme Court was hijacked by far-right extremists /partisan-hacked judges. The bill was introduced by Democrats senator, Whitehouse/Blumenthal/Padilla today.

This bill establishes 18-year term for each justice, and it ensures that new justices take the bench every two years.

"Americans' rapidly declining trust and approval in the Supreme Court is the result of an
effort by far-right billionaires and special interests to capture and control the Court. The
justices selected and ushered onto the Court by these special interests have repeatedly
greenlighted donor-friendly policies, reshaping American life in ways that are out of step
with the American people. The cozy relationship between right-wing justices and

Republican billionaire donors has been exposed by a series of explosive reports
from ProPublica, The New York Times, Politico, and other media organizations on the
ethics-free zone around the Court. The Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term
Limits Act is an effort to depoliticize the appointment of Supreme Court justices and
ensure the Court is more accountable to the American people."

"The Constitution requires that Supreme Court justices hear a small number of cases under
the Court's "original jurisdiction. These cases include a narrow category of disputes
between states or foreign officials in which the Court is the first and only venue where the
case is heard. All justices would continue to hear original jurisdiction cases under the Act.
The vast majority of the cases the Court hears are brought under the Court's "appellate
jurisdiction"-cases decided by lower courts that are appealed to the Supreme Court.
These include major cases like Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Shelby
County v. Holder, and Citizens United v. FEC.

The Constitution makes clear that the Supreme Court's "appellate jurisdiction" is subject
to any "Exceptions" or "Regulations as the Congress shall make. Congress has long
used this authority to adjust the Supreme Court's jurisdiction"
Attached Links
New Supreme Court term limits bill


Sep 25 2023 10:02PM
     Tea Party & MAGA Movement
Thanks to ProPublica's series of articles regarding Judge Thomas and his wife Ginni flirtation with number of US Oligarchs, now we learnt that Koch Network is behind it, all the dots are connected now. It is very clear that Kochs brothers' biggest aim is to 1. funneling millions of "dark money" into right extremists' causes, and 2. overturning Chevron deference and do away with governmental regulations and those regulatory agencies.

Now we can glimpse the whole aspects of Tea Movement/MAGA movement is all about; they are mix of the following four factors consisting of;

1. Trump's ascendence to Autocracy with his sycophants in GOP Senate & House members, 2. White Evangelical Christians' ambition to White Christian Nationalism, 3. Kochs Brothers and its networks of US oligarchs desire to legalize the flow of "dark money" for their far-right extremists causes, and the complete de-regulation, and overturning any regulatory law and the regulatory agencies in the government, 4. Anti-governmental militia to promote the use of physical violence as a foot soldiers, co-mingled with racism, White Supremacy.
Attached Links
Clarence Thomas Secretly Participated in Koch


Sep 24 2023 05:28PM
     Samara Joy Concert
After the tyranny of Trump Admin & COVID-19, and the continuing moral decay and total chaos of the current leaderless House GOP, Samara Joy (a jazz singer) is the best thing happened to America, because she is a young black jazz vocalist.

She miraculously started to appear in the jazz scene in 2019. She won the Sarah Vaughn International Jazz Vocal completion in 2019, and her first album "Samara Joy" was released in 2021. Then her second album "Linger Awhile" was released on Verve Records in 2022. She won Best Jazz Vocal Album for "Linger While" and for Best New Artist at the Grammy.

Now she is touring all over the US and the world now. I was fortunate enough to attend her concert in Long Beach yesterday, and the tickets were completely sold out.

I am a classical music/jazz fan, and I frequently go to LA Opera and Disney Concert Hall every year. I have to say that her operatic singing style (influenced by her favorite singer Sarah Vaughn), her powerful and rich voice, but at the same time her sensitivity to details to each song is truly amazing and so mature and convincing for her age.

I can confidently say that she will be one of the best jazz singers ever if she follows the traditional jazz singing in the future. A truly amazing talent, and this doesn't happen that often, maybe every 20 to 30 years. The closest one is Diana Krall, but I have to say Samara Joy is even better..

Probably not many people in this community are interested in jazz music, but I had to mention it.

Attached Links
Samara Joy Home page


Sep 5 2023 07:41PM
     Part I GBD's circular obsession/ Part II Fighting against oppression
Pt I GBD's circular obsession

Circular shape means and represents many things, totality, infinity, completeness, full entity, oneness etc...Philosophically speaking, it means completing itself, accomplishing his/her purpose, and it is also related to circular reasoning or logical fallacy. It means that the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with. If A is correct, B is correct, therefore, A is correct, but that logic does not prove anything. It is an argument that comes back to its beginning without having proven nothing. I believe that is what the most conservatives are fallen under nowadays, including those we see in this community. The conservatives here already have their conclusion that they desire, and their reasoning are not based on the facts at all. Plenty of lies and conspiracy theories cover their reasonings.

In case of GBD, since he already threatened my life two times in the past under the handles such as Perfect Circle and Eulogy (its icon has circular shape, and inside the circle, there is a penus shaped wrench) as if his alter ego was roused by my comments related to race issues in this country, and it was ready to attack me. And that reminds me of Anthony Perkins in Psycho, dressing like his dead mother to attack Janet Lee while she was taking shower.

So, I decided to become his psychiatrist or at least I attempt to analyze his psyche here, but I have to mention that there is no sarcasm or irony on my part. I don't know GBD personally, and frankly I don't wish to meet him in person, but my assumption comes from all the interactions I had with him in this community.

When he threatened me, he said "he is closing the circle" in his message, and I came to conclusion that his ultimate desire is to complete his destiny. What is his destiny? He mentioned that his most favorite movie is The Birth of Nation by D.W. Griffith, and the one of the most memorable scenes is when John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln, and I am fairly confident that this is his inspiration of his life or should I say Booth is his hero in plain terms.

Was the Southerner Griffith a secessionist and a racist? I don't believe he was though his father was a Confederate Army Colonel. His movies are very humane, and I have to say one of my favorites is Way Down East, a powerful movie with Lilian Gish in it.

Going back to GBD, his desire for accomplishing his destiny meaning closing the cycle of his life should be considered as a suicidal impulse on his part.

Steve Bannon, on the other hand, he got an inspiration from Lenni Riefenstahl, a German director to create NAZI propaganda, and he wanted to have a fame as a skilled film director as Riefenstahl, but this loser totally lacked his skill and the command as the movie maker, and all he created were the ugly agitprops with apocalyptic views of the world. And he also promoted far-right extremist populism movement, not just in the US, but also in Europe with a little success. Only people Bannon succeeded to join in his populist/Nationalist movement were Victor Orban in Hungary, and Jair Bosonaro (what a loser) in Brasil.

I have to say there are certainly similarities between GBD and Bannon in terms of its extremely reactional thinking with regards to race.

Part II Fighting against oppression

As a typical of such deceitful conservative, Elon Musk says "woke virus infected his trans daughter led him to purchase Twitter/X, by pretending he is a free speech absolutist, but his intention was to suppress the voice of progressives.

We have to learn to defeat and their anti-logical rhetoric, defect-deny-blame tactics or their whataboutism. They use it to hide their corruption and blame the opposite side. Just watch what Rabbit hole says in this community. The most of what he says are lies coming from illogical whataboutism.

Wokeism should be interpreted as their opposition to any progress we made, and their anti-critical race theory (the most people doesn't know what it means) is their desire to wipe out all of black history in the US.

When Trump called the current GOP a swamp the statement was correct in a way, because GOP politics is mostly influenced by corporate interests, such as pharmaceutical industry to keep prescription drug price a way too expensive, gun industry to allow assault type weapons legal (some democrats are the same), and GOP has no policies except for making billionaires a huge tax break. However, Trump's true intention and his aspiration was totally different from what he said he would do to drain the swamp in GOP politics. His ambition was to become an US Autocrat and to topple US government, with the help of anti-governmental militants(Proud Boys/Oath Keepers), equally antigovernment US oligarchs, AND VERY REPRESSIVE Christian doctrines derived from White Evangelicals and some very conservative Catholics, mixed in the racism and their apparent disdain for colored voters and immigrants. Some Evangelical leaders reproach and condemn more open Evangelical preachers as "progressive"

At 2024 election, what Trump and its acolytes did to Morgan Freeman and her daughter, voter repression/voter intimidation/electorate alteration, electoral worker intimidation will not work

I will quote what Robert P Jones (executive of the Public Religion Research Institute and a member of Southern Baptist Convention) says;

"Our nation has always struggled with a fundamental contradiction. We built the philosophical framework for a democratic society on a foundation of mass racial violence. And we attempted to paper over the conflicts between these ideals and our actions with an audacious religious claim, rooted in a set of 15th-century church edicts known as the
Doctrine of Discovery: that this nation was intended by God to be a promised land for European Christians.

As a result, White Christian Americans have always proffered a skewed history that can only be characterized as a counterfactual myth of impossible innocence. When social movements and other voices threaten to expose these contradictions, White Americans have acted powerfully in their defense. After the Civil War, for example, the United Daughters of the Confederacy organized to build their version of American history into granite, bronze and into
public school textbooks. More recently, we've seen similar reactions following the retreat of White students into Christian segregation academies following school desegregation. And in the wake of the election of our first African American president and the Black Lives Matter movement, we're experiencing another desperate wave of willful amnesia and historical denial."


Aug 29 2023 11:52AM
     GOP intellectuals' total failure Part II
I should have known; I made a mistake by posting my comment at GDP initiated blog only to receive his irrational insults. So I humbly apologize to HX that I repeated the same comment here as a result.

Going back to my blog and the last argument about 2020 election, the link tells you that the election was the most secure; Even Bill Barr says "To date, [DOJ investigators] have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election"

So my question to all of you is; how long you are willing to stick with Trump's claim of election fraud. Frankly I am sick and tired of his "Deflect-Deny & Blame" tactics, and people still believing him must have underlying psychological issues or motives. Trump is a complete loser.

The most symbolic state of minds of the current GOP is summarized when 6 out of 8 GOP presidential candidates raised their hands when Bret Baier asked them if they still support Trump when he is elected as president in 2024, exception of Asa Hutcherson and Chris Christie (though his gesture was a bit ambiguous despite his vigorous critic of Trump).It is so clear that GOP presidential candidates all support Trump even if officially he becomes a criminal.

And this time, another MAGA candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy behaved like a complete outsider (as in the case of Trump in 2016 presidential election), he is the total insider, sponsored by billionaire/ NAZI admirer Peter Thiel, and far-right activist Leonard Leo. Both of them still support Trump.

I would recommend that people should take their time to read the full text of the 45-page Trump Jan 6 Indictment (I linked below), or the most extensive one in Georgia case. Or ideally, it is best when the trial is televised, and I am sure that Georgia case will be. People will see how scoundrel Trump really is.

I will quote a French Philosopher Jean Luc Nancy; "Purity is a crystalline chasm where the identical, the proper, the authentic is engulfed by itself; it is nothing at all, and it drags the other along in order to carry it into the abyss. The absolute law of the propre is that in appropriating its own purity, it alienates itself."

That is exactly what Nazism and MAGA-ism are all about.

And I will quote another from Pope Francis (though I am not a Christian); The Holy Father said "the situation in the United States is not easy due to 'a very strong reactionary attitude,' which is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally, when you go backward, you form something closed, disconnected from the roots of the Church and you lose the sap of revelation"
Attached Links
It is Official: The Election Was Secure
Read the full text of the 45 page Trump
read the full text of Georgia indictment


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