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 46 yrs old
San Fernando, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Sep 27 2020
Released Sep 28 2020

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Aug 27 2023 11:05AM
     GOP intellectuals' total failure
This is part II of

Now because of Georgia's indictments, we have to switch our subjects to the top of the food chain;

Fascism is a right wing (also in name of communism) food chain that requires willingness of the followers from the bottom up. As in the case of Nazism, Trumpism/MAGA-ism's main motive is based on its racism, White Nationalism, White Supremacy.

GOP intellectuals' failure to simply trust, and follow people's instincts, such as Tea Party Movement, and MAGA-ism, let their race-based rancor hatred, its centric voices, to be heard loud and clear, deep anti-rationalism and their anger for multi-culturalism and multi-race in this country. Evangelicals (its deep history of racism in the South), and elite GOP politicians, such as Cruz, DeSantis, Hawley, signaling and winking for the sake of US's hereditary ideology of European/White Christian construction of racism, and their willingness to follow mistakes of Europe, which gave birth to Nazism, its fusionism in the name of White Christianity.

Carlson/Trump's total embrace of dictatorship in Hungary and Russia, came directly from their desire to negate immigration and other races other than White. January 6 insurrection scheme architects are mainly GOP lawyers at the Claremont Institute here in California. Chesebro, Guiliani, Powell, Ellis, Clark all have the same genetic fingerprints all over.

Deep Corruption of supreme court, totally controlled by far-right political activists such as Leonard Leo (right wing Don of Mafia), and far right NAZI admirer billionaires such as Harlan Crow, by means of which GOP forces their will against the majority of people's will, which is not easily accomplished by congress. Using lousy excuse to employ US 1st amendment and second amendment to get rid of women's rights to bodily autonomy, by reducing them to second class citizen, and legalizing the flow of "Dark Money" to influence the election, while allowing more gun rights, at the expense of totally neglecting so many mass murders in the US, and many attempts for rooting out and eliminating 1965 voting rights act a little by little.

Gerrymandering by each GOP majority states, its book ban, its irrational anti-critical race theory sentiment, which is translated by their desire to wipe out racism history in the US to push their White Christian Nationalism.

After the Civil War, GOP and Democrats attempted to recover its constitution, but it was only achieved by allowing racial exclusion and one-party dominance at the Southern states. All of this GOP problems started to manifest when Nixon touted Southern Strategy and when Southern States (birth of KKK) shifted to GOP instead of Democratic party during Reagan era.

That is a root problem of its embrace of White Nationalism and total negation of Democracy and US's multiethnic society, where a snake like politicians such as Gingrich and Delay became popular with the slogan of "Politics as warfare", using nasty languages to accuse Democrats of its liberalism, and by touting White Christian Nationalism.

Politicians like Gingrich used polarization for his main arsenal to divide this country and Trump is the ultimate culmination of it. Now 50% of GOP members are proud members of White Evangelicals.


Sep 5 2021 05:04PM
     CDC Suggests Ivermectin For Afghan Refugees But Not For Americans part 2
DavisM1's only interest is "conspiracy theories" as he stated "honestly" on his profile. So, lets not kid ourselves with his seeming interest in scientific jargons and his abundant quotes from (pseudo)scientific literature. We have to first place doubt in our heads about sufficiency in his scientific training and understanding.

We all know since Greek days, there are people like him in any society, and we have been calling them as "sophists". Sophists' logics are useful when we need to diestablish fixed orders and highly structured society from within, just as Jacques Derrida have famously deconstructed Platonism in his books in the past.

However we all know DavisM1's interest is not exactly there, his true interest and true intention exists rather in bringing chaos to Democratic society and establish an authoritarian regime to his liking (mostly confined within White male power regime that he blatantly idolizes).

He says as if Ivermectin is established treatment for COVID-19, and that "Ivermectin is enlisted in the World Health Organization's Model List of Essential Medicines . However, he totally ignores that WHO advises ivermectin to be used "within clinical trials" , because "clinical improvement in Covid-19 is of "very low certainty" due to small sizes and methodological limitations of available clinical data". It is up to you to trust what DavisM1 says when he forcefully make us believe the studies made in Zimbabwe and Mexico are trustworthy enough. I bet $100.00 of my own money that DavisM1 would not touch this medication that he highly recommends once he became infected and very sick with Covid-19.

Also he repeatedly says that any masks including N95 are not effective. If that is the case, our common sense tells us that doctors and nurses treating covid patients would be all dead by now. Ask yourself why is it the infection rates in Florida and Texas is so high as compared with LA county for example. Mask is not perfect, but effective enough to prevent some infection among us.

As for abortion, Davis1 says "according to Gallup Polls and Pew, 51% of women are Pro-Life and 76% of women think abortion should be illegal orrestricted. " And this proves he is just another Trumpturd liar and conspiracy theorists. The reality is 52% of entire US population favors abortion, and 62% of women believes that abortion should be legal. He quotes them and he obviously did not read them correctly. That is the casa with all the Trumpturds here in HX
Attached Links
About six in ten americans say
WHO advises that ivermectin


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