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Level 2 Male

 46 yrs old
Costa Mesa, OC, CA
Registered Feb 16 2015
Released Feb 16 2015

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Jul 12 2022 04:32PM
     Outfit requests, and making an effort to be presentable
Hello Hx community. Having noticed some HX ladies seem a bit hesitant to dress up at all for consensual visits (think sweatpants/slippers/straight out of bed no make up), had a recent interaction by text with an honorable woman who stated that �Being asked what I will wear or to accommodate an outfit request usually means the person is too picky, and I don�t like it. I prefer to wear what I want�. Has left me intrigued as to whether the request to be presentable in something a bit more than just casual couch wear is a controversial one in general within the community

Are polite requests to dress up or wear certain outfits ok? Are they not? Should the expectation be even if you see a woman�s photos with her looking strikingly attractive dressed up in a dress or lingerie, not to expect that level of effort for an actual meet and greet? Is it crossing boundaries? Or is it entirely reasonable given the exchange that showing some level of wanting to look presentable goes without saying.

Thoughts from all comers- but particularly from the women of HX - are welcome.


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